看了dcomli的发帖,是Adrian 写的大家的信:
web-based worklist handler
Repository entries can now use a kind of 'inheritance'
ToolAgent implementations now include support for Java executables,并且新增了发送邮件的ToolAgent
ExternalReferences are now more intelligent and flexible.
Adrian竟然还实现了Xforms ToolAgent ,不过目前XForm的浏览器不行。
Adrian最近也是在写书—— “I accepted an invitation to contribute material on OBE and XPDL to a new textbook on workflow technologies: "Process Aware Information Systems" will be published by John Wiley & Sons in early 2005. Chapter 13,
"Standards for Workflow Definition and Execution", discusses XPDL in detail and includes an example and some exercises which I have
implemented using OBE.”
Good Day All,
It's time for an update on the state of the Open Business Engine, since
I've received a few inquiries about the health of the project. I have
actually been very busy on it over the last few months, although I
haven't yet submitted anything much to CVS. This is partly on account
of the fact that there are some breaking changes in repository formats;
I want to submit a consistent and fully functional set of changes.
The main reason for the apparent inactivity is that earlier on this year
I accepted an invitation to contribute material on OBE and XPDL to a new
textbook on workflow technologies: "Process Aware Information Systems"
will be published by John Wiley & Sons in early 2005. Chapter 13,
"Standards for Workflow Definition and Execution", discusses XPDL in
detail and includes an example and some exercises which I have
implemented using OBE. My contribution also includes a summary of the
weaknesses and ambiguities I encountered in the XPDL specification while
implementing OBE. The exercises and their solutions will be included in
the forthcoming OBE documentation set and will also be posted to John
Wiley's web site. The exercises highlighted some shortcomings in OBE,
most of which have now been addressed. Most of the OBE development work
this summer has been driven by my desire to implement elegant solutions
to the exercises.
The changes described below are not in CVS yet, but I'll submit them
once everything's working and all the tests are passing again. Here's a
list of the pending changes:
- The current focus is a web-based worklist handler, built using Sun's
Reference Implementation of Java Server Faces (JSF-1.1_01). This is
leading edge standards-based user interface technology, and its use
should position OBE well for real-life applications. (The command-line
worklist application was only ever intended as an aid to developers, and
as an example of WAPI usage. I wasn't intending to deliver a web-based
worklist in release 1.0, but the book changed that intent.)
- Repository entries can now use a kind of 'inheritance', which makes it
very easy to define families of related resources without having to
duplicate common settings in every entry.
- I've also done a lot of work on ToolAgent design and in making the
ToolMetaData available to the ToolAgent at run-time, which has greatly
simplified the agent classes. It has also allowed me to eliminate the
now-superfluous 'XXXType' classes.
- The ToolAgent classes were originally written with the (simplistic)
assumption that applications would always be invoked directly by either
client- or server-side Java code. I've redesigned the tool meta-data
and agents to make application invocation meta-data accessible and
useful to a Web-based worklist handler, which of course has to render
the equivalent HTML to direct a web browser to perform the tool
invocation, rather than invoking the tool directly from Java code.
- ToolAgent implementations now include support for Java executables,
Java methods (both static and instance) and EJB methods (both home and
local/remote), with the ability to pass a process variable as the
invocation target.
- ExternalReferences are now more intelligent and flexible, and can
introspect their URIs to determine the underlying implementation
technology (e.g., java: signifies a Java method, *.wsdl signifies a Web
Service, etc.).
- I did some experimental work on an Xforms ToolAgent but this has been
suspended pending wider Xforms browser support, and also to allow the
JSF worklist handler to proceed. I'm also waiting to see what synergies
emerge between JSF and Xforms.
- There's a new tool agent to send an email.
- Still no success with document/literal Web Service invocation through
Axis-1.1 JAX-RPC, but I hope to rectify this by writing a new Web
Service ToolAgent implementation that uses Apache WSIF, the Web Services
Invocation Framework instead of raw JAX-RPC. It's still a goal that OBE
1.0 will be able to execute the WfMC's Sample Workflow Application,
which makes extensive use of Web Services.
- There's a new documentation set in the works, but I've had to suspend
work on it until the book exercises, solutions and JSF worklist are
- OBE now runs on JBoss-4.0.
Well, I hope the above will suffice to reassure the OBE community that
the project is very much alive and kicking, and that some Good Things
are in the pipeline. I'm still working toward that long-promised
Release 1.0, which as it turns out will be more comprehensive than
originally planned, thanks to the book. Timescales? I'm aiming for
completion of this work to coincide with the publication of the book in
early 2005. I'll try to get something committed to CVS before then - as
soon as the JSF worklist is worth looking at.
Thanks and best regards to all,
在这个上下文中,提到的"OBE"似乎是一个用纯Java语言实现的特定软件或系统。** 该分析报告可能是针对这个Java版OBE系统的一次深度探讨,可能涵盖了系统的设计、实现、功能以及性能等方面。由于没有具体的描述,我们...
成果导向教育(Outcome-Based Education,OBE)是一种教育模式,其核心理念是关注学生学习成果,而非仅侧重于教学过程或传统考核形式。在单片机课程中应用成果导向教育,旨在通过更全面和系统的方式来提升学生的实践...
OBE(Outcome-Based Education)教育理念是一种以学生能力达成度为焦点的教学模式,强调教育应以预期的学习成果为导向,确保学生在完成学业后具备所需的知识、技能和素质。在工程教育专业认证的背景下,OBE理念对于...
Matlab软件在机械原理课程OBE教学改革中的应用 【知识点】: 1. OBE教学改革:OBE(Outcome Based Education,基于成果的教学)是一种强调学习成果的教学模式,强调以学生的学习成果为本,注重学生能力和技能的培养...
OBE理念,全称为Outcome-Based Education,即成果导向教育,是近年来高职院校推进的教学改革理念之一,它以学生为中心,注重学生“应用型”能力的培养。随着机器人技术的快速发展,社会对工业机器人专业人才的需求...
本文探讨了基于学习结果(Outcome-Based Education,简称OBE)的工程教育模式在Java面向对象程序设计教学中的具体应用。OBE教育模式是一种以学生为中心的教学方法,注重学生通过教育所获得的能力和知识,以及他们...
OBE模式在教育理念、培养目标、培养模式、理论框架、教学体系、课程设置等方面与跨境电商人才核心能力培养的要求高度契合,因此其在跨境电商人才培养方面具有可行性。 在OBE模式下,教育机构需要进行跨学科的知识...
未来,随着教育技术的发展和教学理念的更新,数据结构教学有望在OBE模式的指导下实现更加高效和可持续的改进。 ### 参考文献 在文件中提到的参考文献,刘城霞教授的研究成果已发表于《教育进展》2021年第11卷第3期...
在《工业机器人操作与编程》这门课程中,引入OBE理念具有重要意义,因为它可以帮助提升工业机器人技术专业人才的培养质量,增强学生的问题解决能力和创新意识。 在教学目标设定上,OBE理念要求课程目标与专业毕业...
在OBE模式下,教学过程的设计围绕学生最终能够掌握哪些知识、技能以及态度来进行。 #### 二、Web应用开发课程的重要性 随着互联网技术的快速发展,Web应用开发已成为信息技术领域的重要组成部分。企业对于能够开发...
基于成果导向教育(Outcome-Based Education,简称OBE)模式,本篇文章探讨了Python课程的设计与实践。OBE模式强调以学生的学习成果为核心,注重学生通过学习能够达到的预期目标和结果。在Python课程的设计过程中,...
在当今高等教育体系中,以成果为导向的教育(Outcome-Based Education, OBE)理念正逐渐成为指导课程设计和教学实践的重要原则。特别是在理工科教育领域,如何利用OBE理念改进和创新课程教学模式,成为提高教学质量...
在工程教育专业认证中,OBE模式指定了毕业要求,这些要求建立在对现代工程师能力素质的需求上。OBE模式要求学生不仅要掌握知识,而且要在实践中应用这些知识,以达到一定的学习成果。 2. PLC课程设计 PLC课程设计指...
在当前的教育环境中,基于成果导向教育(Outcome-Based Education,简称OBE)的教学理念被广泛应用于提升教学质量和学生能力的培养。数据结构作为计算机科学与技术专业的核心基础课程,对于学生掌握程序设计和开发的...