What happens with JRockit? Will it become part of OpenJDK?Oracle engineers are currently working to merge the Oracle Java HotSpot Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Oracle JRockit JVM into a converged offering that leverages the best features of each of these market-leading implementations. Oracle plans to contribute the results of the combined Oracle Java HotSpot and Oracle JRockit JVMs into OpenJDK.
I heard that IBM is joining OpenJDK?Yes. Oracle and IBM announced in October 2010 that we will collaborate in the OpenJDK Community to develop the leading open-source Java SE implementation, and make the OpenJDK Community the primary location for open-source Java SE development. Oracle and IBM will support the OpenJDK development roadmap that was proposed before JavaOne 2010, which accelerates the availability of Java SE across the open-source community. The collaboration between Oracle and IBM builds on the success of OpenJDK as the primary development platform for Java SE, and of Oracle's and IBM's long history of contributions to the Java community. You can find out more about the roadmap and Oracle's plans athttp://blogs.oracle.com/henrik/2010/10/java_roadmap_from_javaone_2010.html.
Who uses OpenJDK?Major Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux offer OpenJDK as their default Java SE implementation. In addition, the Eclipse Community Survey 2010 found that while most Java developers use Oracle's commercial JDK releases, 21% of the developers participating in the survey used OpenJDK. Last but not least, many academic institutions publish research referencing or based on OpenJDK.
What open-source license is OpenJDK published under?
GPL v2 for almost all of the virtual machine, and GPL v2 + the Classpath exception for the class libraries and those parts of the virtual machine that expose public APIs.
Why don't you use a different open-source licensing model?
When OpenJDK was created, it adopted the most popular open-source licensing model for open source VMs at the time. The licensing model has served the project well over the years, ensuring its steady growth and adoption, while minimizing risks of proprietary forks and fragmentation.
Is Oracle JDK based on OpenJDK?Yes. Oracle JDK is based on the OpenJDK source code. In addition, it contains closed-source components. The final result is licensed under a Binary Code License.
Binary Code License是sun给JDK,JRE定的license
Doesn't OpenJDK make other Java SE implementations superfluous?
No. Java users can benefit from a choice of compatible Java SE implementations provided by multiple vendors under various commercial models. The different compatible Java SE implementations compete on aspects such as tuning to different architectures, performance, tools and deployment.
在Ubuntu操作系统中,OpenJDK(Open Source Java Development Kit)是Oracle JDK的开源替代品,提供了Java编程语言的实现和Java虚拟机(JVM)。OpenJDK7和OpenJDK8是两个不同的版本,分别对应Java 7和Java 8。这两个...
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OpenJDK 1.7,也被称为Java Development Kit (JDK) 7,是由OpenJDK社区开发的一个开源实现,它是Java平台标准版(Java SE)的免费版本。这个版本的OpenJDK专为Windows 64位操作系统设计,因此在64位Windows环境下...
标题“openjdk1.8.zip”表明这是一个包含OpenJDK 1.8版本的压缩文件,主要用于在特定操作系统上进行离线安装。OpenJDK(Open Source Java Development Kit)是Java平台标准版(Java SE)的一个开源实现,由甲骨文...
OpenJDK 6是Java开发工具包的一个开源实现,它为开发者提供了运行和构建Java应用程序所需的环境。在Linux操作系统上,OpenJDK 6扮演着与Oracle JDK相似的角色,但它是免费的,并且遵循GNU General Public License...
OpenJDK 17.0.1 是一个开源的Java Development Kit(JDK)版本,由OpenJDK项目开发并维护。它遵循GNU General Public License(GPL)版本2,为开发者提供了一个免费的、高性能的Java运行环境和开发工具集。OpenJDK是...
**OpenJDK 17.0.2:深入解析与应用** OpenJDK 17.0.2 是一个开放源代码实现的Java Development Kit,它遵循Java SE(标准版)平台规范。此版本专为macOS x64体系结构设计,确保在苹果操作系统上提供高性能和稳定性...
OpenJDK 8是Java开发工具包(Java Development Kit)的一个开源实现,它为开发者提供了构建、测试和运行Java应用程序所需的工具和Java虚拟机(JVM)。Ubuntu是一个流行的Linux操作系统,广泛用于服务器和桌面环境。...
openjdk-8-jdk_8u91-b14-0ubuntu4~14.04_amd64.deb openjdk-8-jre_8u91-b14-0ubuntu4~14.04_amd64.deb openjdk-8-jdk-headless_8u91-b14-0ubuntu4~14.04_amd64.deb openjdk-8-jre-headless_8u91-b14-0ubuntu4~14.04_...
OpenJDK 19是Java Development Kit的一个开源实现,它为Linux操作系统提供了Java运行环境和开发工具。在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何在Linux系统上解压并安装OpenJDK 19。首先,让我们了解OpenJDK及其与JDK的关系。 ...
标题中的"openjdk1.8 windows64位操作系统"指的是OpenJDK 1.8版本在Windows 64位操作系统的环境下使用的Java开发工具包。OpenJDK是Java Development Kit的开源实现,由甲骨文公司(Oracle)和其他贡献者共同维护。...
openjdk和jdk的区别如下: openjdk是jdk的开源版本,源代码完全相同,但是部分功能无法使用。 openjdk只包含最精简的JDK,而jdk包含很多其他软件包。 openjdk采用GPL V2协议,而jdk采用JRL协议。 openjdk没有部署...
OpenJDK 1.6是Java Development Kit的一个开源实现,它是Java编程语言和Java平台标准版(Java SE)的一部分。OpenJDK项目的目标是提供一个免费、开源的Java实现,鼓励社区参与和透明度,使得开发者可以查看并修改源...
OpenJDK-7是Java开发工具包(Java Development Kit)的一个开源实现,主要由Oracle公司维护,用于开发和运行Java应用程序。Ubuntu是一个基于Debian的Linux操作系统,它为开发者提供了丰富的开发环境。在Ubuntu系统中...
Java 1.8.0 开源版 OpenJDK 是一个广泛使用的开源 Java 开发工具包,它是 Oracle JDK 的一个自由且开源的实现。OpenJDK 由 OpenJDK 社区开发并维护,旨在提供一个符合 Java SE 标准的开放源代码实现,允许开发者在...
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OpenJDK 17.0.2 是一个开源的Java开发工具包,它遵循Java SE标准,为开发者提供了一个运行和构建Java应用程序的环境。这个版本的OpenJDK是针对Linux架构的aarch64(也称为AArch64或ARM64)平台设计的,这意味着它...
OpenJDK 21是Java开发工具包的一个开源版本,它是Java编程语言和Java平台标准版(Java SE)的一部分。OpenJDK项目是由甲骨文公司发起并维护,旨在提供一个免费、开源的实现,与Oracle JDK保持兼容。OpenJDK 21是该...
OpenJDK是Java Development Kit(JDK)的一个开源实现,它提供了编写、编译和运行Java应用程序所需的所有工具。本文将详细介绍如何在不同的操作系统上安装各种版本的OpenJDK,以及如何通过apt-get和手动方式进行安装...
OpenJDK8 with JavaFX 是一个开放源代码的Java开发工具包,它包含了Java标准版(Java SE)的实现,以及JavaFX库。OpenJDK是Oracle JDK的开源替代品,由OpenJDK社区维护和开发,而JavaFX是构建桌面、移动和Web应用...