DBLINK 9i 连接11G 错误信息ora-01017,ora-02063的解决方法
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
ORA-02063: preceding line from <link_name>
The following Bug 6738104 was logged for this issue which was closed as not a bug saying the cause being introduction of password case sensitivity feature in 11g
When one creates a database link connection, a user name and password for the connection needs to be defined. When the database link is created, the password is case sensitive. Before a user can connect from a pre-release 11g database to a 11g release database and as the password case sensitivity is enabled by default, you must re-create the password for this database link using all uppercase letters.
The reason you need to re-create the password using all uppercase letters is so that it will match how Oracle Database stores database link passwords. Oracle Database always stores this type of password in uppercase letters, even if the password had originally been created using lower or mixed case letters. If case sensitivity is disabled, the user can enter the password using the case the password was created in.
++ As the password case sensitivity is enabled by default, create the database link to the 11g database as shown below :
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Oracle DBLink 是一种在 Oracle 数据库之间建立连接的机制,允许用户从一个数据库访问和操作另一个数据库中的数据,实现远程数据库操作。在 Oracle9i 版本中,配置 DBLink 主要涉及以下几个步骤和概念: 1. **TNS ...
1. **版本安装**:Oracle数据库有不同版本,例如Ora9i和Oracle 10G。安装分为客户端和服务器端。客户端安装通常用于开发和管理工具,而服务器端安装则包含数据库实例和相关服务。 2. **客户端配置**:客户端配置...
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