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下面的内容是关于在Zend Studio 8中借助Eclipse的plugin EGit来使用Git功能的,其repository托管与GITHUB上.
Hy fellows,
in one of my last posts I described how to use GIT under Windows.
Now as Zend released Zend Studio 8 and ZF migrates to GIT with the next major release it’s time so see how those can be matched to work together. Note that this is not fixed to Windows but should work regardless of the use OS in any environment.
What do you need to start?
I assume that you already have a working GITHUB repository as described in the last post.
Then you need a installed version of Zend Studio 8 or newer.
Installing GIT
Now you need to make your Zend Studio aware of GIT. Therefor we need to
install EGit. EGit is a module for Eclipse which makes Zend Studio
(which is based on Eclipse) understand GIT and provides several tools
for working with GIT.
- To install EGit open Zend Studio
- Click “Help”
- Click “Install New Software…”
- Click “Add…”
- Enter “EGit” as “Name”
- Enter “http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates” as “Location”
- Select all modules by clicking “Select all” (you could omit the two moduls only containing “Source” if wished)
- Click “Next” until you see the license agreements
- Click “Agree” on all license agreements (of course read the agreements before you agree)
- At last click “Finish”
Now EGit will be installed within Zend Studio. As last step you will need to restart Zend Studio (if it is not done automatically).
Security preparations
When you already used GIT you will know that it needs RSA keys. So our next step is to make new keys which will be used within Zend Studio to commit to GITHUB.
- Open Zend Studio
- Click “Window”
- Click “Preferences”
- Expand “General”
- Expand “Network Connections”
- Open “SSH2”
- Go to the tab “Key Management”
Now you can eighter use an existing key or add a new one.
To load an existing key:
- Click “Load Existing Key…”
- Within the explorer window go to the directory where you stored the existing key for GITHUB and select it
- Enter the “Passphrase” when your key needs a passphrase
- Confirm the “Passphrase” when your key needs a passprase
- Click “OK”
It is preferred to make a new key instead of loading an existing one. Therefor:
- Click “Generate RSA Key…”
- Leave the passphrase empty (this simplifies the later handling)
- Click “Save Private Key…”
- Click “OK” to confirm that you want no passphrase
- Within the explorer window go to the directory where you want to store your keys
- Click “OK”
- Click “OK” once more
- Open GITHUB within your Internet Browser and login to your account
- Click “Account Settings…”
- Click “Public SSH Keys…”
- Click “Add another public key…”
- Enter “Zend Studio” as Title
- Copy the public key which you can see within Zend Studio as key into GitHub
- Click “Add Key…”
At last, regardless is you added an existing or created a new key, click “OK” within Zend Studio to close the preferences window and save the settings. You have successfully prepared Zend Studio to be used with your GitHub account.
Connecting to GitHub
The next step is to connect our GITHUB account to Zend Studio.
- Open Zend Studio
- Click “File”
- Click “Import…”
- Now expand “GIT”
- Select “Projects from GIT”
- Click “Next”
- Click “Clone…”
- Open a Internet Browser and login to your GITHUB account
- Click your ZF2 repository
- Click”HTTP” (it is near SSH, HTTP…)
- Copy the link which is shown (should look like “https://accoutname@github.com….” into your clipboard
- Copy the link from your clipboard into “URI” within the opened Zend Studio tab
- Enter your GITHUB password within “Password”
- Click “Next”
- Click “Next” once more to add all branches
- Enter the directory into “Directory” where you want to store the local repo (this should be an empty/new directory)
- Click “Finish”
This step will take several minutes as it now copies your remote repository to your local drive.
We’re done. You have successfully connected your GIT repository with Zend Studio.
You can now do your complete work from within Zend Studio. It supports all needed tools. Some of these tasks I will describe now:
Create a new branch
To create a new branch do the following:
- Right-Click your project
- Click “Team”
- And then click “Branch…”
- Click “New Branch…”
- Enter the name of the new branch to “Branch Name…”
- Select “Rebase” (with “None” you will not be able to commit your changes to your GitHub account)
- Click “Finish”
Now you’re working within a new created branch.
Keep in mind to use the proper naming convention.
“hotfix/ZFxxxx” for quick fixes and “feature/XXXX” for new features.
Always use “ZFxxxx” when there is a related issue within Jira.
Committing changes
Committing your changes is also quite simple:
- Right-Click your project
- Click “Team”
- Click “Commit”
- Enter a note about what you’re committing within “Commit Message…”
I always use notes like this:
- changed something
- another change
- Select the files which you want to commit
- Click “Finish”
Now your change is stored in your local repository. To send your changes to your GITHUB repository you need to do the following:
- Right-Click your project
- Click “Team”
- Click “Push to Upstream”
- Click “OK”
At last your changes are also available within your GITHUB repository.
To have your change integrated within ZF2 you need to make a “Pull-Request” from your GITHUB repository.
The above description does not only work for Zend Framework but can also be used for other projects.
I hope you find this post interesting so I wish you a good work and have fun with GIT.
Thomas Weidner
I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework
Zend Framework Advisory Board Member
Zend Certified Engineer for Zend Framework
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