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In some enterprise environment, where the corporation may have their own deployment strategy that every assemblies is centrallized deployed to some remote shared locations.
Then it might have the peril of Security exception.
The cause of the exception is that executable from remote share is trated as untrusted zone, and the caspol setting does not work anymore. And if the assemblies is from remote share, the assemblies are in partial trusted state.
The problem with partially trusted assembiles for the libraries developers is that when you deploy the assemblies on the remote share, when other people uses your assemblies some security critical operation checked at runtime will throw out exception and the invocation to your Assemblies will result in error.
The solution is to enable the so called level 1 security rule, while by deafult the security rule turned on for .net assemblies is the level 2...
here is what you might put in to the assembly attribute.
[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers] [assembly: SecurityRules(SecurityRuleSet.Level1)] [assembly: SecurityCritical]
The level 1 rule is bascially saying use the old security policy. But why do we have the SecurityCritical attributes?
From the MSDN Security Critical Attribute:
The SecurityCriticalAttribute is equivalent to a link demand for full trust. A type or member marked with the SecurityCriticalAttribute can be called only by fully trusted code; it does not have to demand specific permissions. It cannot be called by partially trusted code. |
There is also the SecuritySafeCritical attribute:
It is because the SecurityCrtical code can be access by the SecurityTransparent code or the AllowPartialllyTrustedCallerAttribute. But the SecurityCriticalAttibute code cannot accesss the code that is SecurityTransparent code or the AllowPartialllyTrustedCallerAttribute...
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《AccessControl-4.0b3-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl.zip:Python权限管理库的安装与应用》 在Python编程领域,库的使用是提升开发效率的重要手段,而`AccessControl`库则是Python中用于实现细粒度权限控制的工具。本...
【ASP.NET源码——PermissionBase权限管理系统 v0.1.2 源码.zip】是一个包含ASP.NET技术实现的权限管理系统的源代码包。这个系统主要用于实现对用户、角色及资源访问权限的精细化控制,是企业级应用开发中不可或缺的...
标题中的"AccessControl-4.0b6-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl.zip"是一个Python软件包的压缩文件,它主要用于Python环境中的访问控制管理。这个包的名字是"AccessControl",版本为4.0b6,是一个预发布版(beta 6)。"cp...
"laravel-permission"是Eloquent权限管理的一个流行实现,特别为Laravel 5.5及以上版本设计。这个库是由Spatie公司提供的,它提供了一种简单而有效的方式来处理角色和权限。 首先,我们要了解Laravel的基础架构。...
这可以通过配置访问控制表达式(Access Control Expressions, ACP)、角色为基础的访问控制(Role-Based Access Control, RBAC)或权限为基础的访问控制(Permission-Based Access Control, PBAC)来实现。在页面模板中,...
标题 "AccessControl-4.0b3-cp36-cp36m-win32.whl.zip" 提供的信息表明,这是一个与访问控制相关的软件组件,版本为4.0b3,是为Python 3.6编译的,并且适用于Windows 32位操作系统。在Python生态系统中,"cp36"指的...
本文将深入探讨基于C#和ASP.NET实现的通用权限管理系统1.0.4源代码的相关知识点。 首先,C#是一种面向对象的编程语言,由微软开发,广泛应用于Windows平台和.NET框架下的软件开发。它具有丰富的类库,语法简洁,...
C#作为.NET框架的主要编程语言,提供了丰富的工具和技术来实现这一目标。在这个“C# 权限管理,数据源为XML”的示例中,我们关注的是如何利用XML文件作为存储权限数据的媒介。下面将详细探讨相关知识点: 首先,XML...
These Spring Security Expressions in sec:authorize attributes are in fact Spring EL expressions evaluated on a SpringSecurity-specific root object containing methods such as hasRole(...), getPrincipal...
在Python项目中,访问控制通常涉及到角色基础的访问控制(RBAC,Role-Based Access Control)、权限基础的访问控制(PBAC,Permission-Based Access Control)或者更复杂的策略基础的访问控制(ABAC,Attribute-...
标题中的"AccessControl-4.0b3-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl.zip"是一个Python软件包的压缩文件,它主要用于在Windows x64平台上安装AccessControl模块的预编译版本。这个版本是4.0的beta 3(b3),适用于Python 2.7...