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问题2.1 Armstrong 数(ARMS1.C,ARMS2.C )
在三位的正整数中,例如abc,有一些可以满足a³+b³+c³ = abc的条件,也就是说, 各个位数的立方和正好是该数的本身,这些数称为Armstrong数。试编写一个程序来求出
这是个常见的问题,许多课本、习题集都有。解决的基本方法就在于有没有办法从一 个三位数中把它的3个位数取出(例如,把379分解成3、7与9),或者在已知3个位数 时把该三位数算出来(例如,已知百位为5,十位为1,个位为9,则三位数为519)。
另一个变形是给出一个数,证明它是否为一个Armstromg数。这两者类似,由自己产 生的数可以永远控制在三位,但是后者却一定要去测试它是不是三位数。
如何测试一个数是否为三位数呢?有的书中介绍这样一种方法(见程序UGLY.C), 使用对数log()以及指数exp()函数,不仅如此,还要用四舍五入(在C语言中只好加上 0.5再转型成整数)。为什么?原来只是在取出输入数据的某一个位数而已。一个简单的 程序写得如此复杂,大多数初学者恐怕都很难看明白。在此给出一个提示,千万不要重蹈覆辙。
(1)如果要确认x是个五位数,就看x/100000是否为零。如果为零,那么x的位数 不会超过五位。接着再检查x是否真的是五位,这就要看:
(x % 100000)/10000
是否为零,如果不为零,这个值就是x中从右向左数第五位数的值;如果是零,x就最多只能有四位而已。为什么?因为x%100000是把x用100000去除的余数,值在0〜99999 之间,正是x的右边五位,再用10000去除,那就是第五位的值了;如果x是五位数,那么这个位数就一定大于1,如程序2-1所示。
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> void main(void) { int number; /* the input number */ int pos, ten_pow; /* # of digits and 10^x */ int arm_no; /* computed Armstrong Number*/ int temp, i; /* working variables */ float expon; /* computed exponent */ char line[100]; /* input buffer */ printf("\nPlease key in number : "); /* get a number*/ gets(line); number = atoi(line); pos = 0; /* count # of digits */ ten_pow = 1; /* power of 10, 10^0=1 */ do { /* start counting */ ten_pow *= 10; /* one more digit... */ pos++; } while (ten_pow < number); if (ten_pow == number) /* all 10^x are not Arm # */ printf("\n%d is not an Armstrong Number.", number); else { /* not 10^x */ ten_pow = number; /* now ten_pow is a temp var*/ arm_no = 0; /* initial value for Arm. # */ for (i = pos-1; i >= 1; i--) { /* scan from R->L*/ expon = exp(i*log(10.0)); /* the ugly part */ temp = ten_pow / expon; /* you do it... */ ten_pow %= (int)(expon + 0.5); arm_no += exp(pos*log(temp)) + 0.5; } arm_no += exp(pos*log(ten_pow)) + 0.5; if (arm_no == number) printf("\n%d is an Armstrong Number.", number); else printf("\n%d is not an Armstrong Number.", number); } }
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* PROGRAM Armstrong Number Search : */ /* This program searches all 3-digit Armstrong Numbers */ /* and thus numbers in the range of 0-99 are not counted. */ /* */ /* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene June/29/1989 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include <stdio.h> void main(void) { int p, q, r; /* three digits */ int p_cube, q_cube, r_cube; /* their cubes */ int p100, q10; /* their position values */ int number; /* the computed number */ int cube_sum; /* the sum of the cubes */ int count = 0; /* counter */ printf("\nArmstrong Number Search"); printf("\n======================="); printf("\n\nCount Number"); printf( "\n----- ------"); for (p = 1, p100 = 100; p <= 9; p++, p100+=100) { p_cube = p*p*p; for (q = q10 = 0; q <= 9; q++, q10+=10) { q_cube = q*q*q; for (r = 0; r <= 9; r++) { r_cube = r*r*r; number = p100 + q10 + r; cube_sum = p_cube + q_cube + r_cube; if (number == cube_sum) printf("\n%3d%9d", ++count, number); } } } printf("\n\nThere are %d 3-digit Armstrong Numbers.", count); }
问题2.2数字谜(TRENTE.C )
(3)上面的题目是加,那就表示VINGT这个五位数与CINQ这个四位数的两倍相加 后,会得到TRENTE这个六位数,并且数字的安排如谜语所示。
在解这些数字谜时,很多人都会不知不觉地用最笨拙的方法,因此可能执行好几分钟, 甚至好几小时都得不到结果。就以上题为例,它一共有9个不同的字母,因此耗用10个数 字符号中的9个,很多人就会写出下面的形式,如程序2-2所示。
如果用这个程序,那么也许一两个小时也不一定能够算出结果,因为在最内层循环中 的if 一共要执行将近10^9,近一亿次,所以这是最笨的方法。通常,用一点小学算术知识就可以节省大量的计算时间。换言之,可以用四则运算来 找出某个字母值的范围(如偶数、奇数、5〜9、3或4等,而不是0〜9),范围越小,程序的工作就越少,执行起来就越快。
(1)因为3个位数相加,最大就是9+9+9=27,如果从这一个位数的右边一位会有进 位,那么这个进位就最多是2,所以3个位数再加上进位的最大值是29,所以该位数和是 9,而进位是2。
(2)现在看V那位,加上进位之后得到TR,因为V最大是9,进位最大是2,所以 TR的最大值是11。因为T是结果的第一位,所以不能是0,因此只好是1;但结果前两位 是TR, TR最大是11,现在T是1,于是R只能是0。注意,如果R是2〜9中任意一个, 那就表示没有从R到T的进位,因而T就是0 了。所以从一点看来,两个值就固定了,即T=1, R=0。
(3)再来看V,V—定大于8。为什么?千位数的进位最大是2,要一个数加上2而 有两位数,那么这个数不就至少是8吗?
(4)看个位数的E。它是由T加上两个Q得来的,已知T是1,而2Q—定是偶数, 所以E是个奇数。
就用这4点提示,T与R的循环就不必了; E的循环有3、5、7、9 (注意,T是1, E 就不能用1); V的循环只能用8与9。还没有决定的就剩下I、N、G、C与Q5个,所以循 环就有7层,I、N、G与Q为0〜9; C为2〜9 (因为C是第一位,不能是0,也不能是1, 因为T是1),E是3、5、7、9; V是8与9,所以最内层的if就执行了 10^4x7x4x2次而已,于是用这个方法写成的程序所花的时间大约是前面所提到的:
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* PROGRAM Number Puzzle : */ /* This is first solution of the number puzzle. It is */ /* written under the guidelines in my book. For each */ /* digit, there corresponds a for loop and an if statement*/ /* to prevent duplicated digits. Read it carefully. */ /* */ /* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene June/30/1989 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include <stdio.h> void main(void) { long I, N, R=0, E, V, G, C, Q, T=1; long IN, VINGT, CINQ, TRENTE; long sum; printf("\nNumber Puzzle\n"); printf("\n VINGT"); printf("\n CINQ"); printf("\n+) CINQ"); printf("\n--------"); printf("\n TRENTE\n"); for (V=8; V<=9; V++) for (I=0; I<=9; I++) if (I != V && I!=T) for (N=0; N<=9; N++) if (N!=I && N!=V && N!=T) { IN = I*10 + N; for (G=0; G<=9; G++) if (G!=N && G!=I && G!=V && G!=T && G!=R) for (C=2; C<=9; C++) if (C!=G && C!=N && C!=I && C!= V && C!=T && C!=R) for (Q=2; Q<=9; Q++) if (Q!=C && Q!=G && Q!=N && Q!=I && Q!=V && Q!=T && Q!=R) for (E=3; E<=9; E+=2) if (E!=Q && E!=C && E!=G && E!=N && E!=I && E!=V && E!=T && E!=R) { TRENTE=((((T*10+R)*10+E)*10+N)*10+T)*10+E; VINGT=((V*100+IN)*10+G)*10+T; CINQ =(C*100+IN)*10+Q; sum=VINGT+CINQ+CINQ; if (sum==TRENTE) { printf("\n\nThe answer is :\n"); printf("\n%8ld", VINGT); printf("\n%8ld", CINQ); printf("\n+)%6ld", CINQ); printf("\n--------"); printf("\n%8ld", TRENTE); } } } }
问题2.3求质数(PRIME1.C )
试编写一个程序,找出前N (如200)个质数。如果没有进一步要求,这不是难题。 但在此希望从所知的、使用除法的方法中,用最快的办法来编写程序。
可能最先想到的办法,就是让某个变量i从2变到N,然后检查它是不是质数,如果是就显示出来,如果不是,就检查下一个。这是正确的做法,但却没有注意到一个小细节, 因而使程序运行速度变慢。当然,2是质数,但所有2的倍数都不是质数,如果令i从2 变到N,不就很冤枉地测试了 4,6,8,10,…这些数?所以第一点提示是测试2,3,5,7,…,N,即 2与所有奇数就足够了。同理,3是质数,但6,9,12,…这些3的倍数却不是,因此,如果能够把2与3的倍数都跳过去而不测试,任意连续的6个数中,就只会测试两个而已。以6n,6n+1,6n+2,6n+3,6n+4,6n+5 为例,6n,6n+2,6n+4 是偶数,又 6n+3 是 3 的倍数,所以如果 把2与3的倍数都不理会,要测试的数就只留下6n+1与6n+5而已,因而工作量只是前述想法的2/6=1/3,应该用这个方法去编写程序。
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* PROGRAM prime number generator : */ /* This program generates first MAXSIZE-1 primes by */ /* using the conventional division method, but multiples */ /* of 2 and 3 are not tested. Therefore it is faster. */ /* */ /* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene July/02/1989 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include <stdio.h> #define MAXSIZE 100 #define YES 1 #define NO 0 void main(void) { int prime[MAXSIZE]; /* array to contains primes */ int gap = 2; /* increasing gap = 2 and 4 */ int count = 3; /* no. of primes */ int may_be_prime = 5; /* working variable */ int i, is_prime; prime[0] = 2; /* Note that 2, 3 and 5 are */ prime[1] = 3; /* primes. */ prime[2] = 5; while (count < MAXSIZE) { /* loop until prime[] full*/ may_be_prime += gap; /* get next number */ gap = 6 - gap; /* switch to next gap */ is_prime = YES; /* suppose it were a prime*/ for (i = 2; prime[i]*prime[i] <= may_be_prime && is_prime; i++) if (may_be_prime % prime[i] == 0) /* NO */ is_prime = NO; /* exit */ if (is_prime) /* if it IS a prime... */ prime[count++] = may_be_prime; /* save it */ } printf("\nPrime Number Generation Program"); printf("\n===============================\n"); printf("\nFirst %d Prime Numbers are :\n", count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i % 10 == 0) printf("\n"); printf("%5d", prime[i]); } }
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* FUNCTION sieve : */ /* This program uses Eratosthenes Sieve method to */ /* generate all primes between 2 and MAXSIZE*2+3. This */ /* is a very simple yet elegant method to generate primes */ /* */ /* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene July/01/1989 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include <stdio.h> #define MAXSIZE 200 #define DELETED 1 #define KEPT 0 void main(void) { int sieve[MAXSIZE+1]; /* the sieve array */ int count = 1; /* no. of primes counter */ int prime; /* a generated prime */ int i, k; /* working variable */ printf("\nEratosthenes Sieve Method"); printf("\n========================="); printf("\n\nPrime Numbers between 2 and %d\n", MAXSIZE*2+3); for (i = 0; i <= MAXSIZE; i++) /* set all items to be*/ sieve[i] = KEPT; /* kept in the sieve */ for (i = 0; i <= MAXSIZE; i++) /* for each i, it */ if (sieve[i] == KEPT) { /* corresponds to 2i+3*/ prime = i + i + 3; /* if it is not sieved*/ count++; /* prime=2i+3. */ for (k = prime + i; k <= MAXSIZE; k += prime) sieve[k] = DELETED; /* screen multiple*/ } printf("\n%6d", 2); /* output part. */ for (i = 0, k = 2; i <= MAXSIZE; i++) if (sieve[i] == KEPT) { if (k > 10) { printf("\n"); k = 1; } printf("%6d", 2*i+3); k++; } printf("\n\nThere are %d primes in total.", count); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* PROGRAM linear sieve program of Gries and Misra : */ /* This program finds all prime numbers between 2 and */ /* n, the input, by using Gries and Misra linear sieve */ /* method. This method does not use division, instead */ /* multiplications are used. */ /* */ /* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene July/10/1989 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAXSIZE 1000 #define NEXT(x) x = next[x] #define REMOVE(x) { next[previous[x]] = next[x]; \ previous[next[x]] = previous[x]; \ } #define INITIAL(n) { unsigned long i; \ for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) \ previous[i] = i-1, next[i] = i+1;\ previous[2] = next[n] = NULL; \ } void main(void) { unsigned long previous[MAXSIZE+1]; /* prev. pointer */ unsigned long next[MAXSIZE+1]; /* next pointer */ unsigned long prime, fact, i, mult; unsigned long n; unsigned long count = 0; char line[100], dummy; printf("\nLinear Sieve Program"); printf("\n===================="); printf("\n\nPrime Numbers between 2 to --> "); gets(line); n = strtoul(line, &dummy, 10); INITIAL(n); /* initial the set */ for (prime = 2; prime*prime <= n; NEXT(prime)) for (fact = prime; prime*fact <= n; NEXT(fact)) for (mult = prime*fact; mult <= n; mult *= prime) REMOVE(mult); /* remove multiples */ for (i = 2; i != NULL; NEXT(i)) { /* display result */ if (count % 8 == 0) printf("\n"); printf("%6ld", i); count++; } printf("\n\nThere are %ld Prime Numbers in Total", count); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* PROGRAM factorization of positive integers : */ /* Given un unsigned long integer, this program finds */ /* all prime factor by using traditional division method. */ /* */ /* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene July/10/1989 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAXSIZE 100 #define SAVE_FACTOR(fact, exp) { if (exp > 0) \ factors[count] = fact, \ exps[count++] = i; \ } void main(void) { unsigned long factors[MAXSIZE]; /* stores factors */ unsigned long exps[MAXSIZE]; /* stores exps */ unsigned long n, work; int count = 0; /* factor counter */ int i, k; char line[100], *dummy; printf("\nFactorization by Division Program"); printf("\n================================="); printf("\n\nInput a positive integer --> "); gets(line); n = strtoul(line, &dummy, 10); for (i=0,work=n; (work & 0x01UL)==0 && work>1; work>>=1,i++) ; /* extract divisor 2 */ SAVE_FACTOR(2, i); /* save it and its exp. */ for (k = 3; k <= work; k += 2) { /* for k=3,5,7,9,.. */ for (i = 0; work % k == 0 && work > 1; work /= k, i++) ; /* extract divisor k */ SAVE_FACTOR(k, i); /* save it and its exp. */ } printf("\n%ld = ", n); /* display result. */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) printf("%ld(%ld)", factors[i], exps[i]); }
unsigned long recursive_power(unsigned long m, unsigned long n) { unsigned long temp; if (n == 0) /* m^0 = 1 */ return 1; else if (n & 0x01UL == 0) { /* if power is even then */ temp = recursive_power(m, n >> 1); return temp * temp; /* m^(2k) = (m^k)^2 */ } else /* otherwise, m^n=m*m^(n-1) */ return m * recursive_power(m, n-1); }
unsigned long iterative_power(unsigned long m, unsigned long n) { unsigned long temp = 1; while (n > 0) { /* if there exists 1 bits.. */ if (n & 0x01UL == 1)/* the right most one ? */ temp *= m; /* YES, the result get a 'm'*/ m *= m; /* anyway, compute m^k */ n >>= 1; /* throw away this bit */ } return temp; }
unsigned long fibonacci(int n) { unsigned long f0, f1, temp; int i; if (n <= 2) return 1; else { for (f0 = f1 = 1, i = 3; i <= n; i++) { temp = f0 + f1; /* temp = f(n-2)+f(n-1) */ f0 = f1; /* f0 = f(n-2) */ f1 = temp; /* f1 = f(n-1) */ } return f1; } }
- void matrix_power(unsigned long, unsigned long,
- unsigned long, unsigned long, int,
- unsigned long *, unsigned long *,
- unsigned long *, unsigned long *);
- unsigned long fibonacci(int n)
- {
- unsigned long a, b, c, d;
- if (n <= 2)
- return 1;
- else { /* A^(n-2) of a matrix A */
- matrix_power(1UL, 1UL, 1UL, 0UL, n-2, &a, &b, &c, &d);
- return a + b;
- }
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* FUNCTION matrix_power : */
- /* This function accepts a matrix X and computes */
- /* X^(n-2) for n >= 3 using the power computation method, */
- /* where X is defined as follows */
- /* */
- /* +- -+ +- -+(n-2) */
- /* | aa bb | | a b | */
- /* | | = | | */
- /* | cc dd | | c d | */
- /* +- -+ +- -+ */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
- void matrix_power(unsigned long a, unsigned long b,
- unsigned long c, unsigned long d, int n,
- unsigned long *aa, unsigned long *bb,
- unsigned long *cc, unsigned long *dd)
- {
- unsigned long xa, xb, xc, xd;
- if (n == 1)
- *aa = a, *bb = b, *cc = c, *dd = d;
- else if (n & 0x01 == 1) { /* n odd: X^(2k+1)=X*X^(2k)*/
- matrix_power(a, b, c, d, n-1, &xa, &xb, &xc, &xd);
- *aa = a*xa + b*xc;
- *bb = a*xb + b*xd;
- *cc = c*xa + d*xc;
- *dd = c*xb + d*xd;
- }
- else { /* n even: X^(2k)=(X^(2k))^2*/
- matrix_power(a, b, c, d, n>>1, &xa, &xb, &xc, &xd);
- *aa = xa*xa + xb*xc;
- *bb = xa*xb + xb*xd;
- *cc = xc*xa + xd*xc;
- *dd = xc*xb + xd*xd;
- }
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h> /* for function atoi() */
- void main(void)
- {
- char line[100];
- int n;
- printf("\nO(log(n)) Fibonacci Number Computation\n");
- printf("\nn please ---> ");
- gets(line);
- n = atoi(line);
- printf("\nfib(%d) = %lu", n, fibonacci(n));
- }
- unsigned long ext_fibonacci(int n, int x, int y)
- {
- unsigned long f0, f1;
- unsigned long a0, a1;
- unsigned long temp1, temp2;
- int i;
- if (n == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (n == 1)
- return 2;
- else {
- for (f0 = f1 = 1, a0 = 1, a1 = 2, i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
- temp1 = x*f1 + y*f0;
- f0 = f1;
- f1 = temp1;
- temp2 = x*a0 + y*(a1 - f0) + f0 + f1;
- a0 = a1;
- a1 = temp2;
- }
- return a1;
- }
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- void main(void)
- {
- char line[100];
- int n, x, y;
- printf("\nExtended Fibonacci Number Computation\n");
- printf("\nGiven x and y, define the Extended Fibonacci"
- " Number as follows\n");
- printf("\nXfib(0) = 1; Xfib(1) = 1;"
- " Xfib(n) = x*Xfib(n-1) + y*Xfib(n-2)\n");
- printf("\nNow given another integer n, compute the sum of");
- printf("\nXfib(0)*Xfib(n) + Xfib(1)*Xfib(n-1) + ... +"
- " Xfib(i)*Xfib(n-i) + ... ");
- printf("\n + Xfib(n-1)*Xfib(1) + Xfib(n)*Xfib(0)\n");
- printf("\nx ---> ");
- gets(line);
- x = atoi(line);
- printf("\ny ---> ");
- gets(line);
- y = atoi(line);
- printf("\nn ---> ");
- gets(line);
- n = atoi(line);
- printf("\n\nAnswer is %lu", ext_fibonacci(n, x, y));
- }
- #define MAXSIZE 100
- unsigned long cnr(int n, int r)
- {
- unsigned long c[MAXSIZE];
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i <= r; i++) /* initial c[] to all 1's */
- c[i] = 1UL;
- for (i = 1; i <= n-r; i++) /* compute C(n,r) by add. */
- for (j = 1; j <= r; j++) /* but compute only */
- c[j] += c[j-1]; /* those needed. */
- return c[r];
- }
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* FUNCTION cnr : */ /* A special function to calculate all C(n,r)'s given n. */ /* It employs a very special trick on bit operations. NOTE */ /* that depend on the number of bits for unsigned long type */ /* this function might returns wrong answer. The rule of */ /* thumb is that if unsigned long has k bits then the max. */ /* of n, the input, should be no more than following : */ /* */ /* -1 + sqrt(1 + 4*k) */ /* -------------------- */ /* 2 */ /* */ /* Thus for k=32 as many microprocessor has, then the max. */ /* of n is 5. But this should not be viewd as a restriction */ /* because the same algorithm can be used in more advanced */ /* non-numeric applications. */ /* */ /* Copyright Ching-Kuang SHENE Feb/24/1989 */ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ unsigned long power(unsigned long, unsigned long); void cnr(int n, int answer[]) { unsigned long x = (1 << n) + 1; /* 2^n + 1 */ unsigned long mask = (1 << n) - 1; /* 2^n - 1, n 1's */ unsigned long result; int i; result = power(x, (unsigned long) n); /* (2^n+1)^n */ for (i = 0; i <= n; i++, result >>= n) /* retrieve data */ answer[i] = result & mask; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* FUNCTION power : */ /* This is the function called 'iterative_power' in */ /* file I_POWER.C of this book. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ unsigned long power(unsigned long m, unsigned long n) { unsigned long temp = 1; while (n > 0) { /* if there exists 1 bits.. */ if (n & 0x01UL == 1)/* the right most one ? */ temp *= m; /* YES, the result get a 'm'*/ m *= m; /* anyway, compute m^k */ n >>= 1; /* throw away this bit */ } return temp; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAXSIZE 10 void main(void) { int answer[MAXSIZE]; int n, r; char line[100]; printf("\nFast Combinatorial Coefficient Computation"); printf("\n=========================================="); printf("\n\nN ---> "); gets(line); n = atoi(line); cnr(n, answer); printf("\nAll Combinatorial Coefficients :\n"); for (r = 0; r <= n; r++) printf("\nC(%d,%d) = %d", n, r, answer[r]); }
- unsigned long power(unsigned long, unsigned long);
- void cnr(int n, int answer[])
- {
- unsigned long x = (1 << n) + 1; /* 2^n + 1 */
- unsigned long mask = (1 << n) - 1; /* 2^n - 1, n 1's */
- unsigned long result;
- int i;
- result = power(x, (unsigned long) n); /* (2^n+1)^n */
- for (i = 0; i <= n; i++, result >>= n) /* retrieve data */
- answer[i] = result & mask;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* FUNCTION power : */
- /* This is the function called 'iterative_power' in */
- /* file I_POWER.C of this book. */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
- unsigned long power(unsigned long m, unsigned long n)
- {
- unsigned long temp = 1;
- while (n > 0) { /* if there exists 1 bits.. */
- if (n & 0x01UL == 1)/* the right most one ? */
- temp *= m; /* YES, the result get a 'm'*/
- m *= m; /* anyway, compute m^k */
- n >>= 1; /* throw away this bit */
- }
- return temp;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #define MAXSIZE 10
- void main(void)
- {
- int answer[MAXSIZE];
- int n, r;
- char line[100];
- printf("\nFast Combinatorial Coefficient Computation");
- printf("\n==========================================");
- printf("\n\nN ---> ");
- gets(line);
- n = atoi(line);
- cnr(n, answer);
- printf("\nAll Combinatorial Coefficients :\n");
- for (r = 0; r <= n; r++)
- printf("\nC(%d,%d) = %d", n, r, answer[r]);
- }
- unsigned long mask; /* mask for shifting bits */
- unsigned cnrs[100]; /* storage for C(n,n/2)'s */
- int number; /* index for cnrs[] */
- int p_size; /* partition size in C(n,n/2) */
- unsigned long factor(unsigned long);
- unsigned long power(unsigned long, unsigned long);
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FUNCTION factorial : */
- /* Control routine of n! calculation. */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- unsigned long factorial(unsigned long n)
- {
- unsigned long x = (1 << n) + 1;
- number = 0; /* set index to init. pos. */
- mask = (1 << n) - 1; /* set up mask for shifting */
- p_size = n; /* set up partition size */
- (void) power(x, n); /* now computing (2^n+1)^n */
- number = 0; /* reset index to the start */
- return factor(n); /* then compute n! */
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FUNCTION factor : */
- /* This is the working routine for n!. The idea is */
- /* */
- /* +- 1 if n = 1 */
- /* | */
- /* n! = + n * (n-1)! if n is odd */
- /* | */
- /* +- C(n,n/2)*[(n/2)]! if n is even */
- /* */
- /* Before factor() is called n_power() is used to compute */
- /* (2^n+1)^n and during the course of this computation, it */
- /* stores all relevant C(n,n/2) into array cnrs[]. Thus */
- /* C(n,n/2)'s are available from array C(n,n/2) here. */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- unsigned long factor(unsigned long n)
- {
- unsigned long temp;
- if (n == 1)
- return 1;
- else if (n & 0x01UL == 1)
- return n * factor(n - 1);
- else {
- temp = factor(n >> 1);
- return cnrs[number++] * temp * temp;
- }
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FUNCTION power : */
- /* The modified power function to compute (2^n+1)^n in */
- /* recursive mode. During its computation, n_power() will */
- /* save C(n,n/2) into array cnrs[]. */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- unsigned long power(unsigned long n, unsigned long m)
- {
- unsigned long temp;
- if (m == 1)
- temp = n;
- else if (m & 0x01UL != 0)
- temp = n * power(n, m-1);
- else {
- temp = power(n, m >> 1);
- temp *= temp;
- cnrs[number++] = (temp >> ((m >> 1)*p_size)) & mask;
- }
- return temp;
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h> /* for strtoul() function */
- void main(void)
- {
- char line[100], *dummy_ptr;
- unsigned long m, n;
- printf("\nThe Fast N! Computation :");
- printf("\n\nN for N! please --> ");
- gets(line);
- n = strtoul(line, &dummy_ptr, 10);
- printf("\n%lu! = %lu", n, factorial(n));
- }
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- void main(void)
- {
- long left, right; /* left and right bound */
- long sum; /* computed sum */
- long GIVEN; /* the given number */
- int count = 0; /* solution counter */
- char line[100]; /* input buffer */
- printf("\nConsecutive sum to a fixed given number");
- printf("\n=======================================\n");
- printf("\nYour number (> 0) please ---> ");
- gets(line);
- GIVEN = atol(line);
- for (sum = 0, right = 1; sum < GIVEN; sum += right, right++)
- ;
- for (left = 1, right--; left <= GIVEN/2; )
- if (sum > GIVEN) /* if sum too large */
- sum -= (left++); /* reduce from left */
- else {
- if (sum == GIVEN) { /* if equal, print it */
- printf("\n%ld = sum from %ld to %ld",
- GIVEN, left, right);
- count++; /* and increase count */
- } /* if sum too small */
- sum += (++right); /* increase from right */
- }
- if (count > 0)
- printf("\n\nThere are %d solutions in total.", count);
- else
- printf("\n\nSorry, there is NO solution at all.");
- }
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