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REF Cursors are cool. They allow you to encapsulate SQL queries behind a PL/SQL package API. For example, you can create a function called GET_EMPLOYEES that returns a SYS_REFCURSOR containing the employees in a specific department:
function get_employees (p_deptno in number) return sys_refcursor as l_returnvalue sys_refcursor; begin open l_returnvalue for select empno, ename, job, sal from emp where deptno = p_deptno; return l_returnvalue; end get_employees;
The client (an application written in Java, .NET, PHP, etc.) can call your API and process the returned REF Cursor just as if it was a normal result set from a SQL query. The benefits are legion. The client no longer needs to contain embedded SQL statements, or indeed know anything about the actual database structure and query text. Privileges on the underlying tables can be revoked. The API can be shared and reused among different clients, whether they are written in Java, .NET, or any number of other languages.
That is, unless your client is Oracle Application Express (Apex). Apex unfortunately lacks the ability to process REF Cursors, or, more accurately, you cannot create report regions in Apex based on REF Cursors. For standard reports, you have to either embed the SQL statement in the region definition, or return the SQL text string from a function (and hope that the string you built is valid SQL when it gets executed). For interactive reports, only embedded SQL statements are supported.
I dislike having to scatter literal SQL statements all around my Apex applications, and not be able to take advantage of a package-based, shared and reusable PL/SQL API to encapsulate queries. I submitted a feature request to the Apex team back in 2007, asking for the ability to base report regions on REF Cursors, but so far this has not been implemented.
The problem, as far as I know, is that Apex uses (and must use) DBMS_SQL to "describe" a SQL statement in order to get the metadata (column names, data types, etc.) for a report region. But not until Oracle 11g did DBMS_SQL include a function (TO_CURSOR_NUMBER) that allows you to convert a REF Cursor into a DBMS_SQL cursor handle. So, as long as the minimum supported database version for Apex is Oracle 10g, support for REF Cursors is unlikely to be implemented.
In the meantime, there are a couple of alternatives:
It's possible to encapsulate your queries behind a PL/SQL API by using pipelined functions. For example, the above example could be rewritten as...
create type t_employee as object ( empno number(4), ename varchar2(10), job varchar2(9), sal number ); create type t_employee_tab as table of t_employee; function get_employees (p_deptno in number) return t_employee_tab pipelined as begin for l_rec in (select empno, ename, job, sal from emp where deptno = p_deptno) loop pipe row (t_employee (l_rec.empno, l_rec.ename, l_rec.job, l_rec.sal)); end loop; return; end get_employees;
And used from Apex (in a report region) via the TABLE statement:
select * from table(employee_pkg.get_employees (:p1_deptno))
The DBMS_XMLGEN package can generate XML based on a REF Cursor. While this does not "describe" the REF Cursor per se, it does give us a way (from PL/SQL) to find the column names of an arbitrary REF Cursor query, and perhaps infer the data types from the data itself. A couple of blog posts from Tom Kyte explain how this can be used to generate HTML based on a REF Cursor.
So back to Apex, you could generate a "report" based on a PL/SQL region with code similar to this:
declare l_clob clob; l_rc sys_refcursor; begin l_rc := get_employees (:p1_deptno); l_clob := fncRefCursor2HTML (l_rc); htp_print_clob (l_clob); end;
It would also be possible to pass your own XLST stylesheet into the conversion function (perhaps an Apex report region template fetched from the Apex data dictionary?) to control the appearance of the report.
I put "report" in quotes above, because until the Apex team implements report regions based on REF Cursors, you will miss all the nice built-in features of standard (and interactive) reports, such as sorting, paging, column formatting, linking, etc.OPTION 3: JSON FROM REF CURSOR
Bear with me, I am finally getting to the point of this blog post.
JSON is cool, too, just like REF Cursors. It's the fat-free alternative to XML, and JSON data is really easy to work with in Javascript.
For triple coolness, I want to use an API based on REF Cursors in PL/SQL, client-side data manipulation based on JSON, and Apex to glue the two together.
What I need is the ability to generate JSON based on a REF Cursor.
Apex does include a few JSON-related procedures in the APEX_UTIL package, including JSON_FROM_SQL. Although this procedure does support bind variables, it cannot generate JSON from a REF Cursor. (Also, the fact that is is a procedure rather than a function makes it less flexible than it could be. Dear Apex Team, can we please have overloaded (function) versions of these JSON procedures?)REF CURSOR TO JSON: THE (10G) SOLUTION
So I came up with this solution: Use DBMS_XMLGEN to generate XML based on a REF Cursor, and then transform the XML into JSON by using an XSLT stylesheet.
Note: As mentioned above, in Oracle 11g you can use DBMS_SQL to describe a REF Cursor, so you could write your own function to generate JSON from a REF Cursor, without going through XML first. (And perhaps in Oracle 12g the powers that be at Redwood Shores will provide us with a built-in DBMS_JSON package that can both generate and parse JSON?)
In the meantime, for Oracle 10g, I created the JSON_UTIL_PKG package.
Here is the code for the REF_CURSOR_TO_JSON function:
function ref_cursor_to_json (p_ref_cursor in sys_refcursor, p_max_rows in number := null, p_skip_rows in number := null) return clob as l_ctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxhandle; l_num_rows pls_integer; l_xml xmltype; l_json xmltype; l_returnvalue clob; begin /* Purpose: generate JSON from REF Cursor Remarks: Who Date Description ------ ---------- ------------------------------------- MBR 30.01.2010 Created */ l_ctx := dbms_xmlgen.newcontext (p_ref_cursor); dbms_xmlgen.setnullhandling (l_ctx, dbms_xmlgen.empty_tag); -- for pagination if p_max_rows is not null then dbms_xmlgen.setmaxrows (l_ctx, p_max_rows); end if; if p_skip_rows is not null then dbms_xmlgen.setskiprows (l_ctx, p_skip_rows); end if; -- get the XML content l_xml := dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype (l_ctx, dbms_xmlgen.none); l_num_rows := dbms_xmlgen.getnumrowsprocessed (l_ctx); dbms_xmlgen.closecontext (l_ctx); close p_ref_cursor; if l_num_rows > 0 then -- perform the XSL transformation l_json := l_xml.transform (xmltype(get_xml_to_json_stylesheet)); l_returnvalue := l_json.getclobval(); else l_returnvalue := g_json_null_object; end if; l_returnvalue := dbms_xmlgen.convert (l_returnvalue, dbms_xmlgen.entity_decode); return l_returnvalue; end ref_cursor_to_json;
Get a small dataset
declare l_clob clob; l_cursor sys_refcursor; begin l_cursor := employee_pkg.get_employees (10); l_clob := json_util_pkg.ref_cursor_to_json (l_cursor); dbms_output.put_line (substr(l_clob, 1, 200)); end; {"ROWSET":[{"EMPNO":7782,"ENAME":"CLARK","JOB":"MANAGER","MGR":7839,"HIREDATE":"09.06.1981","SAL":2450,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":10},{"EMPNO":7839,"ENAME":"KING","JOB":"PRESIDENT","MGR":null,"HIREDATE":"31.01.2005","SAL":5000,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":10},{"EMPNO":7934,"ENAME":"MILLER","JOB":"CLERK","MGR":7782,"HIREDATE":"23.01.1982","SAL":1300,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":10}]}
A large dataset, with paging
declare l_clob clob; l_cursor sys_refcursor; begin l_cursor := test_pkg.get_all_objects; l_clob := json_util_pkg.ref_cursor_to_json (l_cursor, p_max_rows => 3, p_skip_rows => 5000); dbms_output.put_line (substr(l_clob, 1, 1000)); end; {"ROWSET":[{"OBJECT_ID":5660,"OBJECT_NAME":"LOGMNRT_SEED$","OBJECT_TYPE":"TABLE","LAST_DDL_TIME":"07.02.2006"},{"OBJECT_ID":5661,"OBJECT_NAME":"LOGMNRT_MDDL$","OBJECT_TYPE":"TABLE","LAST_DDL_TIME":"07.02.2006"},{"OBJECT_ID":5662,"OBJECT_NAME":"LOGMNRT_MDDL$_PK","OBJECT_TYPE":"INDEX","LAST_DDL_TIME":"07.02.2006"}]}
It works with nested datasets, too.. !
select d.deptno, d.dname, cursor (select e.* from emp e where e.deptno = d.deptno) as the_emps from dept d declare l_json clob; begin l_json := json_util_pkg.sql_to_json ('select d.deptno, d.dname, cursor (select e.* from emp e where e.deptno = d.deptno) as the_emps from dept d'); dbms_output.put_line (substr(l_json, 1, 10000)); end; {"ROWSET":[{"DEPTNO":10,"DNAME":"ACCOUNTING", "THE_EMPS":[{"EMPNO":7782,"ENAME":"CLARK","JOB":"MANAGER","MGR":7839,"HIREDATE":"09.06.1981","SAL":2450,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":10}, {"EMPNO":7839,"ENAME":"KING","JOB":"PRESIDENT","MGR":null,"HIREDATE":"31.01.2005","SAL":5000,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":10}, {"EMPNO":7934,"ENAME":"MILLER","JOB":"CLERK","MGR":7782,"HIREDATE":"23.01.1982","SAL":1300,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":10}]}, {"DEPTNO":20,"DNAME":"RESEARCH", "THE_EMPS":[{"EMPNO":7369,"ENAME":"SMITH","JOB":"SALESMAN","MGR":7902,"HIREDATE":"17.12.1980","SAL":880,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20}, {"EMPNO":7566,"ENAME":"JONES","JOB":"MANAGER","MGR":7839,"HIREDATE":"02.04.1981","SAL":2975,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20}, {"EMPNO":7788,"ENAME":"SCOTT","JOB":"ANALYST","MGR":7566,"HIREDATE":"09.12.1982","SAL":3000,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20}, {"EMPNO":7876,"ENAME":"ADAMS","JOB":"CLERK","MGR":7788,"HIREDATE":"12.01.1983","SAL":1100,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20}, {"EMPNO":7902,"ENAME":"FORD","JOB":"ANALYST","MGR":7566,"HIREDATE":"03.12.1981","SAL":3000,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20}, {"EMPNO":9999,"ENAME":"BRATEN","JOB":"CLERK","MGR":7902,"HIREDATE":"05.05.2009","SAL":1000,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20}, {"EMPNO":9998,"ENAME":"DOE","JOB":"CLERK","MGR":7902,"HIREDATE":"25.04.2009","SAL":500,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20}]}, {"DEPTNO":30,"DNAME":"SALES", "THE_EMPS":[{"EMPNO":7499,"ENAME":"ALLEN","JOB":"SALESMAN","MGR":7698,"HIREDATE":"20.02.1981","SAL":1600,"COMM":300,"DEPTNO":30}, {"EMPNO":7521,"ENAME":"WARD","JOB":"SALESMAN","MGR":7698,"HIREDATE":"22.02.1981","SAL":3200,"COMM":500,"DEPTNO":30}, {"EMPNO":7654,"ENAME":"MARTIN","JOB":"SALESMAN","MGR":7698,"HIREDATE":"28.09.1981","SAL":1250,"COMM":1400,"DEPTNO":30}, {"EMPNO":7698,"ENAME":"BLAKE","JOB":"MANAGER","MGR":7839,"HIREDATE":"01.05.1981","SAL":2850,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":30}, {"EMPNO":7844,"ENAME":"TURNER","JOB":"SALESMAN","MGR":7698,"HIREDATE":"08.09.1981","SAL":1500,"COMM":0,"DEPTNO":30}, {"EMPNO":7900,"ENAME":"JAMES","JOB":"CLERK","MGR":7788,"HIREDATE":"03.12.1981","SAL":950,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":30}]}, {"DEPTNO":40,"DNAME":"OPERATIONS", "THE_EMPS":null}]}
Passing a REF Cursor directly to the function call by using the CURSOR function:
select json_util_pkg.ref_cursor_to_json(cursor(select * from emp)) from dual {"ROWSET":[{"EMPNO":7369,"ENAME":"SMITH","JOB":"SALESMAN","MGR":7902,"HIREDATE":"17.12.1980","SAL":880,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20},{"EMPNO":7499,"ENAME":"ALLEN","JOB":"SALESMAN","MGR":7698,"HIREDATE":"20.02.1981","SAL":1600,"COMM":300,"DEPTNO":30},{"EMPNO":7521,"ENAME":"WARD","JOB":"SALESMAN","MGR":7698,"HIREDATE":"22.02.1981","SAL":3200,"COMM":500,"DEPTNO":30},{"EMPNO":7566,"ENAME":"JONES","JOB":"MANAGER","MGR":7839,"HIREDATE":"02.04.1981","SAL":2975,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20},{"EMPNO":7654,"ENAME":"MARTIN","JOB":"SALESMAN","MGR":7698,"HIREDATE":"28.09.1981","SAL":1250,"COMM":1400,"DEPTNO":30},{"EMPNO":7698,"ENAME":"BLAKE","JOB":"MANAGER","MGR":7839,"HIREDATE":"01.05.1981","SAL":2850,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":30},{"EMPNO":7782,"ENAME":"CLARK","JOB":"MANAGER","MGR":7839,"HIREDATE":"09.06.1981","SAL":2450,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":10},{"EMPNO":7788,"ENAME":"SCOTT","JOB":"ANALYST","MGR":7566,"HIREDATE":"09.12.1982","SAL":3000,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20},{"EMPNO":7839,"ENAME":"KING","JOB":"PRESIDENT","MGR":null,"HIREDATE":"31.01.2005","SAL":5000,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":10},{"EMPNO":7844,"ENAME":"TURNER","JOB":"SALESMAN","MGR":7698,"HIREDATE":"08.09.1981","SAL":1500,"COMM":0,"DEPTNO":30},{"EMPNO":7876,"ENAME":"ADAMS","JOB":"CLERK","MGR":7788,"HIREDATE":"12.01.1983","SAL":1100,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20},{"EMPNO":7900,"ENAME":"JAMES","JOB":"CLERK","MGR":7788,"HIREDATE":"03.12.1981","SAL":950,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":30},{"EMPNO":7902,"ENAME":"FORD","JOB":"ANALYST","MGR":7566,"HIREDATE":"03.12.1981","SAL":3000,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20},{"EMPNO":7934,"ENAME":"MILLERø","JOB":"CLERK","MGR":7782,"HIREDATE":"23.01.1982","SAL":1300,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":10},{"EMPNO":9999,"ENAME":"BRATEN","JOB":"CLERK","MGR":7902,"HIREDATE":"05.05.2009","SAL":1000,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20},{"EMPNO":9998,"ENAME":"DOE","JOB":"CLERK","MGR":7902,"HIREDATE":"25.04.2009","SAL":500,"COMM":null,"DEPTNO":20}]}
You can download the complete package, including the XSLT stylsheet, here (spec) and here (body).
Update 12.02.2011: This package can now be downloaded as part of the Alexandria library for PL/SQL.
Note that to compile the packages you need the following SQL type defined in your schema:
create type t_str_array as table of varchar2(4000); /
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ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) refCursor.getBaseCursor(); // 遍历ResultSet while (rs.next()) { System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); } ``` ### 四、总结 通过上述步骤,我们可以看到在JDBC程序中使用REF ...
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例如,过程定义为`PROCEDURE get_data(p_rc OUT SYS_REFCURSOR);`,然后在调用时捕获返回的游标。 - **记录类型**: 另一种方法是定义一个记录类型,该类型与REF CURSOR返回的列结构匹配,然后返回一个包含此记录...
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public override Person Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) { // 实现反序列化逻辑 } public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, Person value, ...
Person person = json.ToObject(); ``` 或者直接使用`JsonConvert.DeserializeObject`: ```csharp Person person = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonString); ``` 2. **C#对象转JSON字符串**: ```...