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AC.lib ICO - Java library for ICO files | Freeware | Read Microsoft Windows ICO files. Supports the javax.imageio framework, but the library can also be used from older (pre 1.4) Java runtime environments. |
ACME Java code | Special license on the website. | Read PPM (Portable PixMap), write GIFand PPM. |
AutoVue for Java | Commercial | Various raster image file formats, includingTIFF. |
Batik | Apache Software License 1.1 | The Batik toolkit also contains image I/O packages below theorg.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec hierarchy. Read and write PNG andTIFF. |
BMP Library | Free for personal use. | Read BMP files with 1, 8 or 24 bits, write BMP files with 24 bits. A demo viewer and documentation are included. |
BMP loader | Unknown to me. | Read Windows BMP files. This one comes with a nice introduction one how to deal with images in Java. |
BMP Read Sample | None specified. | BMP loader, includes sample application. |
BMPFile | None specified. | Javaworld.com tip 60. Write Windows BMP files. |
BMS Java Imaging Viewer (JIVe) | Commercial | Supports MO:DCA (IOCA [CCITT G3,G4, G4-MMR & JPEG encoding] and PTOCA), AFP (LIST3820), TIFF (various compression types), ASCII, EBCDIC, BMP, GIF, JPEG. |
DICOM Image I/O plugin | Commercial, evaluation version available. | Read and write DICOM image files. Uses the ImageIO API which has been introduced with Java 1.4. |
FFMTIFF | Commercial | Supports TIFF Group 4 decoding. Seems to be tested with all kinds of browsers on different platforms to be used in an applet. |
FM Software GifDecoder, AnimatedGifEncoder | Freeware | Read and write one image and animatedGIF. Includes a high quality color quantizer (a port of NeuQuant to Java) to reduce truecolor to palette images. A class to read uncompressed and RLE-compressed PSD files (Photoshop) was recently added. |
GIF decoder and encoder | Free | Read RLE GIF files. RLE (runlength encoding) will result in larger files compared to standard LZW GIFs, but has not the patent problems of LZW. The corresponding encoder was never completed, and the author does not intend to do so in the future. |
GIF encoder | ? | A GIF encoder, plus an implementation of an Octree color quantizer to reduce the number of colors, as GIF only supports up to 256 different colors in an image. |
Gif4J | Commercial (PRO and LIGHT versions) | Read and write GIF files. Supports creation of animations including color image quantization, text rendering etc. Offers several image editing algorithms, adding comments and watermarking GIFs (watermarking here means adding images on top of other images, not adding information to identify stolen images). |
GIF89Encoder | Public Domain | Based on the ACME encoder, this package offers more features, including encoding of animated GIFs and textual comments. Source code included. |
GIFImage | Apache License | Write one-image and animated GIF files. Supports transpareny. Comes with source code. |
GIFOutputStream.java | Free for non-commercial use. | Write GIF files. |
IBM alphaWorks | IBM Internet License Agreement | See the Image Conversion section, it has code to read and write Windows BMP files. |
ICJ (Image Converters for Java) | Commercial | Supports reading and writing of JPEG,PNG, BMP, GIF and PCX as well as dithering (presumably in combination with color quantization). |
ICOReader | LGPL | Read Windows icon files (.ico). To be used as part of the ImageIO framework, requires Java 1.4+. |
Image Saving Toolkit for Java Images(JVG/JIS) | LGPL | Write PNG, PICT, BMP, TIFF, TGA. Reads some of those as well. Class library and Java Beans. Seems to come with its own JPEG encoder, independent of IJG code. |
Image/J | Free for non-commercial use. | Read and write GIF, TIFF, JPEG. Read BMP, DICOM, FITS and PGM. |
ImageGear | Commercial | Read and write various formats, includingTIFF, BMP, MO:DCA, IOCA and CALS. |
ImageroReader | Free for non-commercial use. | Read BMP, TGA, TIFF, PNG, JNG, MNG, JPEG, CRW, PSD, GIF and MRW. Read thumbnails and metadata from those formats. Read thumbnails from THM. Read all embedded images from EPS files. |
ImageToGif | Freeware | [Page is gone; I'm trying to find the author] Saves an Image instance as aGIF file. No source code is provided. |
ImageToolz | ? | Read and write PPM and Windows BMP files. Also can load GIF and JPG via Toolkit. Uses the Obrador codec to writeJPEGs. Comes with source code. |
JAI (Java Advanced Imaging) | Sun license. | An image processing toolkit; Sun also provides the source code for the 1.0 image codecs. There is a page dedicated to image I/O issues. |
Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O API | Sun license. | Reader-writer plug-ins for the 1.4+ javax.imageio package. Supported: BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, PNM, Raw,TIFF, and WBMP image formats. |
Java Image Loader | LGPL | Image reading that is fast (using native code via JNI) and uses relatively little memory for GIF, JPEG, PNG (1.0), TIFF, TGA, BMP and XPM/XBM. Seems to work under Win32 only at the moment, but uses free, well-tested standard libraries like IJG, libtiff, libpng etc. which work under many platforms and are relatively easy to port to new ones. |
JavaPNG | LGPL | Read PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files. |
JDDK (Java DICOM Development Kit) | Commercial library, 30 day trial version. | Read and write DICOM, the file format for medial images. |
JIMI | Sun Binary Code License Agreement | Sun development kit to read and write several formats, including GIF, JPEG,TIFF, PNG, PICT, PSD, BMP, TGA, ICO, CUR, RAS, XBM, XPM and PCX. |
JIU—Java Imaging Utilities | GPL | Java imaging library with support for PNG, GIF, IFF, RAS, PCD, PBM/PGM/PPM/PNM, PSD, TIFF(uncompressed, PackBits, Deflate, CCITT-1D, LogLuv). |
JJ2000 | ? | An implementation of the JPEG 2000image compression standard. |
JMagick | LGPL | A wrapper to the functionality ofImageMagick, a powerful free imaging library (supported formats). JNI is used to access native code (written in C). |
JPEG baseline decoder and encoder | Special license at the beginning of each source code file. | Read and write JPEG files. |
JPEG baseline encoder | Commercial (previously freeware) | Write JPEG files. |
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MIT License | Read various RAW formats of digital cameras like Nikon's NEF or CRW/CR2 with Canon. Pure Java code. |
LizardWorks TIFF library | (L)GPL | Read TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files. Some files of the toolkit seem to be under the GPL, others under the LGPL. |
LONI Java Image I/O Plugins | LGPL | Read and write DICOM, ECAT, GE, MINC, AFNI, ANALYZE, and NIFTI (medical image file formats). |
LuraWave Java SDK | Commercial | Read and write LuraTech's proprietary LWF format. Offers several types of compression, lossy and lossless, some of the wavelet-based. Java 1.1.7 or higher required. Trial version and applets available. |
Netbrand Flexible Imaging System (FITS) | Commercial | Supports GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, FlashPix (I.I.P.), and WinFax. Makes use of platform-specific hardware enhancements. Evaluation sample applets and beans are available. |
PCX Reader | Freeware | Read PCX files. Source code available with either English or German comments. |
PGM and PPM in Java | Unknown | Read and write PGM and PPM images, the page is in French, but the code has method names in English. |
PictDraw | Public Domain | Read Macintosh PICT files (pixel and vector graphics parts are both supported) |
PixTools | Commercial, demo available | Supports TIFF (including G3 and G4), BMP, JBIG (for bilevel images), GIF andJPEG. It is not clear whether all formats will be read and written. |
PNGEncoder | LGPL | Write PNG files (with up to 8 bits per channel). Support for an alpha channel is implemented. |
PngEncoder 1.2 | LGPL | Save an Image object as PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file. |
RasterMaster | Commercial | Read and write numerous image file formats, including TIFF, DICOM, MO:DCA, PCL, JBIG, JPEG and BMP. Also provides various image editing and processing operations. |
RGBImage | ? | Read RLE-compressed SGI RGB image files. Part of the City Scanning Project. |
Sanselan Java Image Library | Apache | Read PNG, GIF, TIFF (LZW, CCITT/Huffman, Packbits), BMP, PSD, PBM/PGM/PPM/PNM. |
Sixlegs PNG library | LGPL | Read and write PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files. |
Sun's com.sun.image.codec.jpeg package | Unknown to me (maybe same as Java). | Read and write JPEG files; classes included in Sun's JDK/JRE 1.2+, but notstandard library classes, so you cannot rely on them being there with every Java VM! Documentation can be downloaded from Sun's website. |
Tiffy | Commercial, trial version available | Read TIFF, BMP, GIF, JPG and PNG. Various TIFF compression types are supported, decoding is relatively fast. Also includes printing, viewing and image processing functionality. Available asapplication (or applet) or toolkit. |
ViewTIFF | Commercial, demo version available | A TIFF decoder for compression methods Group 4, Group 3 (1-D and 2-D), TIFF Mode 2 and LZW. |
WBMP article | ? | Dynamic generation of WBMP graphs from XML data using JavaBeans and JSP. Includes sample code to write WBMP files. |
WBMPCreator | Commercial | Library to write various wireless image file formats: (animated) WBMP, OTB, NLM. |
WBMPMaster | Free for evaluation, nothing about licensing the code. | Write WBMP files. Also provides implementations of several algorithms for reducing images to black and white, plus a couple of image editing features (scaling, flipping, mirroring). |
XPM color image utility class | GPL | Read XPM files. |
Java 类库是 Java API 的一部分,是系统提供的已实现的标准类的集合。这些类和方法都是精心设计的,其运行效率高、质量高。类库中的这些类和方法包含在几乎所有的 Java 软件中,所以具有很好的移植性。 Java 类库的...
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本资源集合了"Basic4Android最新最全类库",包括各种库文件和示例,旨在为B4A开发者提供丰富的工具和支持。 类库在编程中起着至关重要的作用,它们是一组预定义的函数、方法和对象,可以被开发者调用以实现特定功能...
Java类库是一系列预先编写的类和接口的集合,开发者可以导入并使用它们来实现各种功能,如文件操作、网络通信、数据处理等。Java标准版(Java SE)提供了大量的内置类库,如`java.util`、`java.io`、`java.net`等。...
6. **集合操作**: Java的`java.util`包提供了多种集合框架,如`List`、`Set`和`Map`接口,以及实现这些接口的类如`ArrayList`、`HashSet`和`HashMap`。工具类可能包含了一些实用方法,如集合的过滤、映射、合并、...
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集合操作-差 297 常用函数 297 数据类型转换函数CAST和CONVERT 298 分组查询 299 五大约束 301 索引 303 数据库的备份与恢复 304 内容总结 308 独立实践 309 第十八章:数据库(三) 310 学习目标: 310 存储过程 ...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
在Java开发领域,图像处理是一项不可或缺的任务,而Java自带的ImageIO类库虽然基础功能完备,但在处理某些特定格式或者需要高级功能时,其能力显得较为有限。此时,第三方库如TwelveMonkeys ImageIO就显得尤为重要。...