Here is Sun's announcement on Sun xVM hypervisor, which is based on the OpenSolaris Xen community.
Announcing Sun xVM hypervisor
As the hypervisor becomes productized, it is necessary to consider the choice of feature name. As a result, the official name for this implementation has become Sun xVM hypervisor.
Sun is still fully committed to working with, and being an active member of, the Xen opensource community.
Please read the attached FAQ for further information about the reason for the change.
Sun xVM hypervisor
Q: Why are we doing the name change?
As the hypervisor becomes productized, it is necessary to consider the choice of feature name. As a result, the official name for this implementation will become Sun xVM hypervisor. Sun is still fully committed to working with, and being an active member of, the Xen opensource community.
Q: Does the change to Sun xVM hypervisor imply that Sun is no longer committed to Xen?
Sun is fully committed to working with, and being an active member of, the Xen opensource community. The Xen community page on will continue to be maintained and updated with the latest developments.
Q: Can I use the Xen trademark with Solaris?
The product that will provide virtualization capabilities on x86 based Solaris platforms will be called the Sun xVM hypervisor and will not include the Xen trademark.
Q: Why was Sun xVM hypervisor chosen as the product name?
Sun xVM hypervisor was chosen to reflect that the xVM product is Sun virtualization technology that runs on x86 platforms.
Q: Does this mean that you are not porting the x86 virtual machine to SPARC?
The Sun xVM hypervisor product will target and run on x86 platforms. For SPARC, Sun already has the SPARC hypervisor technology (Logical Domains) and Solaris OS Virtualization (Solaris Containers) is already well established for cross platform support of x86 and SPARC architectures.
Q: What other technologies are available?
The Sun xVM hypervisor product will target and run on x86 platforms. For SPARC, Sun already has the SPARC hypervisor technology (Logical Domains) and Solaris OS Virtualization (Solaris Containers) is already well established for cross platform support of x86 and SPARC architectures.
Sun has also announced its intention to provide the Sun xVM Product Group. This product group includes the Sun xVM Server, which in turn contains the Sun xVM hypervisor.
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VirtualBox 是由德国 Innotek 公司开发,由Sun Microsystems公司出品的软件,使用Qt编写,在 Sun 被 Oracle 收购后正式更名成 Oracle VM VirtualBox。Innotek 以 GNU General Public License (GPL) 释出 VirtualBox...
VirtualBox 是由德国 Innotek 公司开发,由Sun Microsystems公司出品的软件,使用Qt编写,在 Sun 被 Oracle 收购后正式更名成 Oracle VM VirtualBox。Innotek 以 GNU General Public License (GPL) 释出 VirtualBox...
VirtualBox 是由德国 Innotek 公司开发,由Sun Microsystems公司出品的软件,使用Qt编写,在 Sun 被 Oracle 收购后正式更名成 Oracle VM VirtualBox。Innotek 以 GNU General Public License (GPL) 释出 VirtualBox...
VirtualBox 是由德国 Innotek 公司开发,由Sun Microsystems公司出品的软件,使用Qt编写,在 Sun 被 Oracle 收购后正式更名成 Oracle VM VirtualBox。Innotek 以 GNU General Public License (GPL) 释出 VirtualBox...
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