
Oracle Instant Client





Oracle Instant Client is a free Oracle database client. The current version is, and several versions back to are available.


Install RPMs

  • Download the Oracle Instantclient RPM files fromhttp://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/instant-client/index-097480.html. Everyone needs either "Basic" or "Basic lite", and most users will want "SQL*Plus" and the "SDK".

  • Convert these .rpm files into .deb packages and install using "alien" ("sudo apt-get install alien" if you don't have it):

    alien -i oracle-instantclient-basic*.rpm
    alien -i oracle-instantclient-sqlplus*.rpm
    alien -i oracle-instantclient-devel*.rpm
  • Test your Instantclient install by using "sqlplus" to connect to your database:


sqlplus  username/password@//dbhost:1521/SID

If sqlplus complains of a missing libaio.so.1 file, run 

sudo apt-get install libaio1

If sqlplus complains of a missing libsqlplus.so file, follow the steps in the section "Integrate Oracle Libraries" below.

If you execute sqlplus and get "sqlplus: command not found", see the section below about adding the ORACLE_HOME variable. 


Integrate Oracle Libraries

If oracle applications, such as sqlplus, are complaining about missing libraries, you can add the Oracle libraries to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH each time it is used, or to add it to the system library list create a new file as follows:

sudo vi /etc/ld.so.conf.d/oracle.conf
  • and add the oracle library path as the first line. For example,


  • or


  • Then run ldconfig:
    sudo ldconfig



Many Oracle database applications look for Oracle software in the location specified in the environment variable 'ORACLE_HOME'.

Typical workstations will only have one Oracle install, and will want to define this variable in a system-wide location.


sudo vi /etc/profile.d/oracle.sh

Add the following:

export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/


export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client

Alternatively, each user can define this in their ~/.bash_profile

Note: For 11.04 sqlplus was not recognized as a command unless the following line was also included in the oracle.sh file:



SDK fix

Some packages may look for 'oci.h' in $ORACLE_HOME/include, or in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/public

The instant client sometimes places the include files, such as oci.h, in /usr/include/oracle/<version>/client.

Inspect your system by running the following commands

ls -d /usr/include/oracle/*/client

If there is no 'include' directory under ORACLE_HOME, and it is located over in /usr/include/oracle/ , create a symbolic link to assist packages looking for these header files. For example,


sudo ln -s /usr/include/oracle/11.2/client $ORACLE_HOME/include

And then check it is correct



    oracle instant client 32位

    使用Oracle Instant Client 32位时,首先需要从官方或第三方源下载对应的版本,如本例中的`instantclient_11_2`。这个压缩包中包含了Oracle Instant Client的基础组件,包括oci.dll、sqlplus.exe等。解压后,你需要...

    oracle instantclient_12_2_win64.zip

    在Windows 64位操作系统环境下,`oracle instantclient_12_2_win64.zip`这个压缩包包含了适用于该平台的Oracle Instant Client 12.2版本的所有组件。这个版本支持与Oracle Database 12c Release 2进行交互,并且经过...

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    Oracle instantclient 64位

    用户需要将"instantclient_12_2"目录解压到一个合适的路径,如"C:\Oracle\InstantClient_12_2"。 - 配置环境变量:为了使系统能够找到Instant Client的库文件,需要设置两个环境变量:`ORACLE_HOME`指向Instant ...

    Oracle Instant Client 轻量级Oracle客户端

    Oracle Instant Client是轻量级Oracle客户端,用于连接访问Oracle 9i、10g、11g版本的Oracle数据库。 Oracle Instant Client11. 安装程序包含OCI/ OCCI、JDBC-OCI SDK(软件开发工具...

    Oracle Instant Client 11g base 绿色版(32位)

    Oracle Instant Client是一款轻量级的Oracle数据库连接工具,主要用于客户端应用程序与Oracle数据库之间的通信。它提供了必要的库文件和组件,使得开发人员和系统管理员无需在本地安装完整的Oracle数据库服务器即可...

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    oracle客户端 Oracle Instant Client

    - **下载**:首先,你需要从Oracle官方网站下载适用于你的操作系统的Instant Client版本,例如在本例中是`instantclient-basic-windows.x64-`。 - **解压**:将下载的压缩包解压到一个合适的目录,通常...

    oracle instantclient-odbc-win32-

    在"oracle instantclient-odbc-win32-"这个压缩包中,包含的是Windows 32位版本的Oracle Instant Client ODBC驱动程序,版本号为10.2.0.5。ODBC(Open Database Connectivity)是一种标准的应用程序编程...

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    Oracle Instant Client_12_1 Downloads 有效解决oracle library is not loaded的问题 有效解决ORA-28547:connection to server failed,probable Oracle Net admin error的问题

    oracle instant client

    - `instantclient_11_2`:这表示是Oracle Instant Client的11.2版本。这个版本可能包含了基本的连接库、SQL*Plus命令行工具、OCI(Oracle Call Interface)库以及其他的实用工具。 2. **Oracle OCI (Oracle Call ...

    oracle instantclient

    Oracle InstantClient是Oracle公司提供的一款轻量级的数据库连接工具,它允许用户在不安装完整Oracle客户端的情况下,与Oracle数据库进行交互。这个压缩包文件" instantclient-basic-nt- "是适用于...

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    - **Oracle Home**:在 PL/SQL Developer 或其他 Oracle 工具中设置 Oracle Home 的路径,此处为 `C:\instantclient`。 - **OCI Library**:指定 OCI(Oracle Call Interface)库文件的位置,即 `C:\instantclient\...

    Oracle instantclient_11_2(含oci.dll和sqlplus)

    1. 下载并解压Oracle Instant Client压缩包,包括instantclient_11_2文件夹。 2. 设置环境变量,确保系统能找到oci.dll和其他必要库文件。例如,在Windows上,可以添加instantclient_11_2目录到PATH环境变量。 3. ...

    Oracle Instant Client 64位,win7,win10可用

    *********重要********** OracleXEClient64位:Oracle Instant Client__V11. OracleXEClient64位安装时,右键选"以兼容方式运行WindowsXP,以管理员身份运行此程序


    "instantclient_18_5.zip"是一个包含Oracle Instant Client 18.5版本的压缩包,这个版本对应的是Oracle Database 18c的客户端。它包含了运行Oracle应用程序所需的基本库文件,如oci.dll,以及其他的SQL*Plus、...

    oracle instant client 32位(绿色版) 完美支持win764位系统

    oracle instant client 32位(绿色版) 完美支持64位系统 解压后设置developer选择解压文件夹下的oci.dll文件即可.本人也64位系统,弄了好几天才弄好,64位系统的朋友不用再纠结了.

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