


This site is designed to be used inside Eclipse or to manually update an old version of Aptana Studio. If you already have Aptana Studio installed, it is recommended you use the internal update mechanism available via the Help menu > Check for Aptana updates...

Installing this Plugin via Aptana or Eclipse

  1. From the Help menu, select Software Updates > Find and Install... to open an Install/Update pop-up window.
  2. On the Install/Update pop-up window, choose the Search for new features to install option, and click the Next button.
  3. Set up a new remote site to scan for updates.
    1. Click the New Remote Site... button to open a New Update Site pop-up window.
    2. On the New Update Site pop-up window, type the name of the new plug-in in the site Name text box.
    3. In the URL text box, type the URL http://update.aptana.com/update/studio/3.2/for the update site.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Click the Finish button to open an Updates window.
  4. On the Updates window, check the box next to the name of the plug-in, and click the Next button.
  5. Choose the option to accept the terms of the license agreement, and click the Next button.
  6. Click the Finish button.
  7. Click the Install All button.

Manual Installation/Update of Existing Eclipse Plugin


  1. Save the above file to an easy-to-find location.
  2. Open your Eclipse distribution, go to Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install...'
  3. Search for new features to install -> Next -> New Archived Site... -> Select the file saved in step 1
  4. Select the entry for the plugin's update site -> Finish
  5. Select the appropriate plugins to install -> Next -> Accept -> Next
  6. Change location... -> If no appropriate location is already available -> Add Location (something like D:\dev\extensions\pluginname, eg. extensions\aptana)
  7. Finish

Manual Update of Existing Aptana Standalone


  1. Save the above file to an easy-to-find location, preferably in the root of your drive.
  2. Unzip the file into a folder.
  3. Run either fix_policy.vbs (Windows) or fix_policy.sh (Mac/Linux). It will create a new file called policy_url.txt
  4. Open policy_url.txt and copy the url from the file into the clipboard.
  5. Open Aptana Studio, and go to Window -> Preferences -> Install/Update
  6. Paste in the URL you previously copied (something similar to file:///...)
  7. Click OK
  8. Go to Help -> Check for Aptana Studio Updates now...
  9. On the Updates window, check the box next to the name of the plug-in, and click the Next button.
  10. Choose the option to accept the terms of the license agreement, and click the Next button.
  11. Click the Finish button.
  12. Click the Install All button.



    描述中提到的"MyEclipse插件、Eclipse插件",表明Aptana插件可以无缝集成到这两种流行的Java开发工具中。MyEclipse是一款商业的Eclipse衍生版本,包含了更多用于Java EE和Web开发的特性。通过安装Aptana插件,...

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    在Gemfile中添加所需的gem,然后运行`bundle install`命令安装。Aptana的自动完成功能可以帮助你在编写gem相关的代码时快速找到正确的API。 总的来说,Aptana Studio结合Rails提供了一个高效、功能全面的开发环境。...


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    2. **安装Aptana Debugger及Firebug**:这两个工具是Firefox的插件,能够帮助我们在Aptana中更有效地进行调试。具体步骤如下: - 访问官方网址 [http://support.aptana.com/asap/browse/STU-1769]...

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    3. **安装Aptana插件**:用户可以在MyEclipse的“帮助” -> “Eclipse Marketplace”中搜索Aptana插件进行安装,或者通过下载Aptana的update site地址手动添加到MyEclipse的软件安装源中,然后按照向导步骤进行安装...


    - 在 Eclipse Marketplace 对话框中,可以在搜索框内输入“Aptana Studio”或者“Aptana”,然后点击“Go”按钮进行搜索。 - 在搜索结果中找到“Aptana Studio”插件,并点击“Install”按钮开始安装过程。 4. **...

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    在这个文件中,添加一行指向aptana目录的路径,例如:path=D:\\Program Files\\MyEclipse 6.5\\eclipse\\aptana。 重新启动MyEclipse 6.5,如果在"About MyEclipse"窗口中看到Aptana的信息,说明安装成功。为了启用...

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    重启后,Aptana 3.4.2 插件将被集成到Eclipse中,你可以在"透视图"(Perspective)中切换到Aptana视图。 8. **验证安装**: 为了确认Aptana已经成功安装,你可以尝试创建一个新的Web项目,看看是否能正常使用Aptana...

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    3. **配置Aptana IDE**:在Aptana中,进入“首选项”设置,找到“ Aptana Studio” -> “调试”,然后配置Firefox浏览器作为调试器。在这里,你需要指定Firefox的路径,并确保选择已安装的Firebug版本。 4. **创建...


    3. **添加Aptana插件源** 在弹出的对话框中,点击右下角的“Add...”。接着,在弹出的新窗口中,选择“Archive”,然后浏览文件系统,找到并选择之前下载好的Aptana插件压缩文件包。点击“OK”确认。 4. **取消...

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