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as we have discussed on the previous example that we have introduce the code snippet like this (see here):
serializationContext.AddProperty(x => x.BirthDate);
in this post, we are going to present a way that demonstrate how we can leverage the Lambda expression and effectively achieve refactor-proof references.
Our example is more about a very typical use case - the INotifyPropertyChanged impl. Where normally we will create a Invoke Pattern, and to that patter, one parameter is necessary, that is the name of the parameter.
normally , if we give a string for that name, we loose the ability to guard against changes when code is refactored. So, if we allow passing of a static typed LambdaExpression, such as this (this is a base class that will implements the IPropertyChanged)
public class ObservableObject : INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; #region Protected protected void InvokePropertyChanged() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } protected void InovkePropertyChagned(string name) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } protected void InvokePropertyChanged(Expression<Func<object>> property_) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(property_ != null); var body = property_.Body; var memberAccessExpression = ((MemberExpression)body); var memberName = memberAccessExpression.Member.Name; Console.WriteLine("InvokePropertyChanged on {0}", memberName); } #endregion Protectedk }
So when we define a Concrete Observable class, and when we need to notify the changes, such as this
public class ObservableConcreteObject : ObservableObject { private string m_message; public string Message { get { return m_message; } set { m_message = value; InvokePropertyChanged("Message"); } } }
You can actually change the call to InvokePropertyChanged as this:
public string Message { get { return m_message; } set { m_message = value; // you can invoke like this; InvokePropertyChanged(() => this.Message); } }
So, all this is possbile when we try to pass in a lambda expression.
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