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prevent double-click

First we talk about the button.
Button or Submit
Solution 1: disable_with => "Begin Service"
Rails can use :disable_with => "Begin Service".
= button_tag "Begin Service", root_path, :disable_with => "Begin Service" 

This will not work when use RailsVersion Under(maybe 3.2) for image_submit_button.
So we can fix it like this:
Solution 2:
$("#an_image_submit").attr("disabled", true)

Link Add class = 'nodouble' to a link
Solution 1:
$(".nodouble").live "click", -> 
  $(this).click -> return false 

Solution 2:
$("body").on "click", ".nodouble", (e) -> 
  $(this).attr "onclick", "" 
  $(this).on "click", (e) -> false 

Solution 3: For Ajax query: CSS:
#'pointer-events: none' will not work in IE, So this solution is not suitable for IE. This solution's benifit is that it will change the CSS of the clicked link.
a.disabled { opacity: 0.5; pointer-events: none; cursor: default } 

$(".nodouble").livequery "click", (e) -> 
  a = $(this) a.addClass('disabled') 

Because Solution 3 can not work with IE, So we should do more work like this: Solutions 4
$(".nodouble").livequery "click", (e) -> 
  a = $(this) return false if a.data("clicked") a.data("clicked", true) 


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