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[u][i][b][flash=200,200][url][i ...
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MQTT的学习研究(七)基于HTTP POST MQTT 发布消息服务端使用
HTTP POST puts a message to a queue, or a publication to a topic. The HTTPPOST Java sample is an example an HTTP POST request of a message to a queue. Instead of using Java, you could create an HTTP POST request using a browser form, or an AJAX toolkit instead.
Figure 1 shows an HTTP request to put a message on a queue called myQueue. This request contains the HTTP header x-msg-correlId to set the correlation ID of the WebSphere MQ message.
POST /msg/queue/myQueue/ HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org Content-Type: text/plain x-msg-correlID: 1234567890 Content-Length: 50 Here's my message body that will appear on the queue.
Figure 2 shows the response sent back to the client. There is no response content.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2007 22:38:34 GMT Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 WMQ-HTTP/1.1 JEE-Bridge/1.1 Content-Length: 0
The HTTP POST operation puts a message on a WebSphere® MQ queue, or publishes a message to a topic.
Request >>-POST-- --| Path |-- --HTTP version--CRLF---------------------> .-CRLF---------------. .-CRLF---------------. V | V | >----+----------------+-+----+----------------+-+---------------> '-general-header-' '-request-header-' .-CRLF----------------------------. .-CRLF----. V | V | >----+-----------------------------+-+--CRLF----Message-+------>< '-| entity header (Request) |-' Path |--/--contextRoot--/--------------------------------------------> >--msg/--+-queue/--queueName--+-------------+-+--/--------------| | '-@--qMgrName-' | '-topic/--topicName------------------' entity-header (Request) |--+----------------------------------------------+-------------| +-standard entity-header-- --entity-value------+ +-x-msg-class-- --message type-----------------+ +-x-msg-correlId-- --correlation ID------------+ +-x-msg-encoding-- --encoding type-------------+ +-x-msg-expiry-- --duration--------------------+ +-x-msg-format-- --message format--------------+ +-x-msg-msgId-- --message ID-------------------+ +-x-msg-persistence-- --persistence------------+ +-x-msg-priority-- --priority class------------+ +-x-msg-replyTo-- --reply-to queue-------------+ +-x-msg-require-headers-- --entity header name-+ '-x-msg-usr-- --user properties----------------'
- If a question mark (?) is used it must be substituted with %3f. For example, orange?topic should be specified as orange%3ftopic.
- @qMgrName is only valid on an HTTP POST
Response >>-HTTP version-- --HTTP Status-Code-- --HTTP Reason-Phrase--CRLF--> .-CRLF---------------. .-CRLF----------------. V | V | >----+----------------+-+----+-----------------+-+--------------> '-general-header-' '-response-header-' .-CRLF-----------------------------. V | >----+------------------------------+-+------------------------>< '-| entity-header (Response) |-' entity-header (Response) |--+-----------------------------------------+------------------| +-standard entity-header-- --entity-value-+ +-x-msg-class-- --message type------------+ +-x-msg-correlId-- --correlation ID-------+ +-x-msg-encoding-- --encoding type--------+ +-x-msg-expiry-- --duration---------------+ +-x-msg-format-- --message format---------+ +-x-msg-msgId-- --message ID--------------+ +-x-msg-persistence-- --persistence-------+ +-x-msg-priority-- --priority class-------+ +-x-msg-replyTo-- --reply-to queue--------+ +-x-msg-timestamp-- --HTTP-date-----------+ '-x-msg-usr-- --user properties-----------'
package com.etrip.mqttv3.http; /** * This sample shows how to post a message. It has the same behaviour as the * amqsput command in that it will read in lines from the command line and put * them to the queue. It will put non-persistent String messages on to the queue * with UNLIMITED expiry and LOW (0) priority. The program is terminated by * either EOF being put into the entry line (^Z on windows) or a blank line. * usage: java HTTPPOST <Queue (default=SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE)> <host:port * (default localhost:8080> <context-root (the MQ Bridge for HTTP's * context-root)> */ import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; /** * * 采用HTTP POST发布相关的消息 * The HTTP POST operation puts a message on a WebSphere® MQ queue, or publishes * a message to a topic. * * 发布消息到主题或者队列的路径: * * * * * * @author longgangbai */ public class HTTPPOST { private static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost"; private static final String DEFAULT_PORT = "8080"; private static final String DEFAULT_QUEUE = "SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE"; private static final String DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ROOT = "mq"; private static final String CRLF = "\r\n"; public static int MALFORMED_URL_EXCEPTION_RC = -1; public static int END_IOEXCEPTION_RC = -2; /** * 构建发布主题队列路径 * * @param host * @param port * @param context * @param queueName */ private static String getPublishQueueURL(String host, String port, String context, String queueName) { StringBuffer urlString =new StringBuffer("http://"); if(StringUtils.isEmtry(host)){ host=DEFAULT_HOST; } if(StringUtils.isEmtry(port)){ port=DEFAULT_PORT; } urlString.append(host).append(":").append(port); if(StringUtils.isEmtry(context)){ context=DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ROOT; } urlString.append("/"); urlString.append(context); urlString.append("/msg/queue/"); if(StringUtils.isEmtry(queueName)){ } queueName=DEFAULT_QUEUE; urlString.append(queueName); System.out.println("urlString="+urlString); return urlString.toString(); } /** * * @param host * @param port * @param context * @param queueName * @param message * @return * @throws MalformedURLException */ public static boolean publishTopic(String host,String port,String context,String queueName,String message ){ boolean response = true; HttpURLConnection connection=null; try { String publishURL=getPublishQueueURL(host, port, context, queueName); URL url=new URL(publishURL); connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); /* Build the headers */ // the verb first connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); // Content type is a string message connection.setRequestProperty("content-type", "text/plain"); // set the message priority to low connection.setRequestProperty("x-msg-priority", "LOW"); // Ensure we can get the output stream from the connection connection.setDoOutput(true); OutputStream outputStream = connection.getOutputStream(); // wrapper the outputstream in a writer BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( outputStream)); // Now write the actual content. // Make sure the CRLF is there in case some HTTP servers don't understand // that it's the end of the message writer.write(message + CRLF + CRLF); writer.flush(); // now actually send the message connection.connect(); // check the response for errors int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode != 200) { String responseMessage =connection.getResponseMessage(); System.out.println("responsere sponseCode "+responseCode+" response request ="+responseMessage); System.out.println("responsere context "); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( connection.getErrorStream())); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } connection.disconnect(); response = false; }else{ //获取相应的消息头信息 String responseQueueName=connection.getHeaderField("x-msg-replyTo"); System.out.println("responseQueueName="+responseQueueName); System.out.println("response successful context :"+connection.getResponseMessage()); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { response = false; e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } catch (IOException e) { response = false; // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ connection.disconnect(); } return response; } public static void main(String[] args) { HTTPPOST.publishTopic("", "8080", "mq", "java_lover", "this is a message "); } }
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mongoose, C语言实现,支持HTTP client/server,restful, mqtt client/server
3. MQTT调试:MQTT(消息队列遥测传输)是一种轻量级的发布/订阅式消息协议,广泛应用于物联网(IoT)环境。COMNET提供的MQTT调试工具,让用户可以方便地测试MQTT客户端与服务器之间的通信,这对于IoT设备的开发和调试...
客户端(Web/ApiClient/queryToken.aspx )以post方式提交json数据来访问API服务端(WebApi:ApiServe/queryToken.aspx),api服务端接受到数据在云端处理以后在以json的形式返回给客户端 步骤:1.修改客户端: WebWeb:...
**MQTT** (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) 是一种轻量级的发布/订阅消息协议,常用于物联网(IoT)环境中的设备间通信。Evmongoose的MQTT模块让开发者可以轻松实现设备的连接、发布和订阅主题,以及消息的收发...
2.OPC 转 MQTT:连接 OPC 服务端采集数据,MQTT-JSON 发布/订阅 3.数据库转 OPC:查询数据库的数据,提供 OPC-DA/UAServer 服务接口 4.OPC 转 HTTP:连接 OPC 服务端采集数据,HTTP-GET/POST 方式请求 5.PLC 转...
为了将温度数据上传到服务端,项目可能使用了HTTP、HTTPS或者MQTT等协议。如果是Web应用,可能采用了如 Flask 或 Django 这样的Python Web框架创建API接口,客户端(树莓派)通过POST请求将温度数据发送到服务器。...
比如,可能使用MQTT协议进行设备间的消息传递,或者使用Zigbee、Wi-Fi等无线通信技术进行设备连接。 6. **云平台集成**:为了实现大规模的数据处理和弹性扩展,系统可能与云服务平台如AWS、Azure或阿里云等集成,...
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IGT-SER系列智能网关支持PLC设备数据对接到各种系统平台,包括SQL数据库,以及MQTT、HTTP协议的数据服务端;通过其边缘计算功能和脚本生成的工具软件,非常方便快速实现PLC、智能仪表与WebService服务端通信。 附件...
4. **MQTT协议支持**:与MQTT服务器进行订阅和发布,实现设备间的消息通信。 5. **文件系统操作**:读写本地文件,存储和加载配置或数据。 6. **定时任务**:使用Lua的tmr模块实现定时器,定期执行特定任务。 7. **...