JavaScript Shell
The first thing to notice is that the MongoDB shell is JavaScript-based.
So you can do things like:
a = 5;
a * 10;
for(i=0; i<10; i++) { print('hello'); };
2. Documents
MongoDB is a document database. This means that we store data as documents,
which are similar to JavaScript objects. Here below are a few sample JS objects:
var a = {age: 25};
var n = {name: 'Ed', languages: ['c', 'ruby', 'js']};
var student = {name: 'Jim', scores: [75, 99, 87.2]};
3. Saving
Here's how you save a document to MongoDB:{a: 99});
This says, "save the document '{a: 99}' to the 'scores' collection."
Go ahead and try it. Then, to see if the document was saved, try
4. Saving and Querying
Try adding some documents to the scores collection:
for(i=0; i<10; i++) {{a: i, exam: 5}) };
Try that, then enter
to see if the save succeeded. Since the shell only displays 10 results at time,
you'll need to enter the 'it' command to iterate over the rest.
5. Basic Queries
You've already tried a few queries, but let's make them more specific.
How about finding all documents where a == 2:
db.scores.find({a: 2});
Or what about documents where a > 15?
db.scores.find({a: {'$gt': 15}});
6. Query Operators
Query Operators:
$gt is one of many special query operators. Here are few others:
$lt - '<', $lte - '<=',
$gte - '>=', $ne - '!='
$in - 'is in array', $nin - '! in array'
db.scores.find({a: {'$in': [2, 3, 4]}});
db.scores.find({a: {'$gte': 2, '$lte': 4}});
7. Updates
Now create a couple documents like these for updating:{name: 'Johnny', languages: ['ruby', 'c']});{name: 'Sue', languages: ['scala', 'lisp']});
Make sure they were saved by called db.users.find()
Update the first document like so:
db.users.update({name: 'Johnny'}, {name: 'Cash', languages: ['english']});
8. Update Operators
The previous update replaced the entire document, but MongoDB also
supports partial updates to documents. For example, you can set a value:
db.users.update({name: 'Cash'}, {'$set': {'age': 50} });
You can also push and pull items from arrays:
db.users.update({name: 'Sue'}, {'$pull': {'languages': 'scala'} });
db.users.update({name: 'Sue'}, {'$push': {'languages': 'ruby'} });
9. Deleting data
To delete matching documents only, add a query selector to the remove method:
db.users.remove({name: 'Sue'});
To delete everything from a collection:
首先,让我们深入了解MongoDB的基本概念。MongoDB基于JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)文档存储数据,这种格式使得数据的存储和查询更为直观。每个文档都是一组键值对,类似于JavaScript的对象。文档被组织在集合...
作为一个初学者,了解如何安装和操作 MongoDB 是非常基础且重要的。下面将详细解释 MongoDB 的安装过程以及一些基本的 Shell 操作。 首先,安装 MongoDB 需要访问官方网站下载对应系统的安装包。对于 Windows 用户...
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这包括连接到MongoDB服务器,使用`mongo`命令行工具,以及熟悉其shell环境。在MongoDB shell中,我们可以执行CRUD(创建、读取、更新、删除)操作,对集合(类似于关系数据库中的表)进行管理。例如,创建一个新的...
通过学习这个项目,开发者不仅可以掌握Spring WebFlux的反应式编程,还能了解到Spring Cloud生态中的核心组件,以及如何与MongoDB进行高效的数据交互。对于想要深入理解微服务架构和反应式编程的开发者来说,这是一...