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Google Test测试框架自带Sample案例注释翻译


      有一段时间没写博客了,前些时间闲下来看了下google test(gtest)测试框架自带的sample测试样例,感觉还不错,就对里面的注释进行了相关翻译,在此做个标录,对测试流程、方法和设计的理解会有些帮助,方便日后重新查阅,有兴趣的同志不妨看一下



     2、项目工程在visual studio2005环境下编译运行的

     3、对于想对gtest有进一步了解的通知,可参考金山公司一个前辈的gtest技术博客http://www.cnblogs.com/coderzh/archive/2009/03/31/1426758.html(玩转Google开源C++单元测试框架Google Test系列(gtest))







//一个用来展示如何应用Google C++测试框架的简单程序示例


// Returns n! (the factorial of n).  For negative n, n! is defined to be 1.
int Factorial(int n);

// Returns true iff n is a prime number.
bool IsPrime(int n);




//一个用来展示如何应用Google C++测试框架的简单程序示例
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sample1.h"
// Returns n! (the factorial of n).  For negative n, n! is defined to be 1.
int Factorial(int n) {
	int result = 1;
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
		result *= i;
	return result;
// Returns true iff n is a prime number.
bool IsPrime(int n) {
	// Trivial case 1: small numbers
	if (n <= 1) return false;
	// Trivial case 2: even numbers
	if (n % 2 == 0) return n == 2;
	// Now, we have that n is odd and n >= 3.
	// Try to divide n by every odd number i, starting from 3
	for (int i = 3; ; i += 2) {
		// We only have to try i up to the squre root of n
		if (i > n/i) break;
		// Now, we have i <= n/i < n.
		// If n is divisible by i, n is not prime.
		if (n % i == 0) return false;
	// n has no integer factor in the range (1, n), and thus is prime.
	return true;



// This sample shows how to write a simple unit test for a function,
// using Google C++ testing framework.
//这个示例用来展示如何应用Google C++测试框架来写一个简单的函数测试单元
// Writing a unit test using Google C++ testing framework is easy as 1-2-3:
//应用Google C++写一个单元测试很简单,只需要1-2-3共三个步骤

// Step 1. Include necessary header files such that the stuff your
// test logic needs is declared.
// Don't forget gtest.h, which declares the testing framework.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include "sample1.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

// Step 2. Use the TEST macro to define your tests.

//TEST has two parameters: the test case name and the test name.

// After using the macro, you should define your test logic between a  pair of braces.  

//You can use a bunch of macros to indicate the success or failure of a test.

//EXPECT_TRUE and EXPECT_EQ are  examples of such macros. 

// For a complete list, see gtest.h.

// <TechnicalDetails>
// In Google Test, tests are grouped into test cases.  

// This is how we keep test code organized. 

//  You should put logically related tests into the same test case.

// The test case name and the test name should both be valid C++ identifiers.  

// And you should not use underscore (_) in the names.

// Google Test guarantees that each test you define is run exactly
// once, but it makes no guarantee on the order the tests are
// executed.  

//Therefore, you should write your tests in such a way
// that their results don't depend on their order.

// </TechnicalDetails>

// Tests Factorial().

// Tests factorial of negative numbers.

TEST(FactorialTest, Negative) {
  // This test is named "Negative", and belongs to the "FactorialTest"
  // test case.

  EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(-5));
  EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(-1));
  EXPECT_TRUE(Factorial(-10) > 0);

  // <TechnicalDetails>

  // EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual) is the same as
  //   EXPECT_TRUE((expected) == (actual))
  // except that it will print both the expected value and the actual
  // value when the assertion fails.  
  //EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual)除了在断言失败时会打印出期望值和相应的真实值外,其他的情况都和EXPECT_TRUE((expected) == (actual))相同

  //This is very helpful for debugging.

  //   Therefore in this case EXPECT_EQ is preferred.

  // On the other hand, EXPECT_TRUE accepts any Boolean expression,and is thus more general.
  // 在另一方面,EXPECT_TRUE会接受任何的Boolean表达式,所以他的用法更普通一些

  // </TechnicalDetails>

// Tests factorial of 0.

TEST(FactorialTest, Zero) {
  EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(0));

// Tests factorial of positive numbers.

TEST(FactorialTest, Positive) {
  EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(1));
  EXPECT_EQ(2, Factorial(2));
  EXPECT_EQ(6, Factorial(3));
  EXPECT_EQ(40320, Factorial(8));

// Tests IsPrime()

// Tests negative input.

TEST(IsPrimeTest, Negative) {
  // This test belongs to the IsPrimeTest test case.


// Tests some trivial cases.

TEST(IsPrimeTest, Trivial) {

// Tests positive input.

TEST(IsPrimeTest, Positive) {

// Step 3. Call RUN_ALL_TESTS() in main().
//第三步:在main()函数中调用 RUN_ALL_TESTS()函数

// We do this by linking in src/gtest_main.cc file, which consists of
// a main() function which calls RUN_ALL_TESTS() for us.

// This runs all the tests you've defined, prints the result, 

//and returns 0 if successful, or 1 otherwise.

// Did you notice that we didn't register the tests?  

//The RUN_ALL_TESTS() macro magically knows about all the tests we defined.

//Isn't this convenient?



//一个用来展示如何应用Google C++测试框架的简单程序示例


#include <string.h>

// A simple string class.
class MyString {
	const char * c_string_;
	const MyString& operator=(const MyString& rhs);


	// Clones a 0-terminated C string, allocating memory using new.
	//克隆一个0结尾的C string字符串,用new关键字分配空间
	static const char * CloneCString(const char * c_string);

	// C'tors

	// The default c'tor constructs a NULL string.

	MyString() : c_string_(NULL) {}

	// Constructs a MyString by cloning a 0-terminated C string.
	explicit MyString(const char * c_string) : c_string_(NULL) {

	// Copy c'tor
	MyString(const MyString& string) : c_string_(NULL) {

	// D'tor.  MyString is intended to be a final class, so the d'tor
	// doesn't need to be virtual.

	~MyString() { delete[] c_string_; }

	// Gets the 0-terminated C string this MyString object represents.
	const char * c_string() const { return c_string_; }

	size_t Length() const {
		return c_string_ == NULL ? 0 : strlen(c_string_);

	// Sets the 0-terminated C string this MyString object represents.
	void Set(const char * c_string);




#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sample2.h"

#include <string.h>

// Clones a 0-terminated C string, allocating memory using new.
const char * MyString::CloneCString(const char * c_string) {
	if (c_string == NULL) return NULL;

	const size_t len = strlen(c_string);
	char * const clone = new char[ len + 1 ];
	memcpy(clone, c_string, len + 1);

	return clone;

// Sets the 0-terminated C string this MyString object
// represents.
void MyString::Set(const char * c_string) {
	// Makes sure this works when c_string == c_string_
	//确保当c_string == c_string_时这个函数正常工作
	const char * const temp = MyString::CloneCString(c_string);
	delete[] c_string_;
	c_string_ = temp;





// This sample shows how to write a more complex unit test for a class
// that has multiple member functions.

// Usually, it's a good idea to have one test for each method in your class.

//   You don't have to do that exactly, but it helps to keep your tests organized.

//   You may also throw in additional tests as needed.
// 当然你也可以做些额外的必要的测试。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sample2.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

// In this example, we test the MyString class (a simple string).

// Tests the default c'tor.
TEST(MyString, DefaultConstructor) {
	const MyString s;

	// Asserts that s.c_string() returns NULL.

	// <TechnicalDetails>

	// If we write NULL instead of
	//   static_cast<const char *>(NULL)
	// in this assertion, it will generate a warning on gcc 3.4. 
	//如果我们在这个断言中通过写NULL来代替static_cast<const char *>(NULL),那么将得到一个关于gcc3.4的警告

	//The reason is that EXPECT_EQ needs to know the types of its
	// arguments in order to print them when it fails.  

	//Since NULL is #defined as 0, the compiler will use the formatter function for int to print it

	//However, gcc thinks that NULL should be used as
	// a pointer, not an int, and therefore complains.

	// The root of the problem is C++'s lack of distinction between the
	// integer number 0 and the null pointer constant.  

	//Unfortunately, we have to live with this fact.
	// </TechnicalDetails>
	EXPECT_STREQ(NULL, s.c_string());

	EXPECT_EQ(0, s.Length());

const char kHelloString[] = "Hello, world!";

// Tests the c'tor that accepts a C string.
TEST(MyString, ConstructorFromCString) {
	const MyString s(kHelloString);
	EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(s.c_string(), kHelloString) == 0);
	EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(kHelloString)/sizeof(kHelloString[0]) - 1,

// Tests the copy c'tor.
TEST(MyString, CopyConstructor) {
	const MyString s1(kHelloString);
	const MyString s2 = s1;
	EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(s2.c_string(), kHelloString) == 0);

// Tests the Set method.
TEST(MyString, Set) {
	MyString s;

	EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(s.c_string(), kHelloString) == 0);

	// Set should work when the input pointer is the same as the one
	// already in the MyString object.
	EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(s.c_string(), kHelloString) == 0);

	// Can we set the MyString to NULL?
	EXPECT_STREQ(NULL, s.c_string());





//一个用来展示如何应用Google C++测试框架的简单程序示例


#include <stddef.h>

// Queue is a simple queue implemented as a singled-linked list.
// The element type must support copy constructor.

// E is the element type
template <typename E>  
class Queue;

// QueueNode is a node in a Queue, which consists of an element of type E and a pointer to the next node.
template <typename E>  
class QueueNode {
	friend class Queue<E>;

	// Gets the element in this node.
	const E & element() const { return element_; }

	// Gets the next node in the queue.
	QueueNode * next() { return next_; }
	const QueueNode * next() const { return next_; }

	// Creates a node with a given element value.  The next pointer is set to NULL.
	// 用一个给定元素值来创建一个节点,它的下一个节点指针被设置成NULL
	QueueNode(const E & element) : element_(element), next_(NULL) {}

	// We disable the default assignment operator and copy c'tor.
	const QueueNode & operator = (const QueueNode &);
	QueueNode(const QueueNode &);

	E element_;
	QueueNode * next_;

template <typename E>  
class Queue {

	// Creates an empty queue.
	Queue() : head_(NULL), last_(NULL), size_(0) {}

	// D'tor.  Clears the queue.
	~Queue() { Clear(); }

	// Clears the queue.
	void Clear() {
		if (size_ > 0) {
			// 1. Deletes every node.
			QueueNode<E> * node = head_;
			QueueNode<E> * next = node->next();
			for (; ;) {
				delete node;
				node = next;
				if (node == NULL) break;
				next = node->next();

			// 2. Resets the member variables.
			head_ = last_ = NULL;
			size_ = 0;

	// Gets the number of elements.
	size_t Size() const { return size_; }

	// Gets the first element of the queue, or NULL if the queue is empty.、
	QueueNode<E> * Head() { return head_; }
	const QueueNode<E> * Head() const { return head_; }

	// Gets the last element of the queue, or NULL if the queue is empty.
	QueueNode<E> * Last() { return last_; }
	const QueueNode<E> * Last() const { return last_; }

	// Adds an element to the end of the queue.  A copy of the element is
	// created using the copy constructor, and then stored in the queue.
	// Changes made to the element in the queue doesn't affect the source
	// object, and vice versa.
	void Enqueue(const E & element) {
		QueueNode<E> * new_node = new QueueNode<E>(element);

		if (size_ == 0) {
			head_ = last_ = new_node;
			size_ = 1;
		} else {
			last_->next_ = new_node;
			last_ = new_node;

	// Removes the head of the queue and returns it.  Returns NULL if
	// the queue is empty.
	E * Dequeue() {
		if (size_ == 0) {
			return NULL;

		const QueueNode<E> * const old_head = head_;
		head_ = head_->next_;
		if (size_ == 0) {
			last_ = NULL;

		E * element = new E(old_head->element());
		delete old_head;

		return element;

	// Applies a function/functor on each element of the queue, and
	// returns the result in a new queue.  The original queue is not
	// affected.
	template <typename F>
	Queue * Map(F function) const {
		Queue * new_queue = new Queue();
		for (const QueueNode<E> * node = head_; node != NULL; node = node->next_) {

		return new_queue;

	QueueNode<E> * head_;  // The first node of the queue.队列的第一个节点
	QueueNode<E> * last_;  // The last node of the queue.队列的最后一个节点
	size_t size_;  // The number of elements in the queue.队列中元素的数量

	// We disallow copying a queue.我们不允许通过拷贝得到一个队列
	Queue(const Queue &);
	const Queue & operator = (const Queue &);




// In this example, we use a more advanced feature of Google Test called
// test fixture.
//在这个示例中,我们将使用更多的gtest更高级的用法,他叫做“test fixture”(测试夹具)

// A test fixture is a place to hold objects and functions shared by
// all tests in a test case.  
//一个“test fixture”就是一个用来存放能够被所有的测试和测试案例共享的实例和函数的地方

//Using a test fixture avoids duplicating
// the test code necessary to initialize and cleanup those common
// objects for each test.  
//对于那些为每个测试中对初始化或善后处理共同示例所必须的代码来说,使用“test fixture”可以避免重复的复制

//It is also useful for defining sub-routines
// that your tests need to invoke a lot.

// <TechnicalDetails>
// The tests share the test fixture in the sense of code sharing, not data sharing.
//这些测试共享这个“test fixtur”,从意义上来说是共享代码,而不是共享数据

//   Each test is given its own fresh copy of the fixture.

//   You cannot expect the data modified by one test to be
// passed on to another test, which is a bad idea.

// The reason for this design is that tests should be independent and repeatable.

//   In particular, a test should not fail as the result of another test's failure. 

//  If one test depends on info produced by
// another test, then the two tests should really be one big test.

// The macros for indicating the success/failure of a test
// (EXPECT_TRUE, FAIL, etc) need to know what the current test is
// (when Google Test prints the test result, it tells you which test
// each failure belongs to). 
//那些可以指明一个测试(EXPECT_TRUE, FAIL等)是否成功的宏命令应该知道当前的测试是什么

//Technically, these macros invoke a member function of the Test class.
//从技术上来说,这些宏命令在调用Test 类的一个成员函数

//   Therefore, you cannot use them in a global function.  
// 因此,你不能再全局函数中使用它们,
//That's why you should put test sub-routines in a test fixture.
//这就是为什么你应该将测试子程序放到一个“test fixture”中
// </TechnicalDetails>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "sample3-inl.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
 using namespace  std;
// To use a test fixture, derive a class from testing::Test.
class QueueTestOfTest3 : public testing::Test {
protected:  // You should make the members protected s.t. they can be
	// accessed from sub-classes.

	// virtual void SetUp() will be called before each test is run.  
	//virtual void SetUp()会在每个测试运行前被调用

	//You should define it if you need to initialize the varaibles.

	// Otherwise, this can be skipped.
	virtual void SetUp() {
		cout<<"SetUp()do something"<<endl;

	// virtual void TearDown() will be called after each test is run.
	//virtual void TearDown()会在每个测试完了之后被调用

	// You should define it if there is cleanup work to do. 

	//Otherwise, you don't have to provide it.

	// virtual void TearDown() {
	// }

	// A helper function that some test uses.
	static int Double(int n) {
		return 2*n;

	// A helper function for testing Queue::Map().
	void MapTester(const Queue<int> * q) {
		// Creates a new queue, where each element is twice as big as the corresponding one in q.
		// 创建一个新的队列queue,它的每一个元素都是位于q中的相似元素的两倍
		const Queue<int> * const new_q = q->Map(Double);

		// Verifies that the new queue has the same size as q.
		ASSERT_EQ(q->Size(), new_q->Size());

		// Verifies the relationship between the elements of the two queues.
		for ( const QueueNode<int> * n1 = q->Head(), * n2 = new_q->Head();
			n1 != NULL; n1 = n1->next(), n2 = n2->next() ) {
				EXPECT_EQ(2 * n1->element(), n2->element());

		delete new_q;

	// Declares the variables your tests want to use.
	Queue<int> q0_;
	Queue<int> q1_;
	Queue<int> q2_;

// When you have a test fixture, you define a test using TEST_F instead of TEST.
//如果你有一个"test fixture",你应该用TEST_F代替TEST来定义一个测试

// Tests the default c'tor.
TEST_F(QueueTestOfTest3, DefaultConstructor) {
	// You can access data in the test fixture here.
	EXPECT_EQ(0, q0_.Size());

// Tests Dequeue().
TEST_F(QueueTestOfTest3, Dequeue) {
	int * n = q0_.Dequeue();

	n = q1_.Dequeue();
	EXPECT_EQ(1, *n);
	EXPECT_EQ(0, q1_.Size());
	delete n;

	n = q2_.Dequeue();
	EXPECT_EQ(2, *n);
	EXPECT_EQ(1, q2_.Size());
	delete n;

// Tests the Queue::Map() function.
//测试Queue::Map() 函数
TEST_F(QueueTestOfTest3, Map) {




// A simple monotonic counter.
class Counter {
	int counter_;

	// Creates a counter that starts at 0.
	Counter() : counter_(0) {}

	// Returns the current counter value, and increments it.
	int Increment();

	// Prints the current counter value to STDOUT.
	void Print() const;




#include <stdio.h>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sample4.h"

// Returns the current counter value, and increments it.
int Counter::Increment() {
  return counter_++;

// Prints the current counter value to STDOUT.
void Counter::Print() const {
  printf("%d", counter_);








#include "stdafx.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "sample4.h"

// Tests the Increment() method.
TEST(Counter, Increment) {
	Counter c;

	// EXPECT_EQ() evaluates its arguments exactly once, so they can have side effects.
	// EXPECT_EQ()准确的评估他的参数一次,所以他们会有副作用

	EXPECT_EQ(0, c.Increment());
	EXPECT_EQ(1, c.Increment());
	EXPECT_EQ(2, c.Increment());



// This provides interface PrimeTable that determines whether a number is a
// prime and determines a next prime number.

//This interface is used
// in Google Test samples demonstrating use of parameterized tests.

//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <algorithm>

// The prime table interface.
class PrimeTable {
  virtual ~PrimeTable() {}

  // Returns true iff n is a prime number.
  virtual bool IsPrime(int n) const = 0;

  // Returns the smallest prime number greater than p; or returns -1
  // if the next prime is beyond the capacity of the table.

  virtual int GetNextPrime(int p) const = 0;

// Implementation #1 calculates the primes on-the-fly.
class OnTheFlyPrimeTable : public PrimeTable {
	virtual bool IsPrime(int n) const 
		if (n <= 1) return false;

		for (int i = 2; i*i <= n; i++) {
			// n is divisible by an integer other than 1 and itself.
			if ((n % i) == 0) return false;

		return true;

  virtual int GetNextPrime(int p) const {
    for (int n = p + 1; n > 0; n++) {
      if (IsPrime(n)) return n;

    return -1;

// Implementation #2 pre-calculates the primes and stores the result
// in an array.

class PreCalculatedPrimeTable : public PrimeTable {
	// 'max' specifies the maximum number the prime table holds.
	explicit PreCalculatedPrimeTable(int max)
		: is_prime_size_(max + 1), is_prime_(new bool[max + 1]) {
	virtual ~PreCalculatedPrimeTable() { delete[] is_prime_; }

	virtual bool IsPrime(int n) const {
		return 0 <= n && n < is_prime_size_ && is_prime_[n];

	virtual int GetNextPrime(int p) const {
		for (int n = p + 1; n < is_prime_size_; n++) {
			if (is_prime_[n]) return n;

		return -1;

	void CalculatePrimesUpTo(int max) {
		::std::fill(is_prime_, is_prime_ + is_prime_size_, true);
		is_prime_[0] = is_prime_[1] = false;

		for (int i = 2; i <= max; i++) {
			if (!is_prime_[i]) continue;

			// Marks all multiples of i (except i itself) as non-prime.
			for (int j = 2*i; j <= max; j += i) {
				is_prime_[j] = false;

	const int is_prime_size_;
	bool* const is_prime_;




// This sample teaches how to reuse a test fixture in multiple test
// cases by deriving sub-fixtures from it.
//这个示例教给大家怎么通过子fixtrues在一个多重的测试案例中重复使用一个“test fixture”

// When you define a test fixture, you specify the name of the test
// case that will use this fixture.  
//当你定义一个test fixture的时候,有要指定要用到该fixture的测试案例的名称

//Therefore, a test fixture can be used by only one test case.
//所以,一个test fixtrue只能够被咦一个测试案例使用

// Sometimes, more than one test cases may want to use the same or slightly different test fixtures
//有时候,也许更多的测试案例想使用一个相同或者只有少许差别的test fixtures

//For example, you may want to
// make sure that all tests for a GUI library don't leak important
// system resources like fonts and brushes.

//In Google Test, you do
// this by putting the shared logic in a super (as in "super class")
// test fixture, 
//在gtest中,你想要实现这个可以通过把那些共同逻辑放入一个超级的test fixture中

//and then have each test case use a fixture derived
// from this super fixture.
//并且可以通过从超级test fixture派生来得到每个测试案例所需的fixture
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "sample3-inl.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "sample1.h"

// In this sample, we want to ensure that every test finishes within ~5 seconds.

//   If a test takes longer to run, we consider it a failure.
// 如果一个测试需要消耗跟多的时间去运行,那么我们认为这是测试的结果是失败的

// We put the code for timing a test in a test fixture called "QuickTest". 
//我们将给一个测试计时的代码放入一个被称作“QuickTest”的test fixture中

// QuickTest is intended to be the super fixture that other fixtures derive from

// therefore there is no test case with
// the name "QuickTest".  This is OK.

// Later, we will derive multiple test fixtures from QuickTest.
//稍后我们会从QuickTest派生一些text fixtures

class QuickTest : public testing::Test {
	// Remember that SetUp() is run immediately before a test starts.
	//要记住,SetUp() 函数会在一个测试起始前立刻执行

	// This is a good place to record the start time.

	virtual void SetUp() {
		start_time_ = time(NULL);

	// TearDown() is invoked immediately after a test finishes.  
	// TearDown()会在一个测试结束后被立即调用

	//Here we check if the test was too slow.

	virtual void TearDown() {
		// Gets the time when the test finishes
		const time_t end_time = time(NULL);

		// Asserts that the test took no more than ~5 seconds.  

		//Did you know that you can use assertions in SetUp() and TearDown() as well?
		// 你是否知道我们也可以同样在SetUp()函数中使用断言呢?

		EXPECT_TRUE(end_time - start_time_ <= 5) << "The test took too long.";

	// The UTC time (in seconds) when the test starts

	time_t start_time_;

// We derive a fixture named IntegerFunctionTest from the QuickTest fixture.

//   All tests using this fixture will be automatically required to be quick.
// 所有的使用这个fixture的测试都会无意识的被要求运行的很快
class IntegerFunctionTest : public QuickTest {
	// We don't need any more logic than already in the QuickTest fixture.

	// Therefore the body is empty.

// Now we can write tests in the IntegerFunctionTest test case.

// Tests Factorial()

TEST_F(IntegerFunctionTest, Factorial) {
	// Tests factorial of negative numbers.
	EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(-5));
	EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(-1));
	EXPECT_TRUE(Factorial(-10) > 0);

	// Tests factorial of 0.
	EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(0));

	// Tests factorial of positive numbers.
	EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(1));
	EXPECT_EQ(2, Factorial(2));
	EXPECT_EQ(6, Factorial(3));
	EXPECT_EQ(40320, Factorial(8));

// Tests IsPrime()
TEST_F(IntegerFunctionTest, IsPrime) {
	// Tests negative input.

	// Tests some trivial cases.

	// Tests positive input.

// The next test case (named "QueueTest") also needs to be quick, so
// we derive another fixture from QuickTest.

// The QueueTest test fixture has some logic and shared objects in addition to what's in QuickTest already.

//   We define the additional
// stuff inside the body of the test fixture, as usual.

class QueueTest : public QuickTest {
	virtual void SetUp() {
		// First, we need to set up the super fixture (QuickTest).

		// Second, some additional setup for this fixture.

	// By default, TearDown() inherits the behavior of QuickTest::TearDown().
	//   As we have no additional cleaning work
	// for QueueTest, we omit it here.
	// virtual void TearDown() {
	//   QuickTest::TearDown();
	// }

	Queue<int> q0_;
	Queue<int> q1_;
	Queue<int> q2_;

// Now, let's write tests using the QueueTest fixture.
//现在,我们使用QueueTest 来写我们的测试

// Tests the default constructor.

TEST_F(QueueTest, DefaultConstructor) {
	EXPECT_EQ(0, q0_.Size());

// Tests Dequeue().

TEST_F(QueueTest, Dequeue) {
	int * n = q0_.Dequeue();

	n = q1_.Dequeue();
	EXPECT_EQ(1, *n);
	EXPECT_EQ(0, q1_.Size());
	delete n;

	n = q2_.Dequeue();
	EXPECT_EQ(2, *n);
	EXPECT_EQ(1, q2_.Size());
	delete n;

// If necessary, you can derive further test fixtures from a derived fixture itself.
// 如果有必要你可以从已经派生了的fixture自身派生更深层次的test fixture

// For example, you can derive another fixture from QueueTest.
//   Google Test imposes no limit on how deep the hierarchy can be.
//   In practice, however, you probably don't want it to be too deep as to be confusing.
// 但是在实践中,你或许因为怕犯迷糊而不愿意把他的层次搞得太深



// This sample shows how to test common properties of multiple
// implementations of the same interface (aka interface tests).

// The interface and its implementations are in this header.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "prime_tables.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

// First, we define some factory functions for creating instances of the implementations.

//   You may be able to skip this step if all your
// implementations can be constructed the same way.

template <class T>
PrimeTable* CreatePrimeTable();

template <>
PrimeTable* CreatePrimeTable<OnTheFlyPrimeTable>() {
	return new OnTheFlyPrimeTable;

template <>
PrimeTable* CreatePrimeTable<PreCalculatedPrimeTable>() {
	return new PreCalculatedPrimeTable(10000);

// Then we define a test fixture class template.
//接下来我们定义一个test fixture的模版类

template <class T>
class PrimeTableTest : public testing::Test {
	// The ctor calls the factory function to create a prime table
	// implemented by T.
	PrimeTableTest() : table_(CreatePrimeTable<T>()) {}

	virtual ~PrimeTableTest() { delete table_; }

	// Note that we test an implementation via the base interface instead of the actual implementation class.

	//   This is important for keeping the tests close to the real world scenario,
	//  where the implementation is invoked via the base interface. 

	//  It avoids got-yas where the implementation class has a method that shadows
	// a method with the same name (but slightly different argument
	// types) in the base interface, for example.
	// 举例来说,在那些实现类中有一个方法名覆盖接口中另一个方法名
	PrimeTable* const table_;


using testing::Types;

// Google Test offers two ways for reusing tests for different types.
//gtest 提供了两个方法可以针对不同的类型重复利用一些测试

// The first is called "typed tests". 
//第一个方法被称作类型测试(typed test)

//You should use it if you
// already know *all* the types you are gonna exercise when you write
// the tests.

// To write a typed test case, first use
//   TYPED_TEST_CASE(TestCaseName, TypeList);
// to declare it and specify the type parameters. 
//想要写一个类型测试案例,首先应该使用TYPED_TEST_CASE(TestCaseName, TypeList)去声明并且制定类型参数

//As with TEST_F, TestCaseName must match the test fixture name.
//正如TEST_F一样,测试案例名字必须和test fixture的名字一致

// The list of types we want to test.
typedef Types<OnTheFlyPrimeTable, PreCalculatedPrimeTable> Implementations;

TYPED_TEST_CASE(PrimeTableTest, Implementations);

// Then use TYPED_TEST(TestCaseName, TestName) to define a typed test,
// similar to TEST_F.
//接下来我们像定义TEST_F一样使用TYPED_TEST(TestCaseName, TestName)去定义一个类型测试

TYPED_TEST(PrimeTableTest, ReturnsFalseForNonPrimes) {
	// Inside the test body, you can refer to the type parameter by
	// TypeParam, and refer to the fixture class by TestFixture. 

	// We don't need them in this example.
	// Since we are in the template world, C++ requires explicitly
	// writing 'this->' when referring to members of the fixture class.

	// This is something you have to learn to live with.

TYPED_TEST(PrimeTableTest, ReturnsTrueForPrimes) {

TYPED_TEST(PrimeTableTest, CanGetNextPrime) {
	EXPECT_EQ(2, this->table_->GetNextPrime(0));
	EXPECT_EQ(3, this->table_->GetNextPrime(2));
	EXPECT_EQ(5, this->table_->GetNextPrime(3));
	EXPECT_EQ(7, this->table_->GetNextPrime(5));
	EXPECT_EQ(11, this->table_->GetNextPrime(7));
	EXPECT_EQ(131, this->table_->GetNextPrime(128));

// That's it!  Google Test will repeat each TYPED_TEST for each type
// in the type list specified in TYPED_TEST_CASE.  
//就是这样,gtest 将会为在TYPED_TEST_CASE指定的类型列表中的每个类型重复一次TYPED_TEST

//Sit back and be happy that you don't have to define them multiple times.



using testing::Types;

// Sometimes, however, you don't yet know all the types that you want
// to test when you write the tests.  

//For example, if you are the author of an interface and expect other people to implement it

//you might want to write a set of tests to make sure each implementation conforms to some basic requirements ,

// but you don't know what implementations will be written in the future.
// 但是将来你并不知道那些实现都写了些什么

// How can you write the tests without committing to the type parameters?

//  That's what "type-parameterized tests" can do for you.
//那就是"type-parameterized tests"(类型参数化测试)能为你做的

// It is a bit more involved than typed tests

//but in return you get a
// test pattern that can be reused in many contexts, which is a big win.

//Here's how you do it:

// First, define a test fixture class template.
//首先,定义一个test fixture的模版类

//Here we just reuse the PrimeTableTest fixture defined earlier:
//在这里我们重复利用了已经早定义过的PrimeTableTest fixture

template <class T>
class PrimeTableTest2 : public PrimeTableTest<T> {

// Then, declare the test case.  

//The argument is the name of the test fixture, and also the name of the test case (as usual).
// 参数是这个test fixture的名字,也是测试用例的名字(像平常一样)

//The _P suffix is for "parameterized" or "pattern".

// Next, use TYPED_TEST_P(TestCaseName, TestName) to define a test,
// similar to what you do with TEST_F.
//下一步,像你对待TEST_F一样,使用 TYPED_TEST_P(TestCaseName, TestName)来定义你的测试

TYPED_TEST_P(PrimeTableTest2, ReturnsFalseForNonPrimes) {

TYPED_TEST_P(PrimeTableTest2, ReturnsTrueForPrimes) {

TYPED_TEST_P(PrimeTableTest2, CanGetNextPrime) {
	EXPECT_EQ(2, this->table_->GetNextPrime(0));
	EXPECT_EQ(3, this->table_->GetNextPrime(2));
	EXPECT_EQ(5, this->table_->GetNextPrime(3));
	EXPECT_EQ(7, this->table_->GetNextPrime(5));
	EXPECT_EQ(11, this->table_->GetNextPrime(7));
	EXPECT_EQ(131, this->table_->GetNextPrime(128));

// Type-parameterized tests involve one extra step: you have to
// enumerate the tests you defined:

						   PrimeTableTest2,  // The first argument is the test case name.//第一个参数是测试案例名
						   // The rest of the arguments are the test names.//其他的是测试名
						   ReturnsFalseForNonPrimes, ReturnsTrueForPrimes, CanGetNextPrime);

// At this point the test pattern is done.  

//However, you don't have any real test yet as you haven't said which types you want to run the tests with.
// 然而,你还没有任何真实的测试,因为你还没有指出使用哪些类型来运行这些测试

// To turn the abstract test pattern into real tests, you instantiate it with a list of types.

//   Usually the test pattern will be defined in a .h file,

//  and anyone can #include and instantiate it.  

//You can even instantiate it more than once in the same program. 

//To tell different instances apart, you give each of them a name, 

//which will become part of the test case name and can be used in test filters.

// The list of types we want to test.  
//Note that it doesn't have to be defined at the time we write the TYPED_TEST_P()s.
typedef Types<OnTheFlyPrimeTable, PreCalculatedPrimeTable>
INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(OnTheFlyAndPreCalculated,    // Instance name示例名
							  PrimeTableTest2,             // Test case name测试案例名
							  PrimeTableImplementations);  // Type list类型参数




// This sample shows how to test common properties of multiple
// implementations of an interface (aka interface tests) using
// value-parameterized tests. 

//Each test in the test case has
// a parameter that is an interface pointer to an implementation tested.
// 每个在测试案例中的测试都有一个参数,这个参数是一个指针并且指向已经实现的测试

// The interface and its implementations are in this header.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "prime_tables.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>


using ::testing::TestWithParam;
using ::testing::Values;

// As a general rule, tested objects should not be reused between tests.

// Also, their constructors and destructors of tested objects can have side effects

//Thus you should create and destroy them for each test.

// In this sample we will define a simple factory function for PrimeTable objects. 

// We will instantiate objects in test's SetUp() method and delete them in TearDown() method.
// 我们将在测试的SetUp()方法中实例化实体并且在TearDown()中删除他们
typedef PrimeTable* CreatePrimeTableFunc();

PrimeTable* CreateOnTheFlyPrimeTable() {
	return new OnTheFlyPrimeTable();

template <size_t max_precalculated>
PrimeTable* CreatePreCalculatedPrimeTable() {
	return new PreCalculatedPrimeTable(max_precalculated);

// Inside the test body, fixture constructor, SetUp(), and TearDown()
// you can refer to the test parameter by GetParam().
//在测试体、fixture的构造函数、 SetUp(), 和 TearDown()里,你可以通过GetParam()函数来指向测试参数

// In this case, the test parameter is a PrimeTableFactory interface pointer

// which we use in fixture's SetUp() to create and store an instance of PrimeTable.

class PrimeTableTest : public TestWithParam<CreatePrimeTableFunc*> {
	virtual ~PrimeTableTest() { delete table_; }
	virtual void SetUp() { table_ = (*GetParam())(); }
	virtual void TearDown() {
		delete table_;
		table_ = NULL;

	PrimeTable* table_;

TEST_P(PrimeTableTest, ReturnsFalseForNonPrimes) {

TEST_P(PrimeTableTest, ReturnsTrueForPrimes) {

TEST_P(PrimeTableTest, CanGetNextPrime) {
	EXPECT_EQ(2, table_->GetNextPrime(0));
	EXPECT_EQ(3, table_->GetNextPrime(2));
	EXPECT_EQ(5, table_->GetNextPrime(3));
	EXPECT_EQ(7, table_->GetNextPrime(5));
	EXPECT_EQ(11, table_->GetNextPrime(7));
	EXPECT_EQ(131, table_->GetNextPrime(128));

// In order to run value-parameterized tests, you need to instantiate them,
// or bind them to a list of values which will be used as test parameters.
// You can instantiate them in a different translation module, or even
// instantiate them several times.

// Here, we instantiate our tests with a list of two PrimeTable object
// factory functions:

						Values(&CreateOnTheFlyPrimeTable, &CreatePreCalculatedPrimeTable<1000>));


// Google Test doesn't support value-parameterized tests on some platforms and compilers, such as MSVC 7.1.
//gtest 在一些平台或编译器上并不至此值参数化测试,例如MSVC 7.1平台
//  If we use conditional compilation to
// compile out all code referring to the gtest_main library, MSVC linker
// will not link that library at all and consequently complain about
// missing entry point defined in that library (fatal error LNK1561:
// entry point must be defined). This dummy test keeps gtest_main linked in.
TEST(DummyTest, ValueParameterizedTestsAreNotSupportedOnThisPlatform) {}






#include "stdafx.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	std::cout << "Running main() from gtest_main.cc\n";
	//testing::AddGlobalTestEnvironment(new FooEnvironment);
	testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
	return RUN_ALL_TESTS();


2 楼 郭广川 2012-09-07  
donghusoft 写道

1 楼 donghusoft 2012-09-07  



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