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Sometimes you may bind to some XmlDataProvider with the data provided as Xml Island. with XmlDataProvider, you may write something as follow.
<XmlDataProvider x:Key="OrderData2" XPath="Orders" > <x:XData> <!-- caveat: - see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1899451/how-do-i-bind-to-xmldataprovider-whos-source-has-a-default-namespace-xmlns-set on how to bind XmlDataProvider with a default xmlns set --> <Orders> <Order> <ProductName>Hi-Speed Tonic</ProductName> <CostPerUnit>50.00</CostPerUnit> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <Discount>5</Discount> <ShipAndHandle>10.00</ShipAndHandle> </Order> <Order> <ProductName>TNT</ProductName> <CostPerUnit>50.00</CostPerUnit> <Quantity>10</Quantity> <Discount>5</Discount> <ShipAndHandle>10.00</ShipAndHandle> </Order> <Order> <ProductName>Jet-propelled Roller Skates</ProductName> <CostPerUnit>50.00</CostPerUnit> <Quantity>2</Quantity> <Discount>5</Discount> <ShipAndHandle>10.00</ShipAndHandle> </Order> <Order> <ProductName>Portable Hole</ProductName> <CostPerUnit>50.00</CostPerUnit> <Quantity>15</Quantity> <Discount>5</Discount> <ShipAndHandle>10.00</ShipAndHandle> </Order> <Order> <ProductName>Earthquake Pills</ProductName> <CostPerUnit>50.00</CostPerUnit> <Quantity>10</Quantity> <Discount>5</Discount> <ShipAndHandle>10.00</ShipAndHandle> </Order> <Order> <ProductName>Rocket Sled</ProductName> <CostPerUnit>50.00</CostPerUnit> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <Discount>5</Discount> <ShipAndHandle>10.00</ShipAndHandle> </Order> <Order> <ProductName>Giant Rubber Band</ProductName> <CostPerUnit>50.00</CostPerUnit> <Quantity>2</Quantity> <Discount>5</Discount> <ShipAndHandle>10.00</ShipAndHandle> </Order> </Orders> </x:XData> </XmlDataProvider>
and you can do the following to bind to the XamDataGrid,
<ig:XamDataGrid x:Name="xamDatagrid" DataSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource OrderData2}, XPath=Order}" AutoFit="True" > <ig:XamDataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings> <ig:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields="True" /> </ig:XamDataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings> </ig:XamDataGrid>
This all good when you are viewing from the designer, you can see that the Xml child element is autogenerated as a filed to the DataGrid.
But when you run, it shows nothing, why?
The reason of nothing display when you run
The reason is because the XML data island is embedded in the xaml file, and it uses the default xmlns, which is
but when you do XPath binding, it will translate to the default xmlns="". so there are two choices.
choice 1.
force the xml island to use the default empty xmlns, you can do this
<Orders xmlns=""> <Order> ... </Order> </Orders>
choice 2.
you can use the XmlNamespaceManager in the XmlDataProvider. like this,
<XmlDataProvider x:Key="OrderData2" XPath="/fb:Orders" > <XmlDataProvider.XmlNamespaceManager> <XmlNamespaceMappingCollection> <XmlNamespaceMapping Uri="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" Prefix="fb" /> </XmlNamespaceMappingCollection> </XmlDataProvider.XmlNamespaceManager> <x:XData> <Orders> <!-- the same as above --> </Orders> </XmlDataProvider>
and in the XamDataGrid, in the DataSource binding parts, do this:
<ig:XamDataGrid x:Name="xamDatagrid" DataSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource OrderData2}, XPath=fb:Order}" AutoFit="True" > ... <?ig:XamDataGrid>
you will notice the fb as in
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