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As of Spring version 3.1, Spring comes with 20 modules, packaged into 20 JAR files.
JAR File |
Description |
aop |
This module contains all the classes you need to use Spring’s AOP features within your application. You also need to include this JAR in your application if you plan to use other features in Spring that use AOP, such as declarative transaction management. Moreover, classes that support integration with AspectJ are packed in this module too.
asm |
ASM (asm.ow2.org) is a Java bytecode manipulation framework. Spring depends on this library to analyze the bytecode of Spring beans, dynamically modify them, and generate new bytecode during runtime.
aspects |
This module contains all the classes for advanced integration with the AspectJ AOP library. For example, if you are using Java classes for your Spring configuration and need AspectJ-style annotation-driven transaction management, you will need this module.
beans |
This module contains all the classes for supporting Spring’s manipulation of Spring beans. Most of the classes here support Spring’s bean factory implementation. For example, the classes required to parse the Spring’s XML configuration file and Java annotations were packed into this module.
context |
This module contains classes that provide many extensions to the Spring core. You will find that all classes need to use Spring’s ApplicationContext feature, along with classes for EJB, Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), and Java Management Extensions (JMX) integration. Also contained in this module are the Spring remoting classes, classes for integration with dynamic scripting languages (e.g., JRuby, Groovy, BeanShell), the Beans Validation (JSR-303) API, scheduling and task execution, and so on.
context.support |
This module contains further extensions to the spring-context module. On the user interface side, there are classes for mail support and integration with templating engines such as Velocity, FreeMarker, and JasperReports. Also, integration with various task execution and scheduling libraries including CommonJ and Quartz are packaged here.
core |
This is the core module that you will need for every Spring application. In this JAR file, you will find all the classes that are shared among all other Spring modules, for example, classes for accessing configuration files. Also, in this JAR, you will find a selection of extremely useful utility classes that are used throughout the Spring codebase and that you can use in your own application.
expression |
This module contains all support classes for Spring Expression Language (SpEL).
instrument |
This module includes Spring’s instrumentation agent for Java Virtual Machine (JVM) bootstrapping. This JAR file is required for using load-time weaving with AspectJ in a Spring application.
instrument.tomcat |
This module includes Spring’s instrumentation agent for JVM bootstrapping in the Tomcat server.
jdbc |
This module includes all classes for JDBC support. You will need this module for all applications that require database access. Classes for supporting data sources, JDBC data types, JDBC templates, native JDBC connections, and so on, are packed in this module.
jms |
This module includes all classes for JMS support.
orm |
This module extends Spring’s standard JDBC feature set with support for popular ORM tools including Hibernate, iBATIS (but not MyBatis), JDO, and JPA. Many of the classes in this JAR depend on classes contained in spring-jdbc.jar, so you definitely need to include that in your application as well.
oxm |
This modules provide support for OXM (object to XML mapping). Classes for abstraction of XML marshaling and unmarshaling and support for popular tools like Castor, JAXB, XMLBeans, XStream, and so on, are packed into this module.
web.struts |
This module include all classes for integration between Spring and the Struts web framework.
test |
Spring provides a set of mock classes to aid in testing your applications. Many of these mock classes are used within the Spring test suite, so they are well-tested and make testing your applications much simpler. Certainly we have found great use for the mock HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse classes in unit tests for our web applications. On the other hand, Spring provides a tight integration with the JUnit unit testing framework, and many classes that support the development of JUnit test cases are provided in this module; for example, the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner provides a simple way to bootstrap the Spring ApplicationContext in a unit test environment.
transaction |
This module provides all classes for supporting Spring’s transaction infrastructure. You will find classes from the transaction abstraction layer to support of the Java Transaction API (JTA) and integration with application servers from major vendors.
web |
This module contains the core classes for using Spring in your web applications, including classes for loading an ApplicationContext feature automatically, file upload support classes, and a bunch of useful classes for performing repetitive tasks such as parsing int values from the query string.
web.servlet |
This module contains all the classes for Spring’s own MVC framework. If you are using a separate MVC framework for your application, then you won’t need any of the classes from this JAR file.
web.portlet |
This module provides support for using Spring MVC in developing portlets for deployment to a portal server environment.
Spring log4j2配置
2017-07-26 18:41 550原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
Spring Redis Session example
2017-07-13 17:10 553原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
Spring 401、404、405、500 整合 LoginInterceptor
2017-07-03 11:36 1220原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
Spring MVC processing flow
2017-04-13 19:36 443原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
2017-03-03 13:34 763原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
Spring Bean Scopes
2017-02-15 15:00 312原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
Spring Transaction Propagation
2017-02-15 14:11 350原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
Spring Transaction Isolation
2017-02-15 13:28 483原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
Spring @Qualifier注解
2016-10-12 16:26 566原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
Spring @Scheduled Demo
2016-09-27 13:52 462原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
Spring Task Scheduling读书笔记
2016-09-27 13:28 417Task Scheduling in Spring ... -
Spring @Async Demo
2016-09-26 10:26 759原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
2016-09-22 16:15 1838原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle. ... -
Spring AOP Annotation实现
2016-09-20 17:56 395原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
2016-09-20 13:07 656原创转载请注明出处 ... -
Spring整合Velocity JavaMail
2016-09-12 10:12 725原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
2016-08-17 17:19 803原创转载请注明出处:http://agilestyle.i ... -
模型数据处理 —— @SessionAttributes
2016-08-16 20:43 445@SessionAttributes Demo1(未 ... -
@RequestMapping —— @CookieValue注解
2016-08-10 22:03 584使用@CookieValue绑定请求中的Cookie值 ... -
@RequestMapping —— @RequestHeader注解
2016-08-10 21:45 517使用@RequestHeader绑定请求报头的属性值 ...
首先,我们需要理解Spring Modules(SpringModule)项目,这是一个为Spring框架提供额外功能的开源项目,它包含了对包括EHCache在内的多种缓存系统的支持。SpringModule使得在Spring中集成缓存变得更加方便,通过...
### Spring Dynamic Modules 参考指南知识点解析 #### 1. 引言与背景 - **Spring Dynamic Modules**:本指南旨在介绍Spring Dynamic Modules (SDM),这是一个将Spring框架与OSGi平台结合的项目,旨在利用Spring的...
3. **整合Spring和Axis2**:这一步通常通过 Axis2的Spring模块(SpringModule)完成,它允许你将Spring配置加载到Axis2环境中,使得Axis2能够发现并使用Spring托管的服务。 4. **处理Session**:在Web服务中,由于...
在"spring MVC 多module demo"中,我们探讨的是如何将一个大型项目分解为多个独立的模块,以便更好地管理代码、提高代码复用性和简化项目结构。 1. **模块化开发**:模块化是软件工程中的一个重要概念,它将复杂的...
ExcelTemplate是一个Java类,旨在简化Excel电子表格在验收测试中的使用。 该类的动机和设计灵感来自Spring JdbcTemplate。
SpringModule 提供了一些实用的方法来测试 Spring 应用程序,例如测试 Spring 容器、测试 Spring MVC 应用程序等。 应用 mock 对象测试 ------------------ 在单元测试中,mock 对象是一个非常重要的概念。Unitils...
Spring Dynamic Modules is a flexible OSGi-based framework that makes component building a snap. With Spring DM, you can easily create highly modular applications and you can dynamically add, remove, ...
1. **概念与语义**:Spring Dynamic Modules 定义了一系列概念和语义,包括Dynamic Module扩展Bundle和OSGi MANIFEST头条目等,这些都为开发者提供了清晰的指导。 2. **语法规范**:Spring Dynamic Modules 使用特定...
这篇文档是针对初中一年级学生设计的一份关于外研版英语教材Module 10 Spring Festival的练习题及答案。模块主题围绕春节这一中国传统节日展开,旨在帮助学生提高英语水平,同时了解和学习中国文化。 在练习题中,...
SpringCloud服务拆分初探与案例解析 cloud-demo第一次 SpringCloud服务拆分初探与案例解析 cloud-demo第一次 SpringCloud服务拆分初探与案例解析 cloud-demo第一次 SpringCloud服务拆分初探与案例解析 cloud-demo第...
Spring 框架由多个模块组成,包括 Core module、Bean module、Context module、Expression Language module、JDBC module、ORM module、OXM module、Java Messaging Service(JMS) module、Transaction module、Web ...
springcloud+springcloud alibaba完整学习项目--参照B站尚硅谷周阳老师教学视频 完整模块如下: <module>cloud-api-commons</module> <module>cloud-eureka-server7001</module> <module>cloud-eureka-server...
This module is based on Spring Authorization Server and contains information on using Spring Security OAuth2
在实际开发中,iBatis还可以与其他框架如Spring、MyBatis Spring Module等无缝集成,实现更高效的应用程序开发。结合AOP(面向切面编程)和依赖注入,可以进一步优化代码结构,提高代码复用性。 总之,《iBatis ...
- 使用 `SpringModule` 来集成 Spring。 - 示例代码: `@Module("spring") void spring;` - **自定义错误页面**: - 通过 `@PageNotFound` 注解定义 404 页面。 - 示例代码: `@PageNotFound void notFound;` 通过...
Spring5 版本的候选版本已经在 classpath 和 modulepath 上支持 Java9 了。 GA版本中你可以期待良好的 JDK9 支持。 3. 使用 JDK8 特性 获取免费Spring 5 新特性视频详解可以群:554355695 在 Spring4.3 之前,...
- **Core Module**:提供Spring框架的基本功能,如BeanFactory,它是Spring IoC容器的基础。 - **Beans Module**:包含BeanFactory接口的具体实现,用于控制依赖注入。 - **Context Module**:建立在Beans模块之...
在Eclipse中安装SpringIDE通常有几种方法,其中一种是通过NBM(NetBeans Module)类型进行在线更新。 首先,我们需要了解Eclipse插件的基本概念。Eclipse是一个开放源代码的集成开发环境,其强大的扩展性使得可以...