This example is copied from book "Java Concurrency in Practice".
From this example we can learn that the lock free queue code is not correct for MPMC (multi-producer-multi-consumer) in my previous post.
Actually, lock free means you should guarantee the atomicity of updating a pointer. When you add a new node on top of current stack top, the top node might be poped by another thread. So you should prepare to do that again if that did happen. How to do this? We thus need a CAS operation, if current top is what we saw and we have successfully update the top to a new node, ok, our job is done.
While, lock free queue can be more complicated if you insert one node to the tail since we need to update two pointers at same time, one is a *tail* pointing to the last node and one is its *next* pointer.
I will give one correct queue code in the next post.
public class ConcurrentStack <E> {
AtomicReference<Node<E>> top = new AtomicReference<Node<E>>();
public void push(E item) {
Node<E> newHead = new Node<E>(item);
Node<E> oldHead;
do {
oldHead = top.get(); = oldHead;
} while (!top.compareAndSet(oldHead, newHead));
public E pop() {
Node<E> oldHead;
Node<E> newHead;
do {
oldHead = top.get();
if (oldHead == null)
return null;
newHead =;
} while (!top.compareAndSet(oldHead, newHead));
return oldHead.item;
private static class Node <E> {
public final E item;
public Node<E> next;
public Node(E item) {
this.item = item;
在`junction`库中,例如锁free队列(如`lockfree::queue`)和锁free栈(如`lockfree::stack`),它们利用原子操作(atomic operations)来实现线程间的同步,确保了在高并发下的高效性能和低延迟。 2. **无锁队列**...
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部分数据结构和函数可能支持无锁(lock-free)操作,这对于多线程环境下的性能至关重要。 7. **类型安全**: `mlib`强调类型安全,这意味着在编译时就能检测到错误,避免了C语言中常见的指针错误。 8. **接口...
20)..Fixed: Minor bugs in stack tracing (which usually affected stacks for leaks) 21)..Fixed: Rare deadlocks in multi-threaded applications 22)..Fixed: Taking screenshot of minimized window 23)..Fixed...
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