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Recently,I found this excellent picture browser.You can get the newest version from this url: http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox/

Lightbox JS    by Lokesh Dhakar - email

Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.

Note: An new version of this script is available: Lightbox JS v2.0

Places images above your current page, not within. This frees you from the constraints of the layout, particularly column widths.Keeps users on the same page. Clicking to view an image and then having to click the back button to return to your site is bad for continuity (and no fun!).

How to Use:
1. Include lightbox.js in your header.
<script type="text/javascript" src="lightbox.js"></script>

2. Add rel="lightbox" attribute to any link tag to activate the lightbox. For example:
<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox" title="my caption">image #1</a>

Optional: Use the title attribute if you want to show a caption.


1, You can use CSS to style the image container. Here is the code used in the examples above:

padding: 10px;
border-bottom: 2px solid #666;
border-right: 2px solid #666;
font-size: 0.8em;
padding-top: 0.4em;
#lightboxCaption{ float: left; }
#keyboardMsg{ float: right; }

#lightbox img{ border: none; }
#overlay img{ border: none; }

2, To create the 'shadow' effect over the page, you'll need to use a PNG file and some extra CSS. The CSS is a bit messy thanks to IE's unorthodox support of PNG transparency:

#overlay{ background-image: url(overlay.png); }

* html #overlay{
background-color: #000;
back\ground-color: transparent;
background-image: url(blank.gif);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="overlay.png", sizingMethod="scale");

3, If you would like to show the user a 'loading' graphic, like the animated progress bar in the examples above, specify its location at the top of the lightbox.js file.
var loadingImage = 'loading.gif';

4, In the same vein, if you would like to use a 'close button', like the 'X' graphic in the examples above, specify its location at the top of the lightbox.js file.
var closeButton = 'close.gif';


It doesn't work at all. The image opens up in a new window.
This is commonly caused by a conflict between JS scripts. Check your body tag and look for an onload attribute. Example:
<body onload="MM_preloadImages(‘/images/menu_on.gif’)…;">

A quick fix to this problem is to append the initLightbox() to the onload attribute as so:
<body onload="MM_preloadImages(‘/images/menu_on.gif’)…;initLightbox()">

It doesn't work if I click an image before the page has finished loading.
This is not a bug, but a side-effect of unobtrusive scripts of this kind.

Flash objects appear through overlay.
Refer to comment by netasceta.

Script doesn't work with imagemaps.
Refer to comment by Jason Buechler.

Can I call the script from within a frame/iframe and still have it display on top of the entire page?
Refer to comment by Sean K. Some people have noted trouble implementing this modification. Proceed with caution, and if you can clear up the instructions it would be appreciated.

The shadow overlay doesn't stretch to cover full browser window.
Remove the default margin and padding from the body tag. Add
body{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } 
to your stylesheet.

The shadow overlay doesn't show up in IE.
Find the filter: progid:DXI… line that you added to your stylesheet. There is a reference to the overlay.png in this line. Make sure that it is set relative to the current webpage, not relative to the CSS file



    1. **模态窗口**:当用户点击图片链接时,Lightbox2会创建一个覆盖在网页上的全屏黑色背景,使用户专注于图片内容,同时阻止与背景页面的其他交互。 2. **图片缩放**:初始加载时,图片通常以较小尺寸显示,然后...




    "图片浏览器"通常指的是一个用户友好的组件,允许用户在网页上浏览多张图片,类似于我们在桌面操作系统中使用的图片查看器。在这里,我们提到了两种不同的实现方式:Lightbox和Cherbox。 Lightbox是JavaScript中...


    "lightbox图片展示效果 fl flash js" 提示我们这个压缩包可能包含了一个使用Flash、JavaScript以及CSS实现的Lightbox样例。 1. **Lightbox原理**: Lightbox的基本原理是利用HTML和CSS创建一个覆盖整个页面的半...

    lightbox V2.02

    总的来说,Lightbox V2.02是一个强大且易用的图片展示工具,对于希望在网站上添加高质量图片浏览体验的开发者来说,是一个理想的选择。其简单的设计、良好的浏览器兼容性和丰富的定制选项,使得Lightbox成为了Web...

    Lightbox JS--很好的像册代码

    通过以上介绍,你应该对Lightbox JS有了更深入的理解,它不仅是一个实用的图片弹出展示工具,也是Web开发中一个灵活且强大的组件,能够帮助你轻松创建出美观的图片画廊效果。在实际项目中,你可以根据需要进行适当的...


    Lightbox 是一个流行的JavaScript库,它允许用户在网页上以优雅的方式查看图片、视频和其他多媒体内容。Lightbox2是这个库的一个版本,具体到我们这里的"lightbox2.03.3",指的是该库的第03.3次更新。在网页设计中,...

    jQuery Lightbox

    Lightbox技术源于早期的Web设计,它通过在页面上创建一个半透明的背景层,将选定的图片放大并居中显示,提供了一种沉浸式的用户体验。jQuery Lightbox不仅限于图片,还可以处理其他多媒体内容,如视频或HTML内容。 ...

    jquery lightbox (图片效果)

    总的来说,jQuery Lightbox是一个简单易用的工具,能够快速地为网站添加专业级别的图片展示功能。通过其强大的定制能力和对各种浏览器的良好支持,使得它在Web开发中备受青睐。无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,...

    JSP+Lightbox JS图片放大效果

    3. **设置图片组**:如果有多张图片需要一起展示,可以通过 `data-lightbox` 属性设置相同的值来创建一个图片组。这样,当用户点击任一图片时,Lightbox 会显示整个图片组。 4. **配置 Lightbox**:虽然 Lightbox ...

    Lightbox JS V2.0代码.rar

    压缩包中可能包含一个或多个CSS文件,如`lightbox.css`,用于定义弹出框的外观,包括过渡动画、布局、颜色、字体等。学习CSS选择器、盒模型、单位转换以及动画效果是理解和定制Lightbox样式的必要条件。 3. **图片...

    lightbox 2.0

    通过学习和实践Lightbox 2.0,不仅可以掌握一个实用的前端工具,还能提升你的JavaScript和CSS技能,为未来开发更复杂的Web应用打下坚实基础。同时,你还可以根据自己的需求对其进行二次开发,创造出更具个性化的图片...


    本项目通过结合动态加载(懒加载)、瀑布流布局以及LightBox技术,实现了一个出色的图片搜索效果。接下来,我们将深入探讨这些技术及其在实际应用中的具体实现。 1. **动态加载(懒加载)** 动态加载,也称为懒...


    这需要维护一个图片数组,以便知道当前显示的图片位置以及图片总数。 四、Lightbox六种版本集合 压缩包中的"lightbox六种版本集合"可能包含了Lightbox的不同实现版本,这些可能涉及到不同的设计风格、交互方式,...




    7. **用户体验优化**:一个好的Lightbox会提供平滑的过渡效果,快速加载内容,并且在用户需要时提供关闭选项。此外,防止内容在页面滚动时移动(即“固定位置”)也是提高用户体验的关键。 综上所述,“支持图片和...


    Lightbox特效是指当用户点击图片时,图片会在当前页面上以全屏或半透明覆盖的形式弹出,提供一个无干扰的查看环境。这种效果通常包括缩放、滑动、导航箭头、关闭按钮等功能,有的还支持幻灯片播放和图片预加载。 ...

    源码html lightbox案例

    这些元素通常包括`&lt;a&gt;`标签,其中`href`属性指向大图的URL,`data-lightbox`属性用于标记这是一个Lightbox元素。 ```html &lt;a href="image_large.jpg" data-lightbox="group1" title="Image Title"&gt; ``` 2. CSS ...



    Prototype 实现的局部放大图像带播放的Lightbox插件


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