
WARNING: source src1: skipped 14 document(s) with zero/NULL ids

select 中缺少主键id


    警告: Parameters: Character decoding failed. Parameter 'varString' with value '%

    NULL 博文链接:https://greemranqq.iteye.com/blog/1664126

    ffmpeg 合并文件异常.txt

    ffmpeg -y -i concat:"1.mp4|2.mp4|3.mp4" -c copy 0.mp4 合并后只有一个文件的长度 采用文件方式 ffmpeg -f concat -i list.txt -c copy 1.mp4 本资源采用 ffmpeg concat 命令前,将mp4文件转换为指定编码后即可...

    eclipse-testng 离线包下载

    eclipse-testng 离线包 ... ... ... indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes" doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 ... return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue(prop); } } ...

    eac3to V3.17

    * "24.975" is now interpreted as "25.000/1.001" * Blu-Ray "sup" are demuxed with DTS set to 0 again, proper fix will come later * fixed: error code not set for "source file format could not be ...


    r40_tinav2.1_最终验证通过_使用CB-S来验证OV5640有横条纹fpscamera+SPI2.0成功_20171114_1443没有外层目录.7z 开发板:CB-S 1、(可选修改/调试技巧:) 除了ov5640.c之外,其它的驱动都不编译,节省编译时间!...


    - ADD Added checkbox "Keep connector's link" in flex-document property form. - FIX Remaks panel focusing on main form (via PostMessage), since TreeInspector in FlexEditSE captures focus on self. - ...

    Java邮件开发Fundamentals of the JavaMail API

    communicate with your company or Internet Service Provider's (ISP's) SMTP server. That SMTP server will relay the message on to the SMTP server of the recipient(s) to eventually be acquired by the ...




    建造$ ./gradlew clean assemble:clean:compileJava:processResources:classes:jar:findMainClass:startScripts:distTar SKIPPED:distZip SKIPPED:bootRepackage:assembleBUILD SUCCESSFULTotal time: ......


    If this option is not specified, gpinitsystem returns 1 if initialization completes with warnings, and returns value of 2 or greater if a fatal error occurs. PXF version 5.10.0 is included, which ...


    opengl 三维绘图演示程序。在visual c++ 2010 以上版本测试通过。... C:\2020\demo\OpenGL_on_a_Windows_Form\Debug\OpenGL_on_a_Windows_Form.exe========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded 0 failed 0 skipped ==========


    POST lish11/_update/1 { "script": "ctx._source.aaa = '115'" } 删除字段 使用POST请求删除一个字段实例。 POST lish11/_update/1 { "script": "ctx._source.remove('aaa')" } Doc核心元数据 Document的...

    HID 设备类读写

    \return Return the number of connected devices with the specific VID, PID, //! and serial number. // //****************************************************************************** DWORD HID_...


    标题中的"unixODBC-2.3.1-14.el7.x86_64.rpm"是一个在Linux系统中常见的软件包文件名,它代表了Unix Open Database Connectivity(UnixODBC)的一个版本。UnixODBC是一个开源的ODBC驱动程序管理器,允许Linux和Unix...

    Machine Learning and Security: Protecting Systems with Data and Algorithms

    What’s In This Book? We wrote this book to provide a framework for discussing the inevitable marriage of two ubiquitous concepts: machine learning and security. While there is some literature on the ...

    jce:qq jce协议

    encode ( [ "abc" , 1 , 3.3 , null , //null and undefined will be skipped [ 0 , 12n , Buffer . from ( "def" ) ] , //list { a : 0xffffff , b : BigInt ( 2 ** 60 ) } //map] ) ;// encode by objectconst ...

    Teleport Pro v1.69

    And with side image map exploration, automatic dial-up connecting, Java applet support, variable exploration depths, project scheduling, and relinking abilities, Teleport Pro is quite simply the best...



    Python安装包version 3.1.5

    skipped tests due to optional features which can't be imported. If a message is printed about a failed test or a traceback or core dump is produced, something is wrong. On some Linux systems (those ...

    Matters Computational ideas, algorithms, source code

    ### Matters Computational: Key Insights, Algorithms, and Source Code #### Overview "Matters Computational" is a comprehensive resource designed for computationalists, including professional ...

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