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Eclipse 3.0发布M1(第一里程碑)版本


刚刚在Eclipse.org看到的消息,立刻转贴过来。相信读者也是识货的人,不需要多说,看看这几张图片就可以对E3充满期待了。特别是要注意看看第一张图“Method call hierarchy”,这下跟踪代码可方便多了。赶快去下载一个来试用……


Eclipse 3.0 M1 - New and Noteworthy

This is first milestone build of the Eclipse 3.0 development cycle, and new and interesting things are already starting to show up. Here are some of the more noteworthy things available in milestone build M1 (June 6, 2003). See the M1 build notes for details about bugs fixed and other changes.

Method call hierarchy

You can open a view that shows a method call hierarchy by pressing Navigate > Open Call Hierarchy (Ctrl+Alt+H) in the Java editor or any of the Java views that show methods.

Call Hierarchy View

Source tool tips shown with syntax coloring

Source tool tips in the Java editor are now shown with the source colored in the usual way. (Source tool tips are turned on by selecting Source on the Java > Editor > Hovers preference page.)

Picture of source tool tip

Members view follows caret

The Members view now also follows the caret position if "Link with Editor" is enabled in the view menu (default).

Synchronize Java editor range with caret

The Java editor's range indication is synchronized with the caret position if the editor preference is enabled (default).

New Quick fixes for methods invocations

Several new Java quick fixes for mismatched parameters have been added, including offers to swap, add, or remove arguments or method parameters.

Quick Fix for mismatching parameters

Quick type hierarchy view

Select a type, method, or package reference in the Java editor and press Ctrl+T to see a quick type hierarchy view. For methods, you see all subtypes and supertypes that provide this method.

Type Hierarchy Structured View

JUnit usability improvements

The currently running JUnit test is emphasized in the hierarchy view, and you can now step through test failures using the standard next/previous actions. The new test case wizard can now automatically add the JUnit library to the Java project's build path.

More control over generated code

The code generation dialogs for the Source > Add Getters and Setters, Override/Implement Methods, and Generate Delegate Methods commands now offer more control over the generated methods. You can specify where the generated method will be inserted and, for getter/setters, the sort order.

getter and setter dialog improvements

Improved Add Constructors from Superclass dialog

The dialog for the Java editor's Source > Add Constructors from Superclass command now pops up a dialog so that you can choose which of the superclass's constructors should be inserted into the current class. The quick assist feature can still be used to insert without prompting.

Add constructors improvements

Templates for getters and setters

New templates for generated getters and setters can be found on the Java > Code Generation > Code and Comments preference page.

Getters/Setters templates

New style checks for Java code

The Java compiler now offers additional style checks that find and flag common coding mistakes (Java > Compiler > Style preference):

New Compiler Style Preferences

Usage of incompatible libraries

The Java compiler can now detect situations where a project is being compiled against a binary library whose version is incompatible with what is being generated; for example, attempting to generate 1.1 compatible class files while compiling against a 1.4 library (Java > Compiler > Build Path preference).

binary incompatibility check

Variable filters

The Java debugger now allows certain Java types, including collections and maps, to be displayed in a more compact and meaningful form. These variable filters are controlled by a toggle button in the Variables view.

Switching perspective on launch

You can now control which perspective gets opened when a program is launched. These setting are available on the launch dialog when a launch configuration type is selected.

Run Ant in a separate JVM

By default Ant executes in the JVM that is running Eclipse. There's now an option on the JRE tab of the Ant launch configuration for executing Ant in a separate JVM.

Environment variables for external program

The launch configuration for external programs has a new Environment tab for specifying environment variables setting to use when the program is launched.

Working sets for external tool builders

When Ant is being used as a builder, it can now be set to trigger on changes to files in a specified working set.

New editor functions

All text editors based on the Eclipse editor framework support new editing functions, including moving lines up or down (Alt+Arrow Up and Alt+Arrow Down), inserting new a line above or below the current line (Ctrl+Shift+Enter and Shift+Enter), and converting to lowercase or uppercase (Ctrl+Shift+Y and Ctrl+Shift+X).

Double clicking on the line number in the status line is the same as Navigate > Go to Line (Ctrl+L).

Java editor typing modes

The Java editor now has three typing modes: Overwrite, Insert, and Smart Insert. Overwrite and Insert modes are generic, whereas in Smart Insert mode the editor provides Java-specific extras which can be configured on the Java > Editor > Typing preference page. The different typing mode have distinctive carets (not yet supported on all OSs).  Pressing the Insert key (or double clicking on the typing mode in the status line) cycles through the available modes.

Smart Insert typing mode in Java editor

The automatic insertion of closing braces in the Java editor has been improved. Rather than occurring as soon as the opening brace is inserted, it now happens when a new line is entered after opening brace.

Also, there are two new experimental typing actions: Smart Semicolon and Smart Opening Brace. Disabled by default, they can be turned on from the Java > Work in Progress preference page. These typing actions move the caret to the end of the line before inserting the semicolon or closing brace, respectively.

Workspace version check

As you open a workspace created with an older version of Eclipse (e.g., 2.0), you are told that your workspace is being upgraded and warned that this will likely preclude opening it with the old Eclipse at a later time. (Note that this check will also be in the upcoming Eclipse 2.1.1 maintenance release.)

Concurrent operations API

There are early access versions of new core runtime API (in the org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs package) for supporting concurrent activities. Additional documents on the responsive UI effort are here.

Eclipse launcher for Mac OS X

The Eclipse Launcher has been ported to Mac OS X.
  • All Eclipse launcher arguments can be specified via the "Eclipse" section in Eclipse's Info.plist file. Please note that the standard "Java" section in Info.plist is ignored since we are no longer using the JavaApplicationStub. So if you want to run Eclipse on the 1.4.1 VM you will have to specify the path to the 1.4.1 binary with the "-vm" argument and not with the "JVMVersion" tag.
  • When specifying the workspace location via the "-data" argument, you can use tilde expansion as known from /bin/sh. So "-data ~/Documents/workspace" will put the workspace in your Documents folder.

Other Mac OS X improvements

Drag and dropping views and editors now works on the Mac, and UI performance is significantly better thanks to various SWT improvements. (Note that most of these Mac improvements will also be in the upcoming Eclipse 2.1.1 maintenance release.)

SWT support for right to left languages

SWT now provides for the mirroring of controls as required by right-to-left languages like Hebrew. The affected SWT API includes Display.map(), SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT, SWT.LEAD, SWT.TRAIL, a new GC constructor, and GC.getStyle(). This is implemented on Windows at this point (but not on other window systems).

SWT supports multiple monitors

Multiple monitors are now supported by SWT. See the new Monitor class, Display.getMonitors(), and Display.getPrimaryMonitor(). SWT clients should use the new multi-monitor API when positioning and sizing dialogs, menus, etc.

SWT supports color cursors

SWT now support color cursors on Windows (on other window systems, the bit depth is reduced internally if necessary). These code snippets show usage: create a color cursor from a source and a mask; create a color cursor from an image file.

Improved SWT clipboard

SWT support for the clipboard has been improved by the addition of way to query whether a data type is available on the clipboard. SWT clients should use this API when deciding to enable or disable a paste menu or button (clients currently use Clipboard.getContent() which is slow and can have negative side effects such as deleting data from the clipboard in a cut operation). This code snippet shows correct usage: enable/disable menu depending on clipboard content availability

Improved plug-in import wizard

Several improvements have been made to PDE's Plug-in Import wizard so that it works better when there are hundreds of plug-ins. It is easier to make selections from large lists of plug-ins, and compute all the plug-ins required to compile the plug-ins in the workspace

New update manager UI

There is a new (and still somewhat experimental) UI for the Eclipse update manager. You can read about the rationale behind the redesign here.




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