dbca to create a database is preferred approach:
The following describes MANUALLY creating a new oracle database:
Oracle online doc reference:
Reference 2:
Search youtube "Oracle DBA Justin - How to create an 11g Oracle database"
1. Create the database ini file under location "$ORACLE_HOME/database".
The file name must be "initMydbname.ora". for instance, for database
SID(less than 8 characters?) "AWCC", the file would be
two mandatory params are "db_name" and "control_files". for example:
db_name=AWCC and control_files="/u02/oracle/databae/oradata
2. create the directories to store database files, this can be anywhere, like:
mkdir /u02/database/oradata/AWCC
3. set env variables:
export ORACLE_HOME=Oracel_installation_dir/product/11.x.x/db_1
4. sqlplus to the database to create, ie, AWCC
sqlplus / as sysdba
5. startup the database, though it's not created yet!
6. run your create database script (create database AWCC ...) from sqlplus
After complete successfully, database files would be created, including
control files(.CTL), log files(.LOG) and data files (.DBF) etc.
7. run two Oracle scripts "catalog.sql" and "catproc.sql" from sqlplus, these
files are located at $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
? means $ORACLE_HOME
8. restart your database
Warning: these only the steps to create a new Oracle database on the video, not yet tested on a linux machine.
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