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Error registering COM+ Application

公司用vb.net 2003写的一个COM+,导出Application Proxy, 在开发环境下安装都没有问题,但是在其它机子安装,就遇到这样那样的问题.而且windows报的错,都一个样.用google 搜了半天,也没找到具体的解决方案.

1. 该组件已经安装. 也会报Error registering COM+ Application.

2. 缺少其它组件. 报Error registering COM+ Application大半是缺少相关的组件. 如果不知道缺少什么组件,就比较麻烦. 比如:在开发环境下有安装.net framework, 而目标服务器没有安装,就会报这个错.如果是用VS2003,得在服务器上安.net framework 1.1, 而VS2005用的是.net framework2.0, 即使你安装了.net framework2.0, 还需要另外安装1.1的,因为不向下兼容.

3.DTC问题,报错的时候有一个Error Code:1928
( Error 1928. Error registering COM+ Application.  Contact your support personnel for more information.)
1. From the Start menu, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative
Tools, and then double-click Component Services.
2. Expand Component Services, and then expand Computers.
3. Right-click My Computer and then select Properties.
4. In the Properties window, select the MSDTC tab.
5. In the TransactionConfiguration area, click Security Configuration.
6. In the Security Settings area, select the Network DTCAccess check box.
7. In the Transaction ManagerCommunication area, select the Allow Inbound
and the AllowOutbound check boxes.
8. Click OK to close each open dialog box.
9. Restart your computer to enable the remote DTC option.



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    Remote COM registering远处COM注册

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