



Configuration GuideYou've installed Asterisk and verified that it will start up.Now how do you go about configuring your PBX? The first thing you needto do is tell Asterisk what telephone connections (to handsets andexchanges, whether by physical wire or by IP) you have. These arecalled channels

The next task is to configure the Dialplan. The dialplan routes everycall in the system from its source through various applications to itsfinal destination. 

You're up and running now. But what about some extra bells and whistles? 

  • Music on Hold (音乐保持)
  • Call Parking (呼叫停泊)
  • Billing (计费)
  • Management interfaces (管理接口)

TemplatesTemplates can assist to avoid repeating the same section(s) again and again in your Asterisk configuration files. 
Generating Configuration Files from TemplatesThe STS Template Enginecan generate Asterisk configuration files from templates. It has itsown macro language for conditional template expansion and is availablein source code for embedding into your own applications. The librarysources could also be used to build a standalone command line utility

Alternative Methods of Configuration
  • GUI or Web based setup tools, see Asterisk GUI
  • MySQL etc databases

Configuration ReferenceMaster configuration file: 
  • asterisk.conf:Tell Asterisk the directories where everything is, including thedirectory containing all the other configuration files. By default,Asterisk looks for the asterisk.conf file in the /etc/asteriskdirectory, but you cansupply a command line parameter to use a different asterisk.conf file. 

Configuration of Asterisk channels(配置Asterisk通道)

配置Cisco SCCP通道vpb.conf: Configure vpb channels (Voicetronix cards) 
配置Voicetronix卡通道(是澳大利亚的开放源码的CTI专业制造厂商)zapata.conf: Configure Zap channels (Digium cards) 
    Configuration of Analog Display Services Interface:  配置模拟显示服务接口
    Configuration of the Dialplan
  • extensions.conf: The Dialplan  拨号方案
  • extensions.ael: The Asterisk Extensions Language  扩展拨号方案语言
  • parking.confCall Parking configuration. Note: This file has been renamed to features.conf as of Asterisk 1.0rc1 (17 july 2004) 
  • extconfig.conf: Used by res_data to arrange external configuration (e.g. thru ODBC) 
    Configuration of specific Dialplan Commands:  配置拨号方案特殊命令
    Uncategorized configuration files:  没分目录配置文件
  • alarmreceiver.conf: 警报接收配置
  • alsa.conf  致力于为Linux 提供高质量的声音子系统
  • cdr_odbc.conf 通话详单数据库存储配置
  • cdr_pgsql.conf
  • codecs.conf  Asterisk编码配置文件
  • dnsmgr.conf: Background DNS update manager (new in Asterisk v1.2) DNS管理
  • features.conf: Call Parking and other features 呼叫停泊等其他特性配置
  • http.conf: Built-in mini HTTP server  内置http server配置
  • logger.conf: Configuration of what to log and where to log it 配置系统日志
  • manager.conf: Configuration of the Asterisk manager API  配置管理接口
  • modules.conf: Configuration of Asterisk module loading 配置可加载模块
  • odbc.conf: Configuration of UnixODBC drivers for Asterisk  ODBC驱动配置
  • oss.conf    open source software配置
  • privacy.conf  私密配置
  • res_odbc.conf  实时数据库加载配置,可以把配置文件放在数据库中
  • rpt.conf 循环应用配置Repeater Application Configuration
  • rtp.conf: Configuration of RTP ports for media  配置RTP(实时)端口
  • say.conf: Internationalised numbers and dates (new in Asterisk v1.4)  (读出标准的数字和日期)
  • users.conf: Generate a "user" (phone, dioalplan, and just about everything) 
        Add on modules, not in standard source distribution 
  • capi.conf: Configuration of CAPI channels and devices. 
            CAPI 是计算机辅助面对面访问(Computer Assisted PersonalInterviewing)的简称,是使用基于计算机的问卷的一种调研技术,CAPI可以像CATI一样控制复杂的逻辑,而且,它可以在 各种各样的场所使用,购物中心,论坛或者其它公共场所,只要是被访者可以接触到电脑的地方。例如,在定点街访项目,借助端对端网络,它可以从容的管理问 卷,控制配额,以及管理数据库,且不需要数据库服务器。 在
  • 面对面访问中,问卷可以由访问人员直接采用电脑,被访者同时可以查看的方式进行访问,也可以是被访者自己的电脑上看到电子问卷,自己操作访问。
  • sirrix.conf: Configuration of Sirrix ISDN channels 配置Sirrix ISDN通道
  • cdr_mysql.conf: Configuration of MySQL CDR database for billing  配置通话详单在mysql中存储
  • prepaid.conf: Configuration of Prepaid calling card system.  预付费卡配置
  • ldap.conf: Configuration for LDAPget  访问x.500目录访问的标准协议
  • bonjour.conf: Configuration for res_bonjour (aka Rendezvous, aka Zeroconf) 
  • enumagi.conf: Configuration file for enumlookup.agi 
  • zeroconf.conf: Configuration file defining services and parameters to advertise via zeroconf是一个轻量级的服务发现协议,适用于注册和寻找附近的可用协议、设备等等。 他是bonjour的开源名称,bonjour是苹果公司力推的一个service discovery协议
    In most installations, these files are placed in /etc/ 
        General hints about configuration files   
  • In all Asterisk configuration files, you may include other files by using the #include statement. This way, you may save your general SIP configuration in one file and have the SIP accounts in another file. 



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