Varnishlog tag explanation
The intention of this page is to explain what the different tags varnishlog outputs mean.
830 ReqEnd c 877345549 1233949945.075706005 1233949945.075754881 0.017112017 0.000022888 0.000025988
830 is identifies the transaction, it will be assigned to only one transaction between a ReqStart? and ReqEnd tag
ReqEnd is the tag, which tells you what kind of log line this is.
c means client. b is backend. - is none or unknown
The rest of the line is the contents of the log line.
Typically, this looks like
830 ReqEnd c 877345549 1233949945.075706005 1233949945.075754881 0.017112017 0.000022888 0.000025988
The first number (877345549) is the XID, which you'll find in the X-Varnish header sent to the client.
The second number (1233949945.075706005) is the time when we start processing a request. It is decimal seconds since epoch.
The third number (1233949945.075754881) is the time when the request is completed. It is decimal seconds since epoch.
The fourth number (0.017112017) is the time elapsed between the session actually being accept(2)-ed and the start of request processing for this request. Keep in mind that sessions are only accept()ed once, so this is time from the initial request was accepted until the current request begun processing (in other words: other requests from the same client/session could have been processed in the meanwhile).
The fifth number (0.000022888) is the time elapsed from the start of the request processing until we start delivering the object to the client. For all practical purposes, this number is the backend response time.
The sixth and last number (0.000025988) is the time from we start delivering the object until the request completes.
127 SessionClose - timeout
SessionClose tells you why HTTP client-connections are closed. Below is a list of possible values and what they mean.
No keep-alive was received within sess_timeout
Connection: close
The client specifed that keepalive should be disabled by sending a "Connection: close" header.
no request
No initial request was received within sess_timeout. This can be caused by port-scans or loadbalancers and monitoring systems that checks if there's a service listening on the port varnish listens at.
remote closed
Happens when you reach vcl_error(). Even if the status code indicates success (e.g. 200).
Varnish 是一款高性能的开源HTTP缓存和代理服务器,主要用于提升网站的响应速度和处理能力。它通过缓存静态内容和动态内容的副本,减少对后端服务器的请求,从而提高了整体的Web性能。在Linux环境下,配置Varnish是...
1. Varnish基础:理解Varnish的工作原理,包括请求处理流程、缓存机制以及VCL的基本语法。 2. 安装与配置:详细步骤指导如何在各种操作系统上安装Varnish,并进行基本的配置。 3. 高级VCL:探索复杂的缓存策略,如...
4. **性能优化**:Varnish在内存管理、连接处理和I/O方面进行了优化,提供了极高的吞吐量和低延迟。 5. **易扩展性**:Varnish的模块化设计使得添加新功能和扩展变得简单。 **Varnish 3.0.7的安装与配置** 1. **...
7. Varnish和后端服务器交互:Varnish可以与各种后端服务器(如Apache、Nginx)协同工作,通过智能缓存减轻后端压力,同时处理大量并发请求。 8. Varnish的缓存更新和失效策略:了解如何设置缓存过期时间、如何根据...
### Varnish 2.1.2 安装与配置详解 #### Varnish简介 Varnish是一款高性能的HTTP应用层加速器,主要用于提高网站响应速度和承载能力。它通过将频繁访问的内容缓存在内存中来减少后端服务器的压力,并能够作为反向...
1. **配置Varnish**: 需要为Magento编写自定义的VCL(Varnish Configuration Language)文件,以确保正确地缓存和处理Magento的请求。这包括识别动态和静态内容,以及处理session和cookie的方式。 2. **缓存策略**...
这得益于Varnish的高效内存管理,它使用一种称为“存储桶”的数据结构来高效地存储和检索缓存内容,同时Varnish的事件驱动、异步非阻塞I/O模型使其能处理大量并发连接。 Varnish 4.0.3版本可能包含以下组件: 1. **...
例如,挪威最大的在线报纸 Verdens Gang 就通过使用Varnish减少了服务器数量,但提升了整体性能,这表明Varnish在处理高流量网站时具有显著优势。 在压缩包文件"varnish-6.2.0"中,可能包含了Varnish的源代码、编译...
性能方面,Varnish 4.0.0在处理并发请求时有了显著提升。优化的线程池管理机制使得多线程环境下Varnish能更高效地工作,减少了上下文切换的开销。同时,新的事件驱动模型进一步提高了I/O操作的效率,提升了整体吞吐...
varnish 安装包 varnish 安装包 varnish 安装包 varnish 安装包
本资源包含Varnish的安装文件varnish-3.0.5-1.el6.x86_64.rpm 和varnish-libs-3.0.5-1.el6.x86_64.rpm,是搭建cdn的高性能HTTP加速器Varnish服务器必需的安装包,下载后解压即可,具体安装配置过程清移步我的博客
Varnish支持VCL(Varnish Configuration Language),这是一种强大的自定义规则语言,允许管理员根据URL、HTTP头等条件定义如何处理请求和响应。例如,你可以设置只缓存特定路径下的内容,或者对来自特定IP的请求...
根据提供的文件信息,以下是关于“Varnish测试报告”的详细知识点总结: ### Varnish缓存系统概述 Varnish是一款高性能的HTTP反向代理服务器和缓存服务器,常用于Web应用的加速。它能够将静态内容缓存在内存中,并...
它基于VCL(Varnish Configuration Language),这是一种强大的、声明式的语言,允许用户自定义缓存策略和请求处理逻辑。Varnish 3.0.2引入了一些关键改进和修复,旨在提升性能、可靠性和安全性。 1. **性能优化**...
Varnish的性能尤其在处理大量静态内容缓存方面比Nginx和Apache更胜一筹。 5. 如何安装和配置Varnish 安装Varnish通常比较直接,可以通过包管理器如apt或yum安装。安装之后,需要配置VCL文件,通过这个配置文件定义...