
Module3---Unit 3: Locations :3. Spatial Relations


The stamp is near the envelope.

The stamp is on the envelope.

The stamp is under the envelope. (The envelope is on top of stamp.)

The letter is inside the envelope.

The letter is outside the envelope. (The letter is on top of the envelope.)

The circle is inside the triangle.

The triangle is inside the circle. (The circle is around the triangle.)

The circle is inside the square.

The circle is to the left of the triangle.

The square is to the left of the circle. (The circle is to the right of the square.)

The triangle and circle are side by side.

The triangle is on the left, and the circle is on the right.

What has three sides? What has four sides?

A triangle has three sides.

A square has four sides.

The square is around the circle.

The circle is to the right of the square.

The triangle is to the right of the circle.

The circle is to the left of the triangle.




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