The string functions allow you to manipulate strings.
The string functions are part of the PHP core. There is no installation needed to use these functions.
addcslashes() | Returns a string with backslashes in front of the specified characters | 4 |
addslashes() | Returns a string with backslashes in front of predefined characters | 3 |
bin2hex() | Converts a string of ASCII characters to hexadecimal values | 3 |
chop() | Alias of rtrim() | 3 |
chr() | Returns a character from a specified ASCII value | 3 |
chunk_split() | Splits a string into a series of smaller parts | 3 |
convert_cyr_string() | Converts a string from one Cyrillic character-set to another | 3 |
convert_uudecode() | Decodes a uuencoded string | 5 |
convert_uuencode() | Encodes a string using the uuencode algorithm | 5 |
count_chars() | Returns how many times an ASCII character occurs within a string and returns the information | 4 |
crc32() | Calculates a 32-bit CRC for a string | 4 |
crypt() | One-way string encryption (hashing) | 3 |
echo() | Outputs strings | 3 |
explode() | Breaks a string into an array | 3 |
fprintf() | Writes a formatted string to a specified output stream | 5 |
get_html_translation_table() | Returns the translation table used by htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities() | 4 |
hebrev() | Converts Hebrew text to visual text | 3 |
hebrevc() | Converts Hebrew text to visual text and new lines (\n) into <br /> | 3 |
html_entity_decode() | Converts HTML entities to characters | 4 |
htmlentities() | Converts characters to HTML entities | 3 |
htmlspecialchars_decode() | Converts some predefined HTML entities to characters | 5 |
htmlspecialchars() | Converts some predefined characters to HTML entities | 3 |
implode() | Returns a string from the elements of an array | 3 |
join() | Alias of implode() | 3 |
levenshtein() | Returns the Levenshtein distance between two strings | 3 |
localeconv() | Returns locale numeric and monetary formatting information | 4 |
ltrim() | Strips whitespace from the left side of a string | 3 |
md5() | Calculates the MD5 hash of a string | 3 |
md5_file() | Calculates the MD5 hash of a file | 4 |
metaphone() | Calculates the metaphone key of a string | 4 |
money_format() | Returns a string formatted as a currency string | 4 |
nl_langinfo() | Returns specific local information | 4 |
nl2br() | Inserts HTML line breaks in front of each newline in a string | 3 |
number_format() | Formats a number with grouped thousands | 3 |
ord() | Returns the ASCII value of the first character of a string | 3 |
parse_str() | Parses a query string into variables | 3 |
print() | Outputs a string | 3 |
printf() | Outputs a formatted string | 3 |
quoted_printable_decode() | Decodes a quoted-printable string | 3 |
quotemeta() | Quotes meta characters | 3 |
rtrim() | Strips whitespace from the right side of a string | 3 |
setlocale() | Sets locale information | 3 |
sha1() | Calculates the SHA-1 hash of a string | 4 |
sha1_file() | Calculates the SHA-1 hash of a file | 4 |
similar_text() | Calculates the similarity between two strings | 3 |
soundex() | Calculates the soundex key of a string | 3 |
sprintf() | Writes a formatted string to a variable | 3 |
sscanf() | Parses input from a string according to a format | 4 |
str_ireplace() | Replaces some characters in a string (case-insensitive) | 5 |
str_pad() | Pads a string to a new length | 4 |
str_repeat() | Repeats a string a specified number of times | 4 |
str_replace() | Replaces some characters in a string (case-sensitive) | 3 |
str_rot13() | Performs the ROT13 encoding on a string | 4 |
str_shuffle() | Randomly shuffles all characters in a string | 4 |
str_split() | Splits a string into an array | 5 |
str_word_count() | Count the number of words in a string | 4 |
strcasecmp() | Compares two strings (case-insensitive) | 3 |
strchr() | Finds the first occurrence of a string inside another string (alias of strstr()) | 3 |
strcmp() | Compares two strings (case-sensitive) | 3 |
strcoll() | Locale based string comparison | 4 |
strcspn() | Returns the number of characters found in a string before any part of some specified characters are found | 3 |
strip_tags() | Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string | 3 |
stripcslashes() | Unquotes a string quoted with addcslashes() | 4 |
stripslashes() | Unquotes a string quoted with addslashes() | 3 |
stripos() | Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string (case-insensitive) | 5 |
stristr() | Finds the first occurrence of a string inside another string (case-insensitive) | 3 |
strlen() | Returns the length of a string | 3 |
strnatcasecmp() | Compares two strings using a "natural order" algorithm (case-insensitive) | 4 |
strnatcmp() | Compares two strings using a "natural order" algorithm (case-sensitive) | 4 |
strncasecmp() | String comparison of the first n characters (case-insensitive) | 4 |
strncmp() | String comparison of the first n characters (case-sensitive) | 4 |
strpbrk() | Searches a string for any of a set of characters | 5 |
strpos() | Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string (case-sensitive) | 3 |
strrchr() | Finds the last occurrence of a string inside another string | 3 |
strrev() | Reverses a string | 3 |
strripos() | Finds the position of the last occurrence of a string inside another string (case-insensitive) | 5 |
strrpos() | Finds the position of the last occurrence of a string inside another string (case-sensitive) | 3 |
strspn() | Returns the number of characters found in a string that contains only characters from a specified charlist | 3 |
strstr() | Finds the first occurrence of a string inside another string (case-sensitive) | 3 |
strtok() | Splits a string into smaller strings | 3 |
strtolower() | Converts a string to lowercase letters | 3 |
strtoupper() | Converts a string to uppercase letters | 3 |
strtr() | Translates certain characters in a string | 3 |
substr() | Returns a part of a string | 3 |
substr_compare() | Compares two strings from a specified start position (binary safe and optionally case-sensitive) | 5 |
substr_count() | Counts the number of times a substring occurs in a string | 4 |
substr_replace() | Replaces a part of a string with another string | 4 |
trim() | Strips whitespace from both sides of a string | 3 |
ucfirst() | Converts the first character of a string to uppercase | 3 |
ucwords() | Converts the first character of each word in a string to uppercase | 3 |
vfprintf() | Writes a formatted string to a specified output stream | 5 |
vprintf() | Outputs a formatted string | 4 |
vsprintf() | Writes a formatted string to a variable | 4 |
wordwrap() | Wraps a string to a given number of characters | 4 |
标题提到的"Examples of how to use 24 different string functions"显然是一份旨在展示多种字符串处理功能的教程或代码示例集合。接下来,我们将深入探讨这些常见的字符串函数,以及它们在实际编程中的应用。 首先...
$string = "Learn PHP string functions at"; $lower = strtolower($string); ``` 此时,`$lower`变量将包含全小写的字符串:"learn php string functions at"。 另一方面,`strtoupper`函数的...
本文实例讲述了php实现...$string = php string functions are easy to use.; $sentence = ucfirst($string); $title = ucwords($string); print($sentence\n); print($title\n); print(\n); ?> 输出结果如下: Php
Multibyte String Functions LXXXVI. muscat Functions LXXXVII. MySQL 函数 LXXXVIII. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) LXXXIX. MySQL Improved Extension XC. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions XCI. ...
Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) LXXXVI. MySQL Improved Extension LXXXVII. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions ...
Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) LXXXVI. MySQL Improved Extension LXXXVII. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions LXXXVIII...
Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) LXXXVI. MySQL Improved Extension LXXXVII. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions LXXXVIII...
Multibyte String — Multibyte String Functions muscat — muscat Functions MySQL — MySQL 函数 MySQL (PDO) — MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) mysqli — MySQLi 扩展库 Ncurses — Ncurses Terminal Screen ...
Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) LXXXVI. MySQL Improved Extension LXXXVII. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions LXXXVIII...
Multi-Byte String Functions LIV. MCAL Functions LV. Mcrypt Encryption Functions LVI. MCVE Payment Functions LVII. Mhash Functions LVIII. Mimetype Functions LIX. Microsoft SQL Server Functions LX. ...
Multibyte String Functions XCVII. muscat Functions XCVIII. MySQL 函数 XCIX. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) C. MySQLi 扩展库 CI. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions CII. Network Functions CIII. ...
Multibyte String Functions XCVII. muscat Functions XCVIII. MySQL 函数 XCIX. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) C. MySQLi 扩展库 CI. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions CII. Network Functions ...
Multibyte String — Multibyte String Functions muscat — muscat Functions MySQL — MySQL 函数 MySQL (PDO) — MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) mysqli — MySQLi 扩展库 Ncurses — Ncurses Terminal Screen ...
Multibyte String Functions LXXXV. muscat Functions LXXXVI. MySQL 函数 LXXXVII. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) LXXXVIII. MySQL Improved Extension LXXXIX. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions XC. ...
Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) LXXXVI. MySQL Improved Extension LXXXVII. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions LXXXVIII...
Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) LXXXVI. MySQL Improved Extension LXXXVII. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions LXXXVIII...
Multibyte String Functions LXXXIII. muscat Functions LXXXIV. MySQL 函数 LXXXV. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) LXXXVI. MySQL Improved Extension LXXXVII. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions LXXXVIII...
"PHP-Custom-String-Functions" 提供了一组自定义的PHP函数,这些函数专门设计用于优化对UTF-8编码的重音字符的操作。以下是一些关键知识点的详细解释: 1. **Unicode 和 UTF-8**: Unicode 是一个统一的字符集,...
Chapter 22: String and Regular Expression Functions 421 Chapter 23: Filesystem and System Functions 439 Chapter 24: Sessions, Cookies, and HTTP 455 Chapter 25: Types and Type Conversions 479 Chapter ...