
Enabling Pry with reload


For anyone coming to this question recently: the answer has changed in Rails 3.2, because they've changed how they implement reload! Where in earlier version the irb commands were added as methods to Object, now they are added to IRB::ExtendCommandBundle to avoid polluting the global namespace.

What I do now is (1) in development.rb

silence_warnings do
    require 'pry'
    IRB = Pry
    module Pry::RailsCommands ;end
    IRB::ExtendCommandBundle = Pry::RailsCommands
  rescue LoadError

and (2) in .pryrc

if Kernel.const_defined?("Rails") then
  require File.join(Rails.root,"config","environment")
  require 'rails/console/app'
  require 'rails/console/helpers'
  Pry::RailsCommands.instance_methods.each do |name| 
    Pry::Commands.command name.to_s do 

Here's the link to the Rails pull request where the change was introduced -https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/3509



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