<html> <head> <title>SMS Web Sender Demo</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> <h2>SMS Web Sender DEMO!</h2> <?php if ($action != "submit") { ?> <i>Any username or password you enter here will not be stored in any way (although we're not using SSL either)</i> <p><i>Also, as you can see most of these are UK sites, not all of them will support international numbers!</i></p> <form method="post" action="demo.php"> <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"> <tr> <td align="right"><b>Site</b></td> <td> <select name="site"> <option value="txtuk_net">txtuk.net (no login)</option> <option value="mtnsms_com">mtnsms.com</option> <option value="lycos_co_uk">lycos.co.uk</option> <option value="excite_co_uk">excite.co.uk</option> <option value="uboot_com">uboot.com</option> <option value="genie_co_uk">genie.co.uk</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><b>User</b></td> <td> <input type="text" name="user"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><b>Password</b></td> <td> <input type="password" name="pass"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"><b>Number</b></td> <td> <input type="text" name="number"> (eg. +447123123123)</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"><b>Message</b></td> <td> <textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="8"></textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><b>Debug</b></td> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="debug" value="yes"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> </td> <td> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="submit"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Send!"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } else { // contains the site details include("sites.php"); // contains main class include("class.sms_web_sender.php"); if (empty($number) || empty($site) || empty($message)) { die("Make sure number, site and message are not empty"); } if (!empty($debug) && $debug == "yes") { $debug = true; } else { $debug = false; } // signature bit of text that's required by some // sites like MTNSMS.com, you can leave as is $signature = "*"; // create instance of sms web sender the one // optional argument will determine if // debug is turned on or not $sms = new sms_web_sender($debug); // add accounts // 1st argument: username // 2nd argument: password // 3rd argument: server // 4th argument: weight (this is only useful when // shuffling the logins, the higher // the weight, the more likely it'll // be placed near the top of the list) // default if left blank: 1 $sms->add_login("$user", "$pass", "$site"); // add Proxy Server details if required // I haven't tested this myself, feature of jm_sms //$sms->setProxyServer("proxyserver"); //$sms->setProxyPort(81); //$sms->setProxyUser("proxyusername"); //$sms->setProxyPass("proxypassword"); //$sms->setProxy(true); // passes the number, signature and message in an array $result = $sms->send_sms(array("number"=>$number, "signature"=>$signature, "message"=>$message)); if ($result) { echo "<h2>Sent!</h2>"; } else { echo "<h2>Could not send :(</h2>"; echo "<p><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">Go Back</a></p>"; } } ?> </body> </html>
<?php if (!defined("_SITES_INCLUDED")) { define("_SITES_INCLUDED", 1); } define("CLASS_NAME", "sms_web_sender"); /************************************** each class needs to have these functions + login() + logout() + send_sms() ***************************************/ class sms_global { // takes a +44 international style number and returns a UK style number // eg. +447977777777 becomes 07977777777 // used for some sites which don't accept the international format (genie.co.uk - 8/12/01) function uk_num_format($number) { return preg_replace("/\\+[0-9]{2}([0-9]+)/", "0$1", $number); } // get rid of the + sign in the number function strip_plus_sign($number) { return str_replace("+", "", $number); } // return the country code from a number function country_code($number) { if (preg_match("/^\\+([0-9]{2})[0-9]+/", $number, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } else { return false; } } // return the value of a hidden html form field function hidden_field_val($html, $field_name) { if (preg_match('/type="?hidden"? name="?'.$field_name.'"? value="?([^"]+)"?/i', $html, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } } } /******************************************************************************************************** ***************** * LYCOS.CO.UK * ***************** ********************************************************************************************************/ class lycos_co_uk extends sms_global { //------------------------- // SERVER DETAILS //------------------------- var $server = "sms.lycos.co.uk"; var $server_login = "login.lycos.co.uk"; var $server_logout = "login.lycos.co.uk"; //------------------------- // LOGIN // vars - [[USER]] [[PASS]] //------------------------- var $login_script = "/bin/membership/len_login?StatusCookie=OK"; var $login_command = "member_name=[[USER]]&service=lycos&redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fsms.lycos.co.uk%2Fmobile%2F&target_url=&fail_url=&format=&password=[[PASS]]&product=SMS&x=20&y=10"; // check for this URL var $success_url = "/bin/membership/len_cookie"; // next URL var $next_url = "/mobile/message_center/message_center.jsp"; // message delivered url var $message_delivered_url = "/mobile/message_center/message_delivered.jsp"; //------------------------- // SEND SMS // vars - [[TIMESTAMP]] [[GSM_NUMBER]] [[MESSAGE]] [[SIG]] //------------------------- // check for success string var $success_string = "SMS message sent to:"; // check for quota string var $quota_exceeded_string = "You tried to send"; // send command var $send_command = "myaction=send×tamp=[[TIMESTAMP]]&buddy=No+buddies&recsource=receiver&receiver=[[GSM_NUMBER]]&format=sms&body=[[MESSAGE]]&phrase=--+Select+a+phrase+--"; // send URL var $send_script = "/mobile/message_center/message_center.jsp"; // message var $send_message = "[[MESSAGE]]"; // logout URL var $logout_script = "/bin/membership/len_logout?redirect=http:%2F%2Fsms.lycos.co.uk%2Fmobile"; // failure checks var $fail = array(); /************************** constructor ***************************/ function lycos_co_uk() { //------------------------- // FAILED LOGINS CLUES // vars - [[USER]] //------------------------- $this->fail[0][check_type] = "body"; $this->fail[0][check_for] = "<b>ERROR:</b> The password supplied for"; $this->fail[0][debug_msg] = "Incorrect password for user: [[USER]]"; $this->fail[1][check_type] = "body"; $this->fail[1][check_for] = "<b>ERROR:</b> There is no member"; $this->fail[1][debug_msg] = "User name not found: [[USER]]"; } /************************** login ***************************/ function login(&$sms_obj) { if (isset($this->server_login)) { $sms_obj->set_server($this->server_login); } // grab login string $command = $this->login_command; $command = str_replace("[[USER]]", urlencode($sms_obj->get_username()), $command); $command = str_replace("[[PASS]]", $sms_obj->get_password(), $command); $result = $sms_obj->post_url($this->login_script, $command); $redirect_url = $sms_obj->parse_redirect($result); // check for incorrect login details if (is_array($this->fail)) { for ($x=0; $x < count($this->fail); $x++) { $check_in = ($this->fail[$x][check_type] == "body") ? $result : $redirect_url; if (strstr($check_in, $this->fail[$x][check_for]) != "") { $sms_obj->debug(str_replace("[[USER]]", $sms_obj->get_username(), $this->fail[$x][debug_msg])); return false; } } } $sms_obj->set_cur_url("http://".$sms_obj->get_server().$redirect_url); if (strstr($redirect_url, $this->success_url)) { $sms_obj->debug("Redirect URL matches Success URL: ".$this->success_url); // switch to main server at this point (incase login servers were used) $sms_obj->set_server($this->server); $sms_obj->set_cur_url("http://".$sms_obj->get_server().$this->next_url); } return true; } /************************** send sms ***************************/ function send_sms($options, &$sms_obj) { // has to have $message, $signature, $number extract($options); if (!$sms_obj->login()) { $sms_obj->debug("Unable to log in"); return false; } $tmp_message = $this->send_message; $tmp_message = str_replace("[[TIMESTAMP]]", time(), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($number), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message), $message); $message = $tmp_message; $command = $this->send_command; $command = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($number), $command); $command = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $command); $command = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message), $command); $result = $sms_obj->post_url($this->send_script, $command); if (strstr($result, $this->message_delivered_url)) { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Message Sent Successfully"); return true; } else { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Send Failed"); // echo $result; if (strstr($result, $this->quota_exceeded_string)) { $sms_obj->debug("Quota for current user [".$sms_obj->get_username()."] exceeded."); } return false; } } /************************** logout ***************************/ function logout(&$sms_obj) { $sms_obj->debug("Logging out..."); if (isset($this->server_logout)) { $sms_obj->set_server($this->server_logout); } $sms_obj->get_url($this->logout_script); return true; } } /******************************************************************************************************** ***************** * MTNSMS.COM * ***************** ********************************************************************************************************/ class mtnsms_com extends sms_global { //------------------------- // SERVER DETAILS //------------------------- var $server = "www.mtnsms.com"; var $server_logout = "www.mtnsms.com"; //------------------------- // LOGIN // vars - [[USER]] [[PASS]] //------------------------- var $login_script = "/session.asp"; var $login_command = "username=[[USER]]&password=[[PASS]]&email=&joinusclick=no&returl=&x=40&y=43"; // check for this URL var $success_url = "/members/contacts/contacts.asp"; // next URL var $next_url = "/sms/xsms.asp"; //------------------------- // SEND SMS // vars - [[TIMESTAMP]] [[GSM_NUMBER]] [[MESSAGE]] [[SIG]] //------------------------- // check for success string var $success_string = "your message sent to"; // check for success url var $message_delivered_url = "/sms/msgSent.asp"; // check for quota string var $quota_exceeded_string = "Daily message quota exceeded"; // send command var $send_command = "smsToCTs=&smsToNumbers=[[GSM_NUMBER]]&smsMessage=[[MESSAGE]]&smsSig=1&smsSigDyna=[[SIG]]&msgCL=138&lenSSig=4&lenLSig=3&lenSysSig=11"; // send URL var $send_script = "/sms/xsms.asp"; // message var $send_message = "[[MESSAGE]]"; // logout URL var $logout_script = "/logout.asp"; // failure checks var $fail = array(); /************************** constructor ***************************/ function mtnsms_com() { //------------------------- // FAILED LOGINS CLUES // vars - [[USER]] //------------------------- $this->fail[0][check_type] = "URL"; $this->fail[0][check_for] = "/registration/"; $this->fail[0][debug_msg] = "User name not found: [[USER]]"; $this->fail[1][check_type] = "URL"; $this->fail[1][check_for] = "err=204"; $this->fail[1][debug_msg] = "Incorrect password for user: [[USER]]"; } /************************** login ***************************/ function login(&$sms_obj) { if (isset($this->server_login)) { $sms_obj->set_server($this->server_login); } // grab login string $command = $this->login_command; $command = str_replace("[[USER]]", urlencode($sms_obj->get_username()), $command); $command = str_replace("[[PASS]]", $sms_obj->get_password(), $command); $result = $sms_obj->post_url($this->login_script, $command); $redirect_url = $sms_obj->parse_redirect($result); // check for incorrect login details if (is_array($this->fail)) { for ($x=0; $x < count($this->fail); $x++) { $check_in = ($this->fail[$x][check_type] == "body") ? $result : $redirect_url; if (strstr($check_in, $this->fail[$x][check_for]) != "") { $sms_obj->debug(str_replace("[[USER]]", $sms_obj->get_username(), $this->fail[$x][debug_msg])); return false; } } } $result = $sms_obj->get_url($redirect_url); if (strstr($redirect_url, $this->success_url)) { $sms_obj->debug("Redirect URL matches Success URL: ".$this->success_url); // switch to main server at this point (incase login servers were used) $sms_obj->set_server($this->server); $sms_obj->get_url($this->next_url); } return true; } /************************** send sms ***************************/ function send_sms($options, &$sms_obj) { // should have $message, $signature, $number extract($options); if (!$sms_obj->login()) { $sms_obj->debug("Unable to log in"); return false; } $tmp_message = $this->send_message; $tmp_message = str_replace("[[TIMESTAMP]]", time(), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($number), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message), $message); $message = $tmp_message; $command = $this->send_command; $command = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($number), $command); $command = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $command); $command = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message."\n"), $command); $result = $sms_obj->post_url($this->send_script, $command); if (strstr($result, $this->message_delivered_url)) { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Message Sent Successfully"); return true; } else { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Send Failed"); // echo $result; if (strstr($result, $this->quota_exceeded_string)) { $sms_obj->debug("Quota for current user [".$sms_obj->get_username()."] exceeded."); } return false; } } /************************** logout ***************************/ function logout(&$sms_obj) { $sms_obj->debug("Logging out..."); if (isset($this->server_logout)) { $sms_obj->set_server($this->server_logout); } $sms_obj->get_url($this->logout_script); return true; } } /******************************************************************************************************** ***************** * TXTUK.NET * ***************** ********************************************************************************************************/ class txtuk_net extends sms_global { //------------------------- // SERVER DETAILS //------------------------- var $server = "www.txtuk.net"; //------------------------- // LOGIN // vars - [[USER]] [[PASS]] //------------------------- var $login_script = "/sendtxtmsg.php"; //------------------------- // SEND SMS // vars - [[TIMESTAMP]] [[GSM_NUMBER]] [[MESSAGE]] [[SIG]] //------------------------- // check for success string var $success_string = "Message Sent to"; // send command var $send_command = "back=default&tnumber=[[GSM_NUMBER]]&message=[[MESSAGE]]"; // send URL var $send_script = "/action_sendtxtmsg.php"; // message var $send_message = "[[MESSAGE]]"; // failure checks var $fail = array(); /************************** constructor ***************************/ function txtuk_net() { //------------------------- // FAILED LOGINS CLUES // vars - [[USER]] //------------------------- $this->fail[0][check_type] = "body"; $this->fail[0][check_for] = "Message not authorised"; $this->fail[0][debug_msg] = "Problems sending!"; } /************************** login ***************************/ function login(&$sms_obj) { $result = $sms_obj->get_url($this->login_script); $sms_obj->parse_redirect($result); return true; } /************************** send sms ***************************/ function send_sms($options, &$sms_obj) { // has to have $message, $signature, $number extract($options); if (!$sms_obj->login()) { $sms_obj->debug("Unable to log in"); return false; } $tmp_message = $this->send_message; $tmp_message = str_replace("[[TIMESTAMP]]", time(), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($number), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message), $message); $message = $tmp_message; $command = $this->send_command; $command = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($number), $command); $command = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $command); $command = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message), $command); $result = $sms_obj->post_url($this->send_script, $command); if (strstr($result, $this->success_string)) { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Message Sent Successfully"); return true; } else { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Send Failed"); // echo $result; return false; } } /************************** logout ***************************/ function logout(&$sms_obj) { return true; } } /******************************************************************************************************** ***************** * GENIE.CO.UK * ***************** ********************************************************************************************************/ class genie_co_uk extends sms_global { //------------------------- // SERVER DETAILS //------------------------- var $server = "www.genie.co.uk"; //------------------------- // LOGIN // vars - [[USER]] [[PASS]] //------------------------- var $pre_login_script = "/"; var $login_script = "/login/doLogin"; var $login_command = "username=[[USER]]&password=[[PASS]]&x=9&y=9"; //------------------------- // SEND SMS // vars - [[TIMESTAMP]] [[GSM_NUMBER]] [[MESSAGE]] [[SIG]] //------------------------- // check for success string var $success_string = "has been sent"; // check for quota string var $quota_exceeded_string = "You tried to send"; // send command var $send_command = "RECIPIENT=[[GSM_NUMBER]]&ABNUMBER=&left=103&SUBJECT=&check=0&MESSAGE=[[MESSAGE]]&action=Send"; // send URL var $send_script = "/public/gmail/smsconfirm.html"; // message var $send_message = "[[MESSAGE]]"; // logout URL var $logout_script = "/logout/"; // failure checks var $fail = array(); /************************** constructor ***************************/ function genie_co_uk() { //------------------------- // FAILED LOGINS CLUES // vars - [[USER]] //------------------------- $this->fail[0][check_type] = "body"; $this->fail[0][check_for] = "User Name and/or Password you entered"; $this->fail[0][debug_msg] = "Incorrect user/pass for user: [[USER]]"; } /************************** login ***************************/ function login(&$sms_obj) { /** NOT NECESSARY! ******** *************************** $result = $sms_obj->get_url($this->pre_login_script); $redirect_url = $sms_obj->parse_redirect($result); $sms_obj->get_url($redirect_url); if (isset($this->server_login)) { $sms_obj->set_server($this->server_login); } */ // grab login string $command = $this->login_command; $command = str_replace("[[USER]]", urlencode($sms_obj->get_username()), $command); $command = str_replace("[[PASS]]", $sms_obj->get_password(), $command); $result = $sms_obj->post_url($this->login_script, $command); $redirect_url = $sms_obj->parse_redirect($result); // check for incorrect login details if (is_array($this->fail)) { for ($x=0; $x < count($this->fail); $x++) { $check_in = ($this->fail[$x][check_type] == "body") ? $result : $redirect_url; if (strstr($check_in, $this->fail[$x][check_for]) != "") { $sms_obj->debug(str_replace("[[USER]]", $sms_obj->get_username(), $this->fail[$x][debug_msg])); return false; } } } if (!$redirect_url) { return false; } return true; } /************************** send sms ***************************/ function send_sms($options, &$sms_obj) { // has to have $message, $signature, $number extract($options); if (!$sms_obj->login()) { $sms_obj->debug("Unable to log in"); return false; } $tmp_message = $this->send_message; $tmp_message = str_replace("[[TIMESTAMP]]", time(), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($this->uk_num_format($number)), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message), $message); $message = $tmp_message; $command = $this->send_command; $command = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($this->uk_num_format($number)), $command); $command = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $command); $command = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message), $command); $result = $sms_obj->post_url($this->send_script, $command); if (strstr($result, $this->success_string)) { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Message Sent Successfully"); return true; } else { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Send Failed"); // echo $result; if (strstr($result, $this->quota_exceeded_string)) { $sms_obj->debug("Quota for current user [".$sms_obj->get_username()."] exceeded."); } return false; } } /************************** logout ***************************/ function logout(&$sms_obj) { $sms_obj->debug("Logging out..."); if (isset($this->server_logout)) { $sms_obj->set_server($this->server_logout); } $sms_obj->get_url($this->logout_script); return true; } } /******************************************************************************************************** ***************** * UBOOT.COM * ***************** ********************************************************************************************************/ class uboot_com extends sms_global { //------------------------- // SERVER DETAILS //------------------------- var $server = "www.uboot.com"; //------------------------- // LOGIN // vars - [[USER]] [[PASS]] //------------------------- var $login_script = "/cgi-bin/login.fcgi/uk/login"; var $login_command = "unickname=[[USER]]&password=[[PASS]]&x=80&y=4"; //------------------------- // SEND SMS // vars - [[TIMESTAMP]] [[GSM_NUMBER]] [[MESSAGE]] [[SIG]] //------------------------- // check for success string var $success_string = "transmit_done.gif"; // check for quota string var $quota_exceeded_string = "You tried to send"; // send command var $send_command = "p=csn&a=formaction&messageclass=Uboot%3A%3AMessages%3A%3ASMS&abook=addressbook&unickname=&unumber=&netw=&mobileno=[[GSM_NUMBER]]&smsno=[[GSM_NUMBER]]&date=&time=&num=0&body=[[MESSAGE]]&send.x=43&send.y=6"; // send URL var $send_script = "/cgi-bin/ubox.fcgi"; // message var $send_message = "[[MESSAGE]]"; // logout URL var $logout_script = "/cgi-bin/login.fcgi/uk/dologout"; // failure checks var $fail = array(); /************************** constructor ***************************/ function uboot_com() { //------------------------- // FAILED LOGINS CLUES // vars - [[USER]] //------------------------- $this->fail[0][check_type] = "body"; $this->fail[0][check_for] = "entered is not valid"; $this->fail[0][debug_msg] = "Incorrect telephone number entered"; $this->fail[1][check_type] = "body"; $this->fail[1][check_for] = "doesn't exist"; $this->fail[1][debug_msg] = "User name not found: [[USER]]"; $this->fail[2][check_type] = "body"; $this->fail[2][check_for] = "password you entered does not match"; $this->fail[2][debug_msg] = "Incorrect password for user: [[USER]]"; } /************************** login ***************************/ function login(&$sms_obj) { // grab login string $command = $this->login_command; $command = str_replace("[[USER]]", urlencode($sms_obj->get_username()), $command); $command = str_replace("[[PASS]]", $sms_obj->get_password(), $command); $result = $sms_obj->post_url($this->login_script, $command); $redirect_url = $sms_obj->parse_redirect($result); // check for incorrect login details if (is_array($this->fail)) { for ($x=0; $x < count($this->fail); $x++) { $check_in = ($this->fail[$x][check_type] == "body") ? $result : $redirect_url; if (strstr($check_in, $this->fail[$x][check_for]) != "") { $sms_obj->debug(str_replace("[[USER]]", $sms_obj->get_username(), $this->fail[$x][debug_msg])); return false; } } } if (!$redirect_url) { return false; } return true; } /************************** send sms ***************************/ function send_sms($options, &$sms_obj) { // has to have $message, $signature, $number extract($options); if (!$sms_obj->login()) { $sms_obj->debug("Unable to log in"); return false; } $tmp_message = $this->send_message; $tmp_message = str_replace("[[TIMESTAMP]]", time(), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($this->strip_plus_sign($number)), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message), $message); $message = $tmp_message; $command = $this->send_command; $command = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($this->strip_plus_sign($number)), $command); $command = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $command); $command = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message), $command); $result = $sms_obj->post_url($this->send_script, $command); if (strstr($result, $this->success_string)) { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Message Sent Successfully"); return true; } else { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Send Failed"); // echo $result; if (strstr($result, $this->quota_exceeded_string)) { $sms_obj->debug("Quota for current user [".$sms_obj->get_username()."] exceeded."); } return false; } } /************************** logout ***************************/ function logout(&$sms_obj) { $sms_obj->debug("Logging out..."); if (isset($this->server_logout)) { $sms_obj->set_server($this->server_logout); } $sms_obj->get_url($this->logout_script); return true; } } /******************************************************************************************************** ***************** * EXCITE.CO.UK * ***************** ********************************************************************************************************/ class excite_co_uk extends sms_global { //------------------------- // SERVER DETAILS //------------------------- var $server = "www.excite.co.uk"; var $server_prelogin = "reg.excite.co.uk"; var $server_login = "reg.excite.com"; var $server_logout = "reg.excite.com"; //------------------------- // LOGIN // vars - [[USER]] [[PASS]] //------------------------- var $prelogin_script = "/mps/login?pname=pfp&brand=uk_excite&targeturl=http://www.excite.co.uk/"; var $login_script = "/mps/loginreq?pname=pfp&brand=uk_excite&targeturl=http://www.excite.co.uk/&uid="; var $login_command = "acctname=[[USER]]&passwd=[[PASS]]&snonce=[[SNONCE]]&stime=[[STIME]]×kew=none&crep=none&jerror=none&gofer=Sign+in"; //------------------------- // SEND SMS // vars - [[TIMESTAMP]] [[GSM_NUMBER]] [[MESSAGE]] [[SIG]] [[COUNTRY_CODE]] //------------------------- // check for success string var $success_string = "Has Been Sent To"; // check for quota string var $quota_exceeded_string = "Quota Exceeded"; // send command var $send_command = "partial_address=[[GSM_NUMBER]]&message=[[MESSAGE]]&country_code=[[COUNTRY_CODE]]"; // send URL var $send_script = "/mobile/sms/sent/"; // message var $send_message = "[[MESSAGE]]"; // logout URL var $logout_script = "/mps/signout_val?easyvalue=easy&completevalue=complete&signout_opt=complete&pname=pfp&brand=uk_excite&targeturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.excite.co.uk%2F"; // failure checks var $fail = array(); /************************** constructor ***************************/ function excite_co_uk() { //------------------------- // FAILED LOGINS CLUES // vars - [[USER]] //------------------------- $this->fail[0][check_type] = "body"; $this->fail[0][check_for] = "cannot recall your password"; $this->fail[0][debug_msg] = "Incorrect username/password for user: [[USER]]"; } /************************** login ***************************/ function login(&$sms_obj) { $sms_obj->set_server($this->server_prelogin); $result = $sms_obj->get_url($this->prelogin_script); $redirect_url = $sms_obj->parse_redirect($result); $sms_obj->set_server($this->server_login); // grab login string $command = $this->login_command; $command = str_replace("[[USER]]", urlencode($sms_obj->get_username()), $command); $command = str_replace("[[PASS]]", $sms_obj->get_password(), $command); $command = str_replace("[[SNONCE]]", urlencode($this->hidden_field_val($result, "snonce")), $command); $command = str_replace("[[STIME]]", urlencode($this->hidden_field_val($result, "stime")), $command); $result = $sms_obj->post_url($this->login_script, $command); $redirect_url = $sms_obj->parse_redirect($result); // check for incorrect login details if (is_array($this->fail)) { for ($x=0; $x < count($this->fail); $x++) { $check_in = ($this->fail[$x][check_type] == "body") ? $result : $redirect_url; if (strstr($check_in, $this->fail[$x][check_for]) != "") { $sms_obj->debug(str_replace("[[USER]]", $sms_obj->get_username(), $this->fail[$x][debug_msg])); return false; } } } if (!$redirect_url) { return false; } $sms_obj->set_cur_url("http://reg.excite.co.uk/mps/login?pname=pfp&brand=uk_excite&targeturl=http://www.excite.co.uk/"); $sms_obj->clear_cookies(); $result = $sms_obj->get_url($redirect_url); $redirect_url = $sms_obj->parse_redirect($result); //$sms_obj->set_cur_url("http://reg.excite.co.uk/mps/login?pname=pfp&brand=uk_excite&targeturl=http://www.excite.co.uk/"); //$result = $sms_obj->get_url($redirect_url); $sms_obj->set_server($this->server); return true; } /************************** send sms ***************************/ function send_sms($options, &$sms_obj) { // has to have $message, $signature, $number extract($options); if (!$sms_obj->login()) { $sms_obj->debug("Unable to log in"); return false; } $tmp_message = $this->send_message; $tmp_message = str_replace("[[TIMESTAMP]]", time(), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($this->strip_plus_sign($number)), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $message); $tmp_message = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message), $message); $message = $tmp_message; $command = $this->send_command; $command = str_replace("[[GSM_NUMBER]]", urlencode($this->strip_plus_sign($number)), $command); $command = str_replace("[[SIG]]", urlencode($signature), $command); $command = str_replace("[[MESSAGE]]", urlencode($message), $command); $command = str_replace("[[COUNTRY_CODE]]", urlencode($this->country_code($number)), $command); // too quick? didn't think they'd check it, nice feature, // but seems limit is only enforced on the confirmation page $sms_obj->debug("Sleep for 20 seconds (otherwise Excite will complain you're too quick :)"); sleep(20); $sms_obj->set_cur_url("http://www.excite.co.uk/mobile/sms/confirm/"); $result = $sms_obj->post_url($this->send_script, $command); if (strstr($result, $this->success_string)) { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Message Sent Successfully"); return true; } else { $sms_obj->debug("SMS Send Failed"); // echo $result; if (strstr($result, $this->quota_exceeded_string)) { $sms_obj->debug("Quota for current user [".$sms_obj->get_username()."] exceeded."); } return false; } } /************************** logout ***************************/ function logout(&$sms_obj) { $sms_obj->debug("Logging out..."); if (isset($this->server_logout)) { $sms_obj->set_server($this->server_logout); } $sms_obj->get_url($this->logout_script); return true; } } ?>
<?php if (!defined("_SITES_INCLUDED")) { include("sites.php"); } class sms_web_sender { var $server; var $server_obj; var $cookies = array(); var $login = array(); var $cur_url; var $do_debug = false; var $proxy_server; var $proxy_port; var $proxy_user; var $proxy_pass; var $proxy = false; /********************** * SET/GET FUNCTIONS ***********************/ function get_server() { return $this->server; } function set_server($server) { return $this->server = $server; } function get_cur_url() { return $this->cur_url; } function set_cur_url($cur_url) { return $this->cur_url = $cur_url; } function get_debug() { return $this->do_debug; } function set_debug($debug) { return $this->do_debug = $debug; } function get_proxy_server() { return $this->proxy_server; } function set_proxy_server($proxy_server) { return $this->proxy_server = $proxy_server; } function get_proxy_port() { return $this->proxy_port; } function set_proxy_port($proxy_port) { return $this->proxy_port = $proxy_port; } function get_proxy_user() { return $this->proxy_user; } function set_proxy_user($proxy_user) { return $this->proxy_user = $proxy_user; } function get_proxy_pass() { return $this->proxy_pass; } function set_proxy_pass($proxy_pass) { return $this->proxy_pass = $proxy_pass; } function get_proxy() { return $this->proxy; } function set_proxy($proxy) { return $this->proxy = $proxy; } /********************** * CONSTRUCTOR * sets initial username, password, debug, and server ***********************/ // $server name will determine which class to use function sms_web_sender($debug=false, $username="", $password="", $server="") { if ($debug) { $this->set_debug(true); } if (!empty($server)) { $this->add_login($username, $password, $server); } } /********************** * SET SITE ***********************/ function set_site($site) { if (class_exists($site)) { set_time_limit(60); $this->clear_cookies(); $this->debug($site." class being used"); $this->server_obj = new $site; $this->set_server($this->server_obj->server); $this->set_cur_url($this->get_server()); return true; } else { $this->debug($site." class Not Found!"); if (!$this->next_login()) { $this->debug("No more servers: Exiting.."); exit; } return false; } } /********************** * ADD LOGIN ***********************/ function add_login($username, $password, $server, $weight=1) { $this->login[] = array($username, $password, $server, $weight, count($this->login)); return true; } /********************** * SHUFFLE LOGINS ***********************/ function shuffle_logins() { $tmp_array = array(); $shuffled = array(); // create new array holding biased amount // of each login (based on weight) foreach ($this->login as $val) { for ($x=1; $x<=$val[3]; $x++) { $tmp_array[] = $val; } } // loop through logins randomly picking out // login details to put in the new array while (count($shuffled) < count($this->login)) { mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $rand_pick = mt_rand(0, count($tmp_array)); if ($rand_pick > 0) $rand_pick--; $remove_id = $tmp_array[$rand_pick][4]; $shuffled[] = $tmp_array[$rand_pick]; foreach ($tmp_array as $key=>$val) { if ($val[4] == $remove_id) { unset($tmp_array[$key]); } } // reset the keys $tmp_array = array_values($tmp_array); } // replace our logins array with our shuffled array $this->login = $shuffled; return true; } /********************** * GET USERNAME ***********************/ function get_username() { return $this->login[key($this->login)][0]; } /********************** * GET PASSWORD ***********************/ function get_password() { return $this->login[key($this->login)][1]; } /********************** * GET SITE ***********************/ function get_site() { return $this->login[key($this->login)][2]; } /********************** * NEXT LOGIN ***********************/ function next_login() { if (next($this->login)) { $this->debug("Advancing to next user."); return $this->set_site($this->get_site()); } else { $this->debug("No more configured users."); return false; } } /********************** * DEBUG OUTPUT ***********************/ function debug($line) { if ($this->do_debug) { echo "- $line<br>\n"; flush(); } return true; } /********************** * GET COOKIES ***********************/ function get_cookies() { $cookies = implode("; ", $this->cookies); $this->debug("Using cookies: ".$cookies); return $cookies; } /********************** * PROCESS COOKIE ***********************/ function process_cookie($cookie) { // sample cookie // NAME=VALUE; path=/; domain=.mydomain.com; expires=Wednesday, 31-Dec-2010 12:10:00 GMT; $cookie_valid = true; $cookie = trim($cookie); if (substr($cookie, -1) == ";") $cookie = substr($cookie, 0, -1); $cookie = explode(";", $cookie, 2); $cookie_attributes = trim($cookie[1]); $cookie_name_val = explode("=", $cookie[0], 2); $cookie_name = trim($cookie_name_val[0]); $cookie_val = trim($cookie_name_val[1]); if ($cookie_val == "") { $cookie_valid = false; } if (preg_match("/expires=[a-z, ]*([0-9]{1,2}[- ][a-z]+[- ][0-9]{4})/i", $cookie_attributes, $matches)) { if (strtotime($matches[1]) < time()) { $this->debug("(-) Expired: ".implode(";", $cookie)); $cookie_valid = false; } } if (!$cookie_valid) { return false; } else { $this->cookies["$cookie_name"] = "$cookie_name=$cookie_val"; $this->debug("(+) Set-Cookie: ".implode(";", $cookie)); return true; } } /********************** * SET COOKIES ***********************/ function set_cookies($cookie) { return $this->process_cookie($cookie); } /********************** * CLEAR COOKIES ***********************/ function clear_cookies() { $this->cookies = array(); return true; } /********************** * POST URL ***********************/ function post_url($url, $formdata, $showme=false) { $full_url = "http://".$this->get_server().$url; $this->debug("[ACTION = POST] URL: ".$full_url); $data = "POST ".$url." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $data .= $this->generate_http_header(); $data .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $data .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($formdata)."\r\n\r\n"; $data .= $formdata; do { $errno = 0; $fp = @fsockopen(($this->get_proxy() ? $this->get_proxy_server() : $this->get_server()), ($this->get_proxy() ? $this->get_proxy_port() : 80), $errno, $errstr, 30); if ($errno) { $this->debug("Retrying Failed POST (".$errno."): ".$errstr); sleep(1); } } while($errno); // shows HTTP POST request if ($showme) die($data); $result = ""; fputs($fp, $data); while(!feof($fp)) { $result .= fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); $this->set_cur_url("http://".$this->get_server().$url); return $result; } /********************** * GET URL ***********************/ function get_url($url, $showme=false) { $full_url = "http://".$this->get_server().$url; $this->debug("[ACTION = GET] URL: ".$full_url); $data = "GET ".$url." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $data .= $this->generate_http_header()."\r\n"; do { $errno = 0; $fp = @fsockopen(($this->get_proxy() ? $this->get_proxy_server() : $this->get_server()), ($this->get_proxy() ? $this->get_proxy_port() : 80), $errno, $errstr, 30); if ($errno) { $this->debug("Retrying Failed GET (".$errno."): ".$errstr); sleep(1); } } while($errno); // shows HTTP GET request if ($showme) die($data); $result = ""; fputs ($fp, $data); while (!feof($fp)) { $result .= fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); $this->set_cur_url("http://".$this->get_server().$url); return $result; } /********************** * GENERATE HTTP HEADERS ***********************/ function generate_http_header() { $data = "Referer: ".$this->get_cur_url()."\r\n"; //$data .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i586)\r\n"; $data .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-GB; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011019 Netscape6/6.2\r\n"; $data .= "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*\r\n"; // line below enabled will not let us search through returned html (as it'll be compressed and appear garbled) //$data .= "Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n"; $data .= "Accept-Language: en-gb\r\n"; $data .= "Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8\r\n"; $data .= "Cookie: ".$this->get_cookies()."\r\n"; $data .= "Host: ".$this->get_server()."\r\n"; $data .= "Cache-Control: max-age=259200\r\n"; $data .= "Connection: close\r\n"; if ($this->get_proxy()) $data .= "Proxy-Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode($this->get_proxy_user().":".$this->get_proxy_pass())."\r\n"; return $data; } /********************** * PARSE REDIRECT ***********************/ function parse_redirect($http_header) { $header_parts = explode("\r\n", $http_header); while(list($key, $val) = each($header_parts)) { if (substr($val, 0, 10) == "Location: ") { $location = substr($val, 10); } else if (preg_match("/^Set-Cookie: /i", substr($val, 0, 12))) { $this->set_cookies(substr($val, 12)); } } if (!empty($location) && substr($location, 0, 7) == "http://") { $location = substr($location, 7); if (!strstr($location, "/")) { $this->set_server($location); } else { $this->set_server(substr($location, 0, strpos($location, "/"))); } if (substr_count($location, "/") == 0) { $location = "/"; } else { $location = substr($location, strpos($location, "/")); } } if (!empty($location)) { $location = trim($location); $location = ($location[0] != "/") ? "/".$location : $location; $this->debug("Found HTTP Redirect To: ".$location); return $location; } else { return false; } } /********************** * LOGIN ***********************/ function login() { $result = $this->server_obj->login($this); if (!$result && $this->next_login()) { return $this->login(); } else { return $result; } } /********************** * SEND SMS ***********************/ function send_sms($options) { if (!is_object($this->server_obj)) { $this->set_site($this->get_site()); } $this->set_cur_url("http://".$this->get_server()."/"); $result = $this->server_obj->send_sms($options, $this); if (!$result && $this->next_login()) { return $this->send_sms($options); } else { return $result; } } /********************** * LOGOUT * not necessary for most stuff ***********************/ function logout() { return $this->server_obj->logout($this); } } ?>
<?php /* $Date: 2001/12/09 03:51:55 $ $Revision: 1.2 $ ------------------------------------------------- SMS WEB SENDER 0.1 (08-DEC-2001) Keyvan Minoukadeh - keyvan@k1m.com http://www.k1m.com/ ------------------------------------------------- This is an example file showing you how to use the class... */ // contains the site details include("sites.php"); // contains main class include("class.sms_web_sender.php"); // your mobile number in international format (+###########) $number = "+447123123123"; // signature bit of text that's required by some // sites like MTNSMS.com, you can leave as is $signature = "*"; // main body of the message $message = "This is a test message"; // create instance of sms web sender the one // optional argument will determine if // debug is turned on or not $sms = new sms_web_sender(true); // add accounts // 1st argument: username // 2nd argument: password // 3rd argument: server // 4th argument: weight (this is only useful when // shuffling the logins, the higher // the weight, the more likely it'll // be placed near the top of the list) // default if left blank: 1 $sms->add_login("user", "pass", "uboot_com", 1); $sms->add_login("user", "pass", "genie_co_uk", 1); $sms->add_login("user", "pass", "lycos_co_uk", 10); $sms->add_login("user", "pass", "mtnsms_com", 1); $sms->add_login("user", "pass", "excite_co_uk", 5); $sms->add_login("", "", "txtuk_net", 1); // shuffle logins $sms->shuffle_logins(); // add Proxy Server details if required // I haven't tested this myself, feature of jm_sms //$sms->setProxyServer("proxyserver"); //$sms->setProxyPort(81); //$sms->setProxyUser("proxyusername"); //$sms->setProxyPass("proxypassword"); //$sms->setProxy(true); // passes the number, signature and message in an array $sms->send_sms(array("number"=>$number, "signature"=>$signature, "message"=>$message)); ?>
在Android平台上,发送SMS(短消息服务)和监控接收到的SMS消息是常见的功能,尤其在开发涉及到消息通信的应用时。以下将详细讲解如何实现这两个功能,并提供相关的代码示例。 **一、发送SMS消息** 1. **权限申请*...
根据这个描述,我们可以推测这篇文章会介绍如何将Java编写的SMS4类打包到Tomcat应用服务器中,以便PHP可以通过HTTP请求来调用这些Java服务。 标签“php sms4”表明这是关于使用PHP进行短信发送操作,而“sms4”可能...
在 PHP 开发中,有时我们需要实现发送验证码、通知消息等功能,这时 EasySMS 就能发挥重要作用。它集成了多个短信服务商的 API,使得开发者可以方便地切换不同的服务商,而无需大幅度修改代码。 首先,让我们详细...
结合标题和标签,我们可以推测这是一个使用PHP与SMS服务集成的项目,可能包括发送和接收短信的功能。 从压缩包内的文件名来看,我们有以下四个文件: 1. inbound.class.php:这可能是一个名为“inbound”的类,用于...
通过AWS SNS发送SMS消息的软件包 介绍 通过AWS SNS发送电子邮件 例子 package main import ( "context" sms "github.com/gofor-little/aws-sms" ) func main () { // Initialize the SMS package. if err := sms...
`SendSMSForms`可能是用于发送短信的窗体,用户可以在这里输入接收方电话号码和消息内容,点击发送按钮后,程序会通过后台逻辑执行发送操作。 为了实现这些功能,开发者可能使用了如`System.Net.Sockets`库来处理...
"d6oo"可能是项目或库的名称,"sendsms.php"可能是一个与发送短信相关的类或函数文件,"php_mobile"暗示了这是针对移动端的PHP开发,"php_sendsms"和"sms_php"则再次强调了使用PHP进行短信发送的特性。 在实际应用...
### SMS AT设计文档知识点 #### 一、概览与背景 本设计文档旨在详细阐述SMS AT命令在系统中的实现方式,包括其结构定义以及关键命令的处理流程。SMS(Short Message Service)即短信息服务,是一种广泛应用于移动...
使用 Twilio 通过电子邮件发送 SMS 消息。 一个 node.js 脚本。下面是我的服务器环境列表。 CentOS 发布 5.3 32 位。 发送邮件 8.13.8-2.el5。 节点 v0.10.33。 您还需要一个帐户。 我的服务器主机名是“zen1....
在`sms工具类`中,我们可以封装上述步骤,提供如`sendSms(String phoneNumber, String templateCode, Map, String> params)`这样的方法,使得业务代码只需传入必要参数即可发送短信。此外,还可以考虑加入缓存机制...
在PHP中,`SmsSend.class.php`可能是一个包含飞信短信发送逻辑的类文件。类在面向对象编程中是一种封装数据和方法的结构,这里`SmsSend`可能是类的名称,它可能包含了设置短信内容、接收者、发送请求等功能的方法。 ...
这个源代码项目,"vc++编写的 发送手机短信 源代码 sms",显然是利用VC++来实现发送手机短信的功能。让我们深入探讨这个主题,了解相关的关键知识点。 1. **VC++编程基础**: - VC++是基于C++编程语言的集成开发...
在Android开发中,追踪和确认SMS(Short Message Service,短信)消息传递是一个关键功能,尤其在需要确保消息发送成功和接收方已经接收到的情况下。以下将详细解释如何在Android应用中实现这一功能。 首先,要追踪...