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  • 来自: 湖南娄底



iOS defines four table-cell styles that implement the most common layouts for table rows in both plain and grouped tables. Each cell style is best suited to display a different type of information.

Note:  Programmatically, these styles are applied to a table view’s cell, which is an object that tells the table how to draw its rows.

Default (UITableViewCellStyleDefault ). The default cell style includes an optional image in the left end of the row, followed by a left-aligned title in black.

image: ../Art/ui_defaulttablecell.jpg

In the default cell style, the text label’s appearance implies that it represents an item name or title and its left-alignment makes the list easy to scan. This makes the default style good for displaying a list of items that do not need to be differentiated by supplementary information.

Subtitle (UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle ). The subtitle style includes an optional image in the left end of the row, followed by a left-aligned title on one line and a left-aligned subtitle on the line below. The title is in black and the subtitle is in a smaller, gray font.

image: ../Art/ui_subtitletablecell.jpg

In the subtitle cell style, the prominent appearance of the text label implies that it represents an item name or title, whereas the subtle appearance of the detail text label implies that it contains subsidiary information related to the item. The left-alignment of the text labels makes the list easy to scan. This table-cell style works well when list items look similar, because users can use the additional information in the detail text labels to help distinguish items named in the text labels.

Value 1 (UITableViewCellStyleValue1 ). The value 1 style displays a left-aligned title in black on the same line with a right-aligned subtitle in a smaller, blue font. Images do not fit well in this style.

image: ../Art/ui_value1tablecell.jpg

In the value 1 cell style, the appearance of the text label implies that it represents an item name or title, whereas the appearance of the detail text label implies that it provides important information that is closely associated with the item.

The left-alignment and font of the text label help users scan the list for the item they want, and the right-alignment of the detail text label draws their attention to the related information it provides. This table-cell style works well to display an item’s current value, possibly selected from a sublist.

Value 2 (UITableViewCellStyleValue2 ). The value 2 style displays a right-aligned title in a small, blue font, followed on the same line by a left-aligned subtitle in a larger, black font. Images do not fit well in this style.

image: ../Art/ui_value2tablecell.jpg

In the value 2 cell style, the right-alignment, constrained width, and font of the text label imply that it functions as a heading or caption for the important information in the more prominent, left-aligned detail text label.

In this layout, the labels are aligned towards each other at the same location in every row. This creates a crisp, vertical margin between the text labels and the detail text labels in the list, which helps users focus on the first words of the detail text label.

Note:  All four standard table-cell styles also allow the addition of a table-view element, such as the checkmark or the disclosure indicator. Adding these elements decreases the width of the cell available for the title and subtitle.





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