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1. 基本概念
Serialization is the process of turning structured objects into a byte stream for trans-mission over a network or for writing to persistent storage. Deserialization is the process of turning a byte stream back into a series of structured objects.
Serialization appears in two quite distinct areas of distributed data processing: forinterprocess communication and for persistent storage.
In Hadoop, interprocess communication between nodes in the system is implemented usingremote procedure calls (RPCs). The RPC protocol uses serialization to render the message into a binary stream to be sent to the remote node, which then deserializes the binary stream into the original message. In general, it is desirable that an RPC serialization format is:
· 数据设计紧凑,充分利用网络带宽
· 系列化和反序列化的工程能够迅速完成
· 协议是高可扩展的
· 支持互操作
public class MyWritable implements Writable {
// some data
private int counter;
private long timestamp;
// 序列化方法
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
// 反序列化方法
public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
counter = in.readInt();
timestamp = in.readLong();
// 反序列化的对外使用接口
public static MyWritable read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
MyWritable w = new MyWritable();
return w;
2. 比较器
1) WritableComparable
public interface WritableComparable<T> extends Writable, Comparable<T> {
2) RawComparator
public interface RawComparator<T> extends Comparator<T> {
public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2);
This interface permits implementors to compare records read from a stream without
deserializing them into objects, thereby avoiding any overhead of object creation.
3) WritableComparator
WritableComparator is a general-purpose implementation of RawComparator for WritableComparable classes. It provides two main functions:
First, it provides a default implementation of the raw compare() method that deserializes the objects to be compared from the stream and invokes the object compare() method.
Second, it acts as a factory for RawComparator instances (that Writable implementations haveregistered,通过一个HashMap<Class, WritableComparator> comparators来保持所有注册的comparator).For example, to obtain a comparator for IntWritable, we just use:
RawComparator<IntWritable> comparator = WritableComparator.get(IntWritable.class);
IntWritable w1 = new IntWritable(100);
IntWritable w2 = new IntWritable(101);
assertThat(comparator.compare(w1,w2), greatherThan(0));
byte[] b1 = serialize(w1);
byte[] b2 = serialize(w2);
assertThat(comparator.compare(b1,0,b1.length, b2, 0, b2.length), greatherThan(0));
3. Writable Classes
1) Java基本数据类型
There are Writable wrappers for all the Java primitive types except short and char (both of which can be stored in an IntWritable). All have a get() and a set() method for retrieving and storing the wrapped value.
Java 基本数据类型 |
Writable实现 |
Serialized size(bytes) |
boolean |
BooleanWritable |
1 |
byte |
ByteWritable |
1 |
int |
IntWritable |
4 |
VIntWritable |
1-5 |
float |
FloatWritable |
4 |
long |
LongWritable |
8 |
VLongWritable |
1-9 |
double |
DoubleWritable |
8 |
2) Text
Text is a Writable for UTF-8 sequences, the max length is 2GB, 这个类的系列化和反序列化都是比较显而易见的,实现上大部分代码在做 UTF-8编解码和String(java中的String用的是unicode)的转换等。
3) BytesWritable
BytesWritable is a wrapper for an array of binary data. Its serialized format is an integerfield (4 bytes) that specifies the number of bytes to follow, followed by the bytes them-selves. For example, the byte array of length two with values 3 and 5 is serialized as a 4-byte integer (00000002) followed by the two bytes from the array (03 and 05):
BytesWritable b = new BytesWritable(new byte[] { 3, 5 });
byte[] bytes = serialize(b);
assertThat(StringUtils.byteToHexString(bytes), is("000000020305"));
BinaryComparable是针对array of binary data而设计的比较器!
4) NullWritable
NullWritable is a special type of Writable, as it has a zero-length serialization. No bytes are written to, or read from, the stream. It is used as a placeholder; for example, in MapReduce, a key or a value can be declared as a NullWritable when you don’t need to use that position—it effectively stores a constant empty value.
5) ObjectWritable和GenericWritable
ObjectWritable is a general-purpose wrapper for the following: Java primitives, String, enum, Writable, null, or arrays of any of these types. It is used in Hadoop RPC to marshal(包装) and unmarshal method arguments and return types. 其实主要的通途就是对多于1个的域组成对象进行序列化!在对端进行反序列化的时候用到了WritableFactory和 WritableFactories(用来根据类名来生成对象)
6) Writable Collections
There are four Writable collection types in the org.apache.hadoop.io package:
ArrayWritable, TwoDArrayWritable, MapWritable, and SortedMapWritable.
ArrayWritable and TwoDArrayWritable are Writable implementations for arrays and two-dimensional arrays (array of arrays) of Writable instances. All the elements of an ArrayWritable or a TwoDArrayWritable must be instances of the same class, which is specified at construction, as follows:
ArrayWritable writable = new ArrayWritable(Text.class);
MapWritable and SortedMapWritable are implementations of java.util.Map<Writable,Writable> and java.util.SortedMap<WritableComparable, Writable>, respectively. The type of each key and value field is a part of the serialization format for that field.
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4. **数据存储与序列化**:Hadoop使用`org.apache.hadoop.io`包处理数据的存储和序列化,包括各种基本类型(如IntWritable、Text等)和复杂的可序列化对象(如SequenceFile、Avro等)。 5. **配置管理**:`org....
但可以推测,这个扩展模块可能包含定制化的输入输出流、数据序列化/反序列化工具,或者是针对特定硬件或网络环境的优化。 标签 "开源项目" 表明了这些软件包遵循开源许可协议,允许用户自由地使用、修改和分发代码...
5. **Avro API**:Hadoop 2.6还支持Avro数据序列化框架,允许跨语言的数据交换。`org.apache.hadoop.io.avro`包提供了Avro相关的类和接口。 6. **Guava库**:Hadoop依赖Google的Guava库,提供了一组实用工具类,如...
深入浅析Java Object Serialization与 Hadoop 序列化 序列化是指将结构化对象转化为字节流以便在网络上传输或者写到磁盘永久存储的过程。Java 中的序列化是通过实现 Serializable 接口来实现的,而 Hadoop 序列化则...
这一机制主要体现在`org.apache.hadoop.io`包中的各类可序列化对象,它们实现了`Writable`接口。 - **示例代码**:以下是一个简单的`MyWritable`类实现`Writable`接口的例子,用于演示如何实现序列化与反序列化: `...
【Hadoop平台技术 序列化操作案例】 在Hadoop平台上进行大数据处理时,序列化是必不可少的一个环节,它允许我们将复杂的数据结构转化为字节流,以便在网络间传输或存储到磁盘。在这个案例中,我们将探讨如何在...
在Java中,如果一个类需要支持序列化,那么这个类就需要实现`java.io.Serializable`接口,尽管该接口没有任何方法需要实现,但它的存在就标志着这个类的对象可以被序列化。 首先,我们来看一下`SerializableDemo`这...
4. **ProtocolBuffer**:Google的一种高效的数据交换格式,Hadoop需要它来支持数据序列化等功能。 5. **CMake**:一个跨平台的自动化构建系统,通常用于编译C/C++项目。 6. **ZLib**:一个提供数据压缩功能的库。 7....
Lib包是Hadoop的核心依赖库,包含了各种JAR文件,它们是Hadoop运行的基石,涵盖了网络通信、序列化、I/O操作、分布式存储和计算等关键功能。 lib包中包含了以下几类关键库文件: 1. **Hadoop Core Libraries**:...
Hadoop并没有使用Java的序列化机制,而是自己定义了大量的可序列化对象,这些对象都实现了Writable接口。实现Writable接口的类可以将对象数据编码成适合网络传输的格式,并能够从这种格式中解码。 Hadoop的...
- io.file.buffer.size:指的是序列化文件的缓冲大小,它应设置为硬件页面大小的倍数,例如在x86架构上通常是4096字节。 - file.blocksize:定义了HDFS的默认数据块大小,128MB(***字节)是默认值。 hdfs-site.xml...
最后,由于使用同步阻塞IO,其性能相比现代序列化协议较低。 2. **XML**:XML是一种常见的序列化协议,具有良好的可读性和自定义元素特性。然而,XML序列化数据仅包含数据本身,不包括类型信息,且需要有默认构造...
这种机制主要集中在`org.apache.hadoop.io`包中,定义了一系列可序列化的对象,并要求这些对象实现`Writable`接口。例如: ```java public class MyWritable implements Writable { private int counter; private...