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Formula One报表引擎的新特性——Application Data Reporting


Formula One e.Report本来就是很强大的报表引擎,现在它又加入了一个开创性的新特性:从普通Java对象导入数据生成报表——Application Data Reporting。按照这篇新闻稿的说法,这种报表生成方式能够显著提高报表生成的性能。

更重要的是,Application Data Reporting很可能彻底改变报表类应用程序的体系结构,使报表数据复用更加容易,并且让报表应用成为真正的面向对象应用。我现在要去试用一下这个新的报表引擎。


ReportingEngines Leads the Industry with Embedded Application Data Reporting Tool

Tuesday August 12, 7:00 am ET

The Formula One(R) e.Report Engine Generates Reports by Accessing Data within In-Memory Java Objects

OVERLAND PARK, Kansas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 12, 2003-- ReportingEngines(TM), a division of Actuate Corporation (Nasdaq:ACTU - News) and leading provider of embedded reporting solutions for the J2EE platform, today announced that the Formula One e.Report Engine will now include the ability to access and generate reports from in-memory Java objects. This functionality, known as Application Data Reporting, improves data access efficiencies and increases report system scalability. It also supports a distributed application architecture and provides developers with another data source for reporting in addition to previous support for relational databases, EJBs, flat files and XML data streams.

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A new alternative to traditional data reporting models

To generate reports today, most companies access static data that resides in persistent storage such as databases. This traditional model is at times highly inefficient and difficult to manage with distributed applications and multiple data sources. Application Data Reporting accesses information from existing Java application objects, rather than forcing the creation of new links to multiple databases. With this method, application data can be queried once and accessed repeatedly, resulting in more efficient use of computing resources.

Application Data Reporting streamlines report creation, performance

Application Data Reporting reduces the time to develop reporting applications by allowing developers to access a Java object and filter, map, group, join and aggregate the object with other data sources in a robust, visual point-and-click report design environment.

Application Data Reporting also increases reporting performance. Larger reports can leverage a scalable Java application where data can be held in secondary storage, memory, or a combination of both to significantly improve speed. Small reports are generated rapidly using in-memory processing of the query.

"We use Application Data Reporting from in-memory Java objects for most of our reports," said Sam Butterworth, software engineer at Studio Systems, Inc., which uses the Formula One e.Report Engine in its Studio System application. "Application Data Reporting has proven to be a much more efficient way to generate reports than traditional reporting from a database. It gives us the flexibility we need to quickly build new reports as well as modify existing reports. Application Data Reporting has also given our application a significant performance boost when producing reports for users."

"IT organizations utilize in-memory Java objects as a highly efficient layer between applications and their business logic, custom calculations, or pre-built access to legacy data," said Tom Stafford, director of ReportingEngines. "Packaging up intelligence for access within the memory space is significantly faster than writing stored procedures or writing multiple queries to the database. Additionally, Java objects can be utilized by multiple applications and maintained independent of a specific project's or application's integration. We believe the Formula One e.Report Engine's unique ability to access Java objects and XML schemas with Application Data Reporting is essential in enabling our customers to achieve the highest value from their IT investment."

Java developers encouraged to try Application Data Reporting free for 30 days

ReportingEngines is offering Java developers the opportunity to try Application Data Reporting free for 30 days. A trial version of the Formula One e.Report Engine and a 10-step tutorial on implementing Application Data Reporting can be downloaded from the ReportingEngines Web site at http://www.reportingengines.com/info/adr9.jsp.



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