Diane is a housewife and a mother. Her husband, Dick, drives a taxi. Their two children both go to school, which is about twenty minutes away by car.
This morning, Diane got up early at six thirty. She cooked breakfast for her family at seven. At seven fifteen they sat down together and ate breakfast.
They left for school at seven forty-five. she drove her kids to school. After taking her kids to school , she and a friend went shopping together. They went to a shopping center and bought some clothes for their children.After that she and her friend went to a health club.
They were at the health club for about an hour. (They stayed the health club for about an hour.) Her friend is trying to lose the weight.
Now Diane is back at home. (Now Diane is backing home.) She is cleaning the house. She doesn’t have much time. In about an hour, at three o’clock she is going to pick up her kids at school.
After dinner, Diane is going to take/attend a class. Twice a week in the evenings, she studies the painting. Diane enjoys her class very much. According to her teacher, she is getting to be pretty good.
Listen carefully: Let’s assume that today is Wednesday and it’s 2:00 (two
Do you ever use a bus?
---Yes. Most people use a bus at least once in a while.
---No Really. That is surprising. Buses are a common form of transportation
1. What does her husband do?
2. How long does it take them to get to school?
---Their school is about 20 (twenty) minutes away by car.
3. How do they usually get to school?
4. What time did she get up?
5. When did she start cooking breakfast?
6. What time did she start to eat?
7. Who did she go shopping with?
8. When did they leave for school?
9. What did they buy?
10. Where did she go after she took her kids to school?
--- After taking her kids to school,she and a friend went shopping together.
11. How long were they at the health club?
--- They were at the health club for about an hour.
12. Diane’s friend is trying to gain weight.---False
13. How much longer is she going to be home?
--- Sixty minutes. She has about an hour before she’s going to leave.
14. When is she going to pick up her kids?
15. What is Diane doing right now? (2:00 two o’clock)
16. What is Diane going to do after dinner?
17. How does she feel about her class?
---Diane enjoys her class very much.
18. Who drove a car this morning?
- **索引编制者**:Diane Brenner - **封面艺术家**:Corné van Dooren - **内部与封面设计师**:Kurt Krames - **制造总监**:Tom DeBolski #### 六、附加资源 - **源代码**:本书提供免费的源代码下载服务,...
#### 1. Juniper Networks 公司背景 - **地址**:位于美国加利福尼亚州桑尼维尔市,具体地址为1194 North Mathilda Avenue。 - **电话**:公司联系方式为408-745-2000。 - **官方网站**:访问www.juniper.net以获取...
### 1. PPT素材的概念及其应用 - **定义**:PPT素材是指在制作PowerPoint演示文稿时所使用的各种辅助材料,包括但不限于图片、图标、背景图、动画效果等。这些素材能够使演示文稿更加生动有趣,有助于提升观众的...
##### 2. **MapReduce详解** - **天气数据集案例**:通过对一个具体的天气数据集进行分析,介绍了如何使用Hadoop进行数据处理。 - **数据格式**:解释了Hadoop支持的数据格式,如文本文件、序列文件等,并讨论了...
在QCon 2009北京全球企业开发大会上,来自FreeWheel的Diane Yu(联合创始人兼CTO)和王迪(FreeWheel核心系统技术总监)共同分享了一篇名为《Hadoop取舍之间》的主题演讲。该演讲围绕高性能、高流量及多数据中心的...
- **排版师**:Diane Huskinson、Sara Reed 和 Larissa Zearfoss - **支持人员**:Michelle Potter - **封面设计**:Lisa Tosheff - **印刷商**:Yurchak Printing Inc. ### 二、内容概述 该《百科全书》主要探讨...
INSERT INTO pet VALUES ('Puffball', 'Diane', 'hamster', 'F', '2022-01-01', NULL); ``` 4. **其他管理操作** - **显示数据库**:使用`SHOW DATABASES;`列出所有数据库。 - **查看表结构**:使用`DESCRIBE`...
- **修改数据**:更新表`pet`中的数据,如将`owner`为`Diane`的记录中的`name`字段改为`squirrel`: ```sql UPDATE pet SET name = 'squirrel' WHERE owner = 'Diane'; ``` - **删除数据**:从表`pet`中删除特定...
#### 2. 查询MySQL版本号和当前日期 - **命令**: `SELECT VERSION(), CURRENT_DATE();` - **用途**: 获取MySQL服务器的版本号以及当前日期。 - **示例**: 在MySQL提示符下输入 `SELECT VERSION(), CURRENT_DATE;` ...
- **指定教材**:Diane Zak著,《使用Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0进行编程》增强版,由Course Technology出版,2001年;ISBN: 0-619-06204-5。 - **备选教材**:若读者已有此书早期版本《使用Microsoft Visual ...
- **DianeDong**: “Diane” 是罗马神话中月亮女神的名字,代表着优雅与神秘。 - **VincentCui**: “Vincent” 意为“征服者”,是一个充满力量感的名字。 - **TracyLi**: “Tracy” 通常被认为来源于拉丁语,意为...
- **作者**:本书由Tom Fifield、Diane Fleming、Anne Gentle、Lorin Hochstein、Jonathan Proulx、Everett Toews和Joe Topjian等人合著。 - **出版信息**: - 出版社:O'Reilly Media, Inc. - ISBN:978-1-491-...
- Diane Nankova (2020) "On Translated Plagiarism in Academic Discourse"。 - Cyril Goutte et al. (2009) "Automatic Detection of Translated Text and its Impact on Machine Translation"。 - Lynch and ...
《C++ 编程入门》(第六版)由 Diane Zak 撰写,是学习 C++ 编程语言的一本权威教材。本书旨在为初学者提供一个全面且深入的 C++ 学习指南,涵盖了 C++ 的基本概念、语法结构以及面向对象编程的基本原则。通过本书的...
- 作者:**Diane Teare** - 出版社:**Cisco Press** - 地址:**美国印第安纳波利斯** - 出版时间:**2010年6月第一版** - **警告与免责声明**:这部分明确指出书中提供的信息是关于Cisco路由技术的,并强调...
/ css - doodle >文件设计工具-涂鸦与生成的模式-发现新CSS多边形形状资源资源,作者Tim Ellison ,作者Adi Purdila ,作者Diane Cipollo建立# build css-doodle.jsnpm run build# generate css-doodle.min.js
本书由多位经验丰富的作者共同编写完成,包括Michael Brassard、Lynda Finn、Dana Ginn和Diane Ritter等,他们在质量管理领域拥有深厚的专业背景。本书主要面向六西格玛改进团队成员及质量管理从业者,为他们提供了...