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每增加一个新的activity, 都要为这个activity指 ...
关于setContentView -
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ADB push的用法 -
ADB push的用法
This script can drop a SQL Server table. It automaticly remove all the constraints of the table before the drop query.
declare @sql varchar(1024) declare curs cursor for select 'ALTER TABLE "'+tab.name+'" DROP CONSTRAINT '+cons.name from sys.objects cons,sys.objects tab where cons.type in ('C', 'F', 'PK', 'UQ', 'D') and cons.parent_object_id=tab.object_id and tab.type='U' order by cons.type open curs fetch next from curs into @sql while (@@fetch_status = 0) begin print @sql exec(@sql) fetch next from curs into @sql end close curs deallocate curs
declare @sql varchar(1024) declare curs cursor for select 'DROP TABLE "'+tab.name+'";' from sys.objects cons,sys.objects tab where cons.type in ('C', 'F', 'PK', 'UQ', 'D') and cons.parent_object_id=tab.object_id and tab.type='U' order by cons.type open curs fetch next from curs into @sql while (@@fetch_status = 0) begin print @sql exec(@sql) fetch next from curs into @sql end close curs
declare @c int begin begin if object_id('ADMINCONFIG_SUPERGROUPS') is not null begin drop table [ADMINCONFIG_SUPERGROUPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ADMINCONFIG_SUPERUSERS') is not null begin drop table [ADMINCONFIG_SUPERUSERS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ADMINCONFIG') is not null begin drop table [ADMINCONFIG] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('AMFAPPLICATIONREVISION') is not null begin drop table [AMFAPPLICATIONREVISION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('AMXADMINUSERPREFERENCES') is not null begin drop table [AMXADMINUSERPREFERENCES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('AMXDMINSRPRFRENCES_PRPERTYGRPS') is not null begin drop table [AMXDMINSRPRFRENCES_PRPERTYGRPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('APPENDERREF') is not null begin drop table [APPENDERREF] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('APPFRAGMENT') is not null begin drop table [APPFRAGMENT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('APPLICATIONFOLDER') is not null begin drop table [APPLICATIONFOLDER] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('APPLICATION') is not null begin drop table [APPLICATION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BASECOMPONENT_APPFRAGMENTS') is not null begin drop table [BASECOMPONENT_APPFRAGMENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BASECOMPONENT_POLICYINTENTS') is not null begin drop table [BASECOMPONENT_POLICYINTENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BASECOMPONENT') is not null begin drop table [BASECOMPONENT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BINDING_APPFRAGMENTS') is not null begin drop table [BINDING_APPFRAGMENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BINDING_APPLICATIONLOGGERS') is not null begin drop table [BINDING_APPLICATIONLOGGERS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BINDING_INCLUDEDRESOURCES') is not null begin drop table [BINDING_INCLUDEDRESOURCES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BINDING_NODELOGGERS') is not null begin drop table [BINDING_NODELOGGERS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BINDING_PARENTSOURCECOMPONENT') is not null begin drop table [BINDING_PARENTSOURCECOMPONENT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BINDING_POLICYINTENTS') is not null begin drop table [BINDING_POLICYINTENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BINDING_SVARSUSED') is not null begin drop table [BINDING_SVARSUSED] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BINDING') is not null begin drop table [BINDING] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BNDING') is not null begin drop table [BNDING] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BUNDLELIST') is not null begin drop table [BUNDLELIST] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CAPABILITYLINK') is not null begin drop table [CAPABILITYLINK] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CAPABILITYPROPAGATION') is not null begin drop table [CAPABILITYPROPAGATION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CERTIFICATE') is not null begin drop table [CERTIFICATE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CLUSTER_HOSTS') is not null begin drop table [CLUSTER_HOSTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CMPNNTINSTNCE_DEPENDSNCMPNENTS') is not null begin drop table [CMPNNTINSTNCE_DEPENDSNCMPNENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CMPNNTNSTNC_DPNDSNCMPNNTSCRSSN') is not null begin drop table [CMPNNTNSTNC_DPNDSNCMPNNTSCRSSN] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('COMPONENTINSTANCESET_ITEMS') is not null begin drop table [COMPONENTINSTANCESET_ITEMS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('COMPONENTINSTANCESET') is not null begin drop table [COMPONENTINSTANCESET] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('COMPONENTINSTANCE') is not null begin drop table [COMPONENTINSTANCE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('COMPONENTSUMMARY') is not null begin drop table [COMPONENTSUMMARY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('COMPONENT_APPLICATIONLOGGERS') is not null begin drop table [COMPONENT_APPLICATIONLOGGERS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('COMPONENT_NODELOGGERS') is not null begin drop table [COMPONENT_NODELOGGERS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CONTEXTPARAMETERS') is not null begin drop table [CONTEXTPARAMETERS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CPBILITYLINK_REQIREDCMPNENTRIS') is not null begin drop table [CPBILITYLINK_REQIREDCMPNENTRIS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CPBLTYLNK_RQRDCMPNNTRISCRSSNDS') is not null begin drop table [CPBLTYLNK_RQRDCMPNNTRISCRSSNDS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CREDENTIALSERVERCONFIG') is not null begin drop table [CREDENTIALSERVERCONFIG] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CREDENTIALSERVER') is not null begin drop table [CREDENTIALSERVER] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CSR') is not null begin drop table [CSR] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('DEBUGGEROBJECT') is not null begin drop table [DEBUGGEROBJECT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('DEPLOYMENTCONSTRAINT') is not null begin drop table [DEPLOYMENTCONSTRAINT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ENDPINT_DPNDSNCMPNENTSCRSSNDES') is not null begin drop table [ENDPINT_DPNDSNCMPNENTSCRSSNDES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ENDPOINT_DEPENDSONCOMPONENTS') is not null begin drop table [ENDPOINT_DEPENDSONCOMPONENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ENDPOINT') is not null begin drop table [ENDPOINT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ENTERPRISECREDENTIALSERVER') is not null begin drop table [ENTERPRISECREDENTIALSERVER] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ENVIRONMENT_HOSTS') is not null begin drop table [ENVIRONMENT_HOSTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ENVIRONMENT_RESOURCETEMPLATES') is not null begin drop table [ENVIRONMENT_RESOURCETEMPLATES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ENVIRONMENT') is not null begin drop table [ENVIRONMENT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ERRORDETAIL') is not null begin drop table [ERRORDETAIL] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('EXTENSIONPOINTTYPE') is not null begin drop table [EXTENSIONPOINTTYPE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('EXTENSIONTYPE') is not null begin drop table [EXTENSIONTYPE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('FEATUREID') is not null begin drop table [FEATUREID] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('FEATURELIST') is not null begin drop table [FEATURELIST] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('FILTERSECTIONGROUP') is not null begin drop table [FILTERSECTIONGROUP] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('FILTERSECTION') is not null begin drop table [FILTERSECTION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GADGETCOLUMN') is not null begin drop table [GADGETCOLUMN] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('HOSTTRANSPORT') is not null begin drop table [HOSTTRANSPORT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('JAVAPROCESSCONFIG') is not null begin drop table [JAVAPROCESSCONFIG] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('JCACONFIG') is not null begin drop table [JCACONFIG] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('KEYSTORE') is not null begin drop table [KEYSTORE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('KEYVALUEPAIR') is not null begin drop table [KEYVALUEPAIR] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('LOGAPPENDER_SVARSUSED') is not null begin drop table [LOGAPPENDER_SVARSUSED] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('LOGGERCONFIG') is not null begin drop table [LOGGERCONFIG] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('LOGICALNODE_BINDINGS') is not null begin drop table [LOGICALNODE_BINDINGS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('LOGICALNODE_COMPONENTS') is not null begin drop table [LOGICALNODE_COMPONENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('LOGICALNODE_PHYSICALNODES') is not null begin drop table [LOGICALNODE_PHYSICALNODES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('LOGICALNODE') is not null begin drop table [LOGICALNODE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('MACHINE') is not null begin drop table [MACHINE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('NAMEDRESOURCEINSTANCE') is not null begin drop table [NAMEDRESOURCEINSTANCE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('NDE') is not null begin drop table [NDE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('NODETEMPLATE') is not null begin drop table [NODETEMPLATE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('NODETYPEFEATURELIST') is not null begin drop table [NODETYPEFEATURELIST] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('NODE_APPFRAGMENTS') is not null begin drop table [NODE_APPFRAGMENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('NODE') is not null begin drop table [NODE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('NOTIFICATIONTRANSPORT') is not null begin drop table [NOTIFICATIONTRANSPORT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('OBJECTTYPECLMNS_IDPRPERTYNAMES') is not null begin drop table [OBJECTTYPECLMNS_IDPRPERTYNAMES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('OBJECTTYPECOLUMNS') is not null begin drop table [OBJECTTYPECOLUMNS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PERMISSION') is not null begin drop table [PERMISSION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PLATFORM_NODES') is not null begin drop table [PLATFORM_NODES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PLATFORM_PERMISSIONS') is not null begin drop table [PLATFORM_PERMISSIONS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PLATFORM') is not null begin drop table [PLATFORM] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PLUGINCOMPONENT') is not null begin drop table [PLUGINCOMPONENT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PLUGINFEATURE') is not null begin drop table [PLUGINFEATURE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PLUGINSTATEONNODE') is not null begin drop table [PLUGINSTATEONNODE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PLUGINTYPE1') is not null begin drop table [PLUGINTYPE1] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('POLICYSET') is not null begin drop table [POLICYSET] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PRDPPAPPLICTIN_DISTRIBTEDTAPPS') is not null begin drop table [PRDPPAPPLICTIN_DISTRIBTEDTAPPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PREVIOUSENVSELECTION') is not null begin drop table [PREVIOUSENVSELECTION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PROMOTEDSERVICE') is not null begin drop table [PROMOTEDSERVICE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PROPERTYAMF') is not null begin drop table [PROPERTYAMF] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PROVIDEDCAPABILITY') is not null begin drop table [PROVIDEDCAPABILITY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PRPGTNFRMMPLMNTTNTY_PRVDDVRSNS') is not null begin drop table [PRPGTNFRMMPLMNTTNTY_PRVDDVRSNS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PRPGTNFRMXTNSNPNT_PRVIDDVRSINS') is not null begin drop table [PRPGTNFRMXTNSNPNT_PRVIDDVRSINS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PUBLICATIONERROR') is not null begin drop table [PUBLICATIONERROR] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PUBLICATION') is not null begin drop table [PUBLICATION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('REFERENCE_OPERATIONS') is not null begin drop table [REFERENCE_OPERATIONS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('REFERENCE_POLICYINTENTS') is not null begin drop table [REFERENCE_POLICYINTENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('REFERENCE_PROMOTES') is not null begin drop table [REFERENCE_PROMOTES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('REFERENCE') is not null begin drop table [REFERENCE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RELEASEUNITDEPENDENCY') is not null begin drop table [RELEASEUNITDEPENDENCY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('REQUIREDCAPABILITY_WITHS') is not null begin drop table [REQUIREDCAPABILITY_WITHS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('REQUIREDCAPABILITY') is not null begin drop table [REQUIREDCAPABILITY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RESADAPTERRARASSOCIATIONS') is not null begin drop table [RESADAPTERRARASSOCIATIONS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RESORCEINSTANCE_ATOCREATEDREFS') is not null begin drop table [RESORCEINSTANCE_ATOCREATEDREFS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RESORCETEMPLATE_ATOCREATEDREFS') is not null begin drop table [RESORCETEMPLATE_ATOCREATEDREFS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RESOURCEADAPTERLIST') is not null begin drop table [RESOURCEADAPTERLIST] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RESOURCEINSTANCE') is not null begin drop table [RESOURCEINSTANCE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RESOURCETEMPLATE_DEPENDENCIES') is not null begin drop table [RESOURCETEMPLATE_DEPENDENCIES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RESOURCETEMPLATE_SVARSUSED') is not null begin drop table [RESOURCETEMPLATE_SVARSUSED] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RESOURCETEMPLATE') is not null begin drop table [RESOURCETEMPLATE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SBSTITUTIONVARIABLE_VISIBILITY') is not null begin drop table [SBSTITUTIONVARIABLE_VISIBILITY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SERVERCFG_PUBLICATIONS') is not null begin drop table [SERVERCFG_PUBLICATIONS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SERVERCFG') is not null begin drop table [SERVERCFG] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SERVICEVIRTUALIZATION') is not null begin drop table [SERVICEVIRTUALIZATION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SERVICE_OPERATIONS') is not null begin drop table [SERVICE_OPERATIONS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SERVICE_POLICYINTENTS') is not null begin drop table [SERVICE_POLICYINTENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SERVICE') is not null begin drop table [SERVICE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SILVERLIGHTLAYOUT') is not null begin drop table [SILVERLIGHTLAYOUT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('STRINGTOLONGMAPENTRY') is not null begin drop table [STRINGTOLONGMAPENTRY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('STRINGTOSTRINGMAPENTRY') is not null begin drop table [STRINGTOSTRINGMAPENTRY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SUBSTITUTABLEOBJECT') is not null begin drop table [SUBSTITUTABLEOBJECT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SUBSTITUTIONBINDING') is not null begin drop table [SUBSTITUTIONBINDING] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SUBSTITUTIONVARIABLES') is not null begin drop table [SUBSTITUTIONVARIABLES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SUBSTITUTIONVARIABLE') is not null begin drop table [SUBSTITUTIONVARIABLE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SVARRESOLVED') is not null begin drop table [SVARRESOLVED] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SVARSUSED') is not null begin drop table [SVARSUSED] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TAG') is not null begin drop table [TAG] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TASKRESULT_TASKDEPENDENCIES') is not null begin drop table [TASKRESULT_TASKDEPENDENCIES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TASKRESULT') is not null begin drop table [TASKRESULT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TASK_DEPENDENCIES') is not null begin drop table [TASK_DEPENDENCIES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TASK_PROCESSEDDEPENDENCIES') is not null begin drop table [TASK_PROCESSEDDEPENDENCIES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TASK') is not null begin drop table [TASK] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TCSUSER') is not null begin drop table [TCSUSER] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('UIVIEW') is not null begin drop table [UIVIEW] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('USERACTION_USERACTIONENTITYIDS') is not null begin drop table [USERACTION_USERACTIONENTITYIDS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('USERACTION') is not null begin drop table [USERACTION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('USERPREFPROPERTYGROUP') is not null begin drop table [USERPREFPROPERTYGROUP] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('USERPREFPROPERTY') is not null begin drop table [USERPREFPROPERTY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('USERPREFPRPERTYGROP_PROPERTIES') is not null begin drop table [USERPREFPRPERTYGROP_PROPERTIES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('USERSEARCHQUERY') is not null begin drop table [USERSEARCHQUERY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('VERSIONCLOSURE') is not null begin drop table [VERSIONCLOSURE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('WIRE') is not null begin drop table [WIRE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('COMPLEXITYREQS') is not null begin drop table [COMPLEXITYREQS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GROUP_CHILDGROUPS') is not null begin drop table [GROUP_CHILDGROUPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GROUP_USERS') is not null begin drop table [GROUP_USERS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GROUP') is not null begin drop table [GROUP] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('HASHEDPASSWORD') is not null begin drop table [HASHEDPASSWORD] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PASSWORDHISTORY') is not null begin drop table [PASSWORDHISTORY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PASSWORDPOLICY') is not null begin drop table [PASSWORDPOLICY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('REALM') is not null begin drop table [REALM] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('USER') is not null begin drop table [USER] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ACTIONEXECUTION') is not null begin drop table [ACTIONEXECUTION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('AGGREGATEINFO_RESETCONDITIONS') is not null begin drop table [AGGREGATEINFO_RESETCONDITIONS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('AGGRGTREVNTDFINITIN_METRICGRPS') is not null begin drop table [AGGRGTREVNTDFINITIN_METRICGRPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('AGGRGTRMDLS_RQIRDGGRGTRXTNSINS') is not null begin drop table [AGGRGTRMDLS_RQIRDGGRGTRXTNSINS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('AGGRGTRVNTDFNTNX_TMSYNCHRNZDBY') is not null begin drop table [AGGRGTRVNTDFNTNX_TMSYNCHRNZDBY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BASEACTION_PROVIDEDINTENTS') is not null begin drop table [BASEACTION_PROVIDEDINTENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BASEACTION') is not null begin drop table [BASEACTION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BASEECA') is not null begin drop table [BASEECA] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BASEPARAMSETTING') is not null begin drop table [BASEPARAMSETTING] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BASEVAL') is not null begin drop table [BASEVAL] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BUNDLEDGCINSTANCE') is not null begin drop table [BUNDLEDGCINSTANCE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CHOICE') is not null begin drop table [CHOICE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('DEPLOYABLE') is not null begin drop table [DEPLOYABLE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('DEPLOYMENTFRAGMENT') is not null begin drop table [DEPLOYMENTFRAGMENT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('DPLYMNTFRGMNT_PPLICTINTEMPLTES') is not null begin drop table [DPLYMNTFRGMNT_PPLICTINTEMPLTES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ENFORCEMENTPLACEMENT') is not null begin drop table [ENFORCEMENTPLACEMENT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ENFORCEMENTPOINTPLACEMENT') is not null begin drop table [ENFORCEMENTPOINTPLACEMENT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ENFORCEMENTSECTIONPLACEMENT') is not null begin drop table [ENFORCEMENTSECTIONPLACEMENT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ENFORCEMENTSTAGEPLACEMENT') is not null begin drop table [ENFORCEMENTSTAGEPLACEMENT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('EVENTTARGETEXTENSIN_METRICGRPS') is not null begin drop table [EVENTTARGETEXTENSIN_METRICGRPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('EVENTTARGET_METRICGROUPS') is not null begin drop table [EVENTTARGET_METRICGROUPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('EVENTTARGET_TARGETTYPES') is not null begin drop table [EVENTTARGET_TARGETTYPES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('EVENTTRGETEXTENSIN_TARGETTYPES') is not null begin drop table [EVENTTRGETEXTENSIN_TARGETTYPES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDDOMAINDEFINITION') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDDOMAINDEFINITION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDENTERPRISE') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDENTERPRISE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDOBJECTCHILDREN_VALUE') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDOBJECTCHILDREN_VALUE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDOBJECTCHILDREN') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDOBJECTCHILDREN] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDOBJECTPARENT') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDOBJECTPARENT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDOBJECTPROPERTYDEF') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDOBJECTPROPERTYDEF] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDOBJECTPROPERTY') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDOBJECTPROPERTY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDOBJECTREFERENCEDEF') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDOBJECTREFERENCEDEF] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDOBJECTREFERENCE_VALUE') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDOBJECTREFERENCE_VALUE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDOBJECTREFERENCE') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDOBJECTREFERENCE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDOBJECTTYPE_SUPERTYPE') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDOBJECTTYPE_SUPERTYPE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDOBJECTTYPE') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDOBJECTTYPE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GOVERNEDOBJECT') is not null begin drop table [GOVERNEDOBJECT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GVERNEDBJECTPARENTREFERENCEDEF') is not null begin drop table [GVERNEDBJECTPARENTREFERENCEDEF] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GVERNNCERLECTIN_PRVIDEDINTENTS') is not null begin drop table [GVERNNCERLECTIN_PRVIDEDINTENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('GVRNNCRLCTINTMPLT_PRVIDDINTNTS') is not null begin drop table [GVRNNCRLCTINTMPLT_PRVIDDINTNTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('METRICDEFINITINEXTENSIN_LIASES') is not null begin drop table [METRICDEFINITINEXTENSIN_LIASES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('METRICDEFINITION_ALIASES') is not null begin drop table [METRICDEFINITION_ALIASES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('METRICDEFINITION_TIMEWINDOWSET') is not null begin drop table [METRICDEFINITION_TIMEWINDOWSET] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('METRICGROP_GOVERNEDOBJECTGROPS') is not null begin drop table [METRICGROP_GOVERNEDOBJECTGROPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('METRICGROUP_TIMEWINDOWSET') is not null begin drop table [METRICGROUP_TIMEWINDOWSET] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('METRICGRPEXTENSIN_TIMEWINDWSET') is not null begin drop table [METRICGRPEXTENSIN_TIMEWINDWSET] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('METRICGRP_PPLICABLECLASSIFIERS') is not null begin drop table [METRICGRP_PPLICABLECLASSIFIERS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('MODELBLOB') is not null begin drop table [MODELBLOB] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('MODELOBJECTID') is not null begin drop table [MODELOBJECTID] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('MTRCGRPXTNSIN_PPLICBLCLSSIFIRS') is not null begin drop table [MTRCGRPXTNSIN_PPLICBLCLSSIFIRS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('MTRICDFINITINXTNSIN_TIMWINDWST') is not null begin drop table [MTRICDFINITINXTNSIN_TIMWINDWST] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('MTRICGRPEXTNSIN_GVRNDBJECTGRPS') is not null begin drop table [MTRICGRPEXTNSIN_GVRNDBJECTGRPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PARAMETERGROUPSETTING') is not null begin drop table [PARAMETERGROUPSETTING] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PARAMETERGROUP') is not null begin drop table [PARAMETERGROUP] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PARAMETERPROPERTY') is not null begin drop table [PARAMETERPROPERTY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PARAMETER') is not null begin drop table [PARAMETER] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PERSISTENCEBASE') is not null begin drop table [PERSISTENCEBASE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PREFIXMAP') is not null begin drop table [PREFIXMAP] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PROPERTYFILTER') is not null begin drop table [PROPERTYFILTER] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PROPERTYVAL') is not null begin drop table [PROPERTYVAL] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('QERYCONFIGRATION_TARGETMETRICS') is not null begin drop table [QERYCONFIGRATION_TARGETMETRICS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('QRYCNFIGRTINEXTNSIN_TRGTMTRICS') is not null begin drop table [QRYCNFIGRTINEXTNSIN_TRGTMTRICS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RELATIONPATHITEM') is not null begin drop table [RELATIONPATHITEM] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RELATIONPATH') is not null begin drop table [RELATIONPATH] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RESETCNDITIONEXTENSION_TARGETS') is not null begin drop table [RESETCNDITIONEXTENSION_TARGETS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RESOURCEINSTANCEMAP') is not null begin drop table [RESOURCEINSTANCEMAP] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RESOURCETEMPLATEASSOCIATION') is not null begin drop table [RESOURCETEMPLATEASSOCIATION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RSRCETEMPLTESSCITIN_LLWEDTYPES') is not null begin drop table [RSRCETEMPLTESSCITIN_LLWEDTYPES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RSRCTMPLTSSCITIN_RFPRPERTYNMES') is not null begin drop table [RSRCTMPLTSSCITIN_RFPRPERTYNMES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RULEACTION') is not null begin drop table [RULEACTION] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RULETEMPLATEREF') is not null begin drop table [RULETEMPLATEREF] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RULE_PROVIDEDINTENTS') is not null begin drop table [RULE_PROVIDEDINTENTS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RULE_TAGS') is not null begin drop table [RULE_TAGS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('RULE') is not null begin drop table [RULE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SINGLEVAL_REFPROPERTYNAMES') is not null begin drop table [SINGLEVAL_REFPROPERTYNAMES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SINGLPRMSETTING_REFPRPERTYNMES') is not null begin drop table [SINGLPRMSETTING_REFPRPERTYNMES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SUBSTITUTIONVARIABLEREF') is not null begin drop table [SUBSTITUTIONVARIABLEREF] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TARGETDEFINITION_TYPES') is not null begin drop table [TARGETDEFINITION_TYPES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TARGETOBJECTGROUPSELECTOR') is not null begin drop table [TARGETOBJECTGROUPSELECTOR] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TEMPLATECATEGORY_SUBCATEGORIES') is not null begin drop table [TEMPLATECATEGORY_SUBCATEGORIES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TEMPLATECATEGORY') is not null begin drop table [TEMPLATECATEGORY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TEMPLATE') is not null begin drop table [TEMPLATE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TIMEWINDOWSET_WINDOW') is not null begin drop table [TIMEWINDOWSET_WINDOW] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TIMEWINDWSET_GVERNEDOBJECTGRPS') is not null begin drop table [TIMEWINDWSET_GVERNEDOBJECTGRPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('TIMWINDWEXTNSIN_GVRNDBJECTGRPS') is not null begin drop table [TIMWINDWEXTNSIN_GVRNDBJECTGRPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('UNBOUNDEDPARAMSETTING_VALUES') is not null begin drop table [UNBOUNDEDPARAMSETTING_VALUES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('UNBOUNDEDVAL_VALUES') is not null begin drop table [UNBOUNDEDVAL_VALUES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('VERSIONEDOBJECT') is not null begin drop table [VERSIONEDOBJECT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('WNDWHISTRYDFINITIN_RSTCNDITINS') is not null begin drop table [WNDWHISTRYDFINITIN_RSTCNDITINS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ACTIVESTARTTIMES') is not null begin drop table [ACTIVESTARTTIMES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BASEEVENTFORMAT_CLASSIFIERS') is not null begin drop table [BASEEVENTFORMAT_CLASSIFIERS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BASEEVENTFORMAT_PAYLOADIDS') is not null begin drop table [BASEEVENTFORMAT_PAYLOADIDS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('BASEEVENTFORMAT') is not null begin drop table [BASEEVENTFORMAT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CLASSIFIERBEFMAP') is not null begin drop table [CLASSIFIERBEFMAP] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CLASSIFIERGROUPS') is not null begin drop table [CLASSIFIERGROUPS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CLASSIFIER') is not null begin drop table [CLASSIFIER] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('CLQUERYMODEL') is not null begin drop table [CLQUERYMODEL] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('ECOMPID') is not null begin drop table [ECOMPID] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('LGGINGPOLICYMESSAGE_PROPERTIES') is not null begin drop table [LGGINGPOLICYMESSAGE_PROPERTIES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('LOGGINGPOLICYMESSAGE') is not null begin drop table [LOGGINGPOLICYMESSAGE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('LOGGINGPOLICYMODEL_MESSAGES') is not null begin drop table [LOGGINGPOLICYMODEL_MESSAGES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('LOGGINGPOLICYPROPERTY') is not null begin drop table [LOGGINGPOLICYPROPERTY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('LOGSERVICE') is not null begin drop table [LOGSERVICE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('OTHERSITUATION_ANY') is not null begin drop table [OTHERSITUATION_ANY] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PAYLOADDATA') is not null begin drop table [PAYLOADDATA] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('PAYLOAD') is not null begin drop table [PAYLOAD] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('REPORTINGCOMPONENTID') is not null begin drop table [REPORTINGCOMPONENTID] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('SITUATIONTYPE') is not null begin drop table [SITUATIONTYPE] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('STATSCLASSIFIERS') is not null begin drop table [STATSCLASSIFIERS] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('APPLICATIONARTIFACT') is not null begin drop table [APPLICATIONARTIFACT] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('APPLICATIONARTIFACT_FEATURES') is not null begin drop table [APPLICATIONARTIFACT_FEATURES] end SET @c = 0;end begin if object_id('APPLICTINRTIFCT_RESRCETEMPLTES') is not null begin drop table [APPLICTINRTIFCT_RESRCETEMPLTES] end SET @c = 0;end end
Linux下安装SF oracle
2013-08-06 16:43 804在使用oracle enabler时需要在engine运行的系 ... -
ORA-01940 如何drop user
2013-03-27 19:28 1552使用drop user bpmuser cascade时遇到以 ... -
2013-03-01 12:24 20311.Right-click on the ou=users n ... -
如何导入apache DS的数据
2013-02-28 19:35 15911. 安装好ApacheDS后, 启动ApacheDS ser ... -
ORA-01119: error in creating database file ***
2013-02-20 19:24 6865case1.今天在运行amx-bpm deploy-bpm的脚 ... -
2013-02-20 14:15 781转自:http://blog.csdn.net/jun ... -
about Teradata SQL
2012-11-09 14:37 967http://www.razorsql.com/docs/te ... -
How to change the password for a user in Oracle
2012-11-09 14:34 1030Answer: To change a user's pas ... -
Modify password of an accnout in SQL Server
2012-11-09 14:32 812http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us ... -
Ant执行SQL server 存储过程时的一个问题
2012-11-07 15:31 1489在ant上执行SQL server的存储过程, 事务不会自动提 ... -
2012-06-08 15:08 1361同样的oracle dll脚本: declare c int ... -
2012-05-25 20:30 1588在java6中内置了一个javascript的engine: ... -
如何创建SQL Server 2008的数据库
2012-05-09 19:56 1116step 1.打开SQL Server Managem ... -
2012-05-08 18:24 6843oracle中创建新的user, 也就相应地创建了一个新的sc ... -
2011-08-10 18:58 896在安装完Oracle 10g之后,想打开sql*plus来学习 ... -
2011-08-10 18:56 1172tnsnames.ora文件 这个文件类似于unix 的h ... -
2011-08-10 18:55 966tnsname.ora 是客户端用来查找,连接lis ... -
2011-08-10 18:49 1122很久不用的oralce数据库,如果忘记了密码,可以这样 ...
An intent lock indicates that SQL Server wants to acquire a shared (S) lock or exclusive (X) lock on some of the resources lower down in the hierarchy. For example, a shared intent lock placed at the ...
In a nonclustered index, the leaf level contains each index key, plus a bookmark that tells SQL Server where to find the data row corresponding to the key in the index. A bookmark can take one of two ...
Firebird Maestro wizards and editors allow you to create, edit and drop tables as well as their fields, indexes, triggers and foreign keys in a couple of simple operations. Building and executing ...
Double-click on an item to paste the text in the cursor location of the current editor or drag & drop it to a specific location in an editor. You can use the editor preferences to configure when and...
Double-click on an item to paste the text in the cursor location of the current editor or drag & drop it to a specific location in an editor. You can use the editor preferences to configure when and ...
Double-click on an item to paste the text in the cursor location of the current editor or drag & drop it to a specific location in an editor. You can use the editor preferences to configure when and...
Double-click on an item to paste the text in the cursor location of the current editor or drag & drop it to a specific location in an editor. You can use the editor preferences to configure when and ...
Functionality Unicode support in String and Memo fields Multiple-fields indexes with descending, ascending, case-sensitive and insensitive options Shareable tables Default values support Min, max and ...
With CuteEditor you can easily use a Sql Server database or access database as the file storage. RTF到HTML的相互转换 With CuteEditor you can easily convert an ...
How MFC Reacts to Multiple Templates What Frames are For Status Bars and Toolbars CStatusBar CToolBar Docking Tool Tips Summary Chapter 5: Using Dialogs and Controls in MFC User Interfaces:...
The generator allows you to create tables, queries and databases in run-time. Built-in dialog designer allows you creation of dialog forms (they can be used for asking some parameters before printing...
How to Create and Drop Indexes - **创建索引**: 使用`CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name);`。 - **删除索引**: 使用`DROP INDEX index_name;`。 通过以上内容的学习,我们可以了解到...
To prevent this type of error from occurring, developers can use MaxHTMLLength or MaxTextLength in the Cute Editor to limit the length of the user抯 input. Apply security to control user ...
参考链接`http://www.simplehelp.net/2008/08/25/how-to-install-and-setup-apache-mysql-and-php-in-windows/`,了解详细步骤。 ### 四、安装Mantis并创建数据库 1. 将Mantis解压缩至`C:\wamp\www`目录下。 2. ...