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10 Flex and Ruby on Rails Integration Examples

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I love RIA technologies and Ruby on Rails. I always think combination of the these two could be greatest system framework. I’m glad Adobe recognizes that too, so do a few great guys. Here are the examples:

Integrating Flex 2 and Ruby on Rails

This Adobe article was written by Derek Wischusen from flexonrails.net. This is a full example writing including all the source code and the details on how it works. Very good start point to understand the beauty and power of the dual, Flex and Ruby on Rails.

When using Flex you have several options to choose from for back-end server software. So why might you want to choose Rails? Ruby on Rails, like Flex, is a well thought out, elegantly simple framework. As you will see, Rails uses code generation and metaprogramming to make it incredibly easy to integrate with a database using almost no SQL code. Furthermore, when you use Rails, you also get to use Ruby, a programming language that is both extremely powerful and easy to use. Using Flex and Ruby on Rails, you will be able to get more done with less code.

Flex + Rails + Ruby = RIA Nirvana.

I can’t agree more.

Combining the Power of Flex2 and Ruby on Rails

This is a combination of both vediocast and podcast. It’s a interesting way of delivering technology content itself. I’m not it’s good way of getting hand on something but rather a entertainment of learning to love a piece of great technology.

RubyOnRails and Flex

Stuart Eccles from liverail.com posted the mini serial article on the integration of Ruby on Rails and Flex. Here they are, Part 1Part 2Part 2 Extra Time. Just remind you they are not some quick blog posts. Those are lengthy technical details step by step. If you know both technologies, you’d love these. Thank you!

Flex On Ruby on Rails

Automating the communication between the client and server. It’s written by Harris Reynolds. The server technology it used is WebORB by Midnight Coders (www.themidnightcoders.com). This WebORB approach is somewhat different because the server side has been handled by not just spiting out XML, rather, a more robust engine. If you are considering a big scale serious application, this could be solution for you.

Flex for Rails Developers

If you are looking for a Flex + Ruby community, then http://flex.org/ruby is the place. The greatest part of this community is that you can pick up a bunch of components for your Flex Ruby experiment.

Flexible Rails

Peter Armstrong’s Flexible Rails is a site that prompts his ebook, Flexible Rails, which costs $20. Besides the book, there are good amount of information and sources relate to Flex and Rails.

RailsLog Visualizer

I’ve mentioned this couple of times, only because this tool is still evolving, now on Adobe AIR too. Well, it’s not really integrating with Rails, however, it’s close to Rails enough to be listed here.

RESTFul Rails from Flex

If you have no idea what RESTFul means, then you probably is not in the Rails camp. In that case, you might know what DRY means either. But never mind, this article will help you some. It’s not long but very very thoughtful approach for Flex and Rails integration.

Adobe Flex SDK for Rails

Yes, Adobe is still very trendy and hype and it does Rails too with Flex. They put it open source on Google Code.

WebORB for Ruby on Rails

WebORB for Rails is server-side technology enabling connectivity between Flex and Flash Remoting clients and Ruby on Rails applications. WebORB for Rails can be installed as a plugin into any Rails application to expose Ruby classes as remote services. The product provides a complete implementation of the Adobe’s AMF0 and AMF3 messaging protocols and thus supports any Flash Remoting or Flex client. This is a very serous product that you can take it as great solution for a real application.

Here are a few articles from them: Invoking Ruby objects with <mx:RemoteObject>.


People doing Flash might familiar with AMFPHP, the open source Flash Remote framework allows Flash or Flex communicate with PHP backend. RubyAMF does the same thing for Ruby. Like WebORB, it’s not directly involved with Rails but it provides the fundamental building block to enable high performance Flex Rails integration, beyond XML messaging.



下载 Flexible Rails. Flex 3 on Rails 2.rar





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