ubuntu sh ???.sh 时出现 let: not found
出现问题的原因:It's because Ubuntu uses the dash shell as default and doesn't always recognize when you try to set the shell in a script. Even if you enter "echo $SHELL" into the console it will tell you you're using /bin/bash but for some reason it's actually using dash instead.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
and when you get the option select"no" to actually use bash instead of dash
其实也可改用 bash ???.sh指令
SCGCQ00324525 Defect MegaCLI: MFI_STAT_NOT_FOUND returns when retrieving the FW event log. SCGCQ00325890 Defect CLI/Segmentation fault while running pdlist and cfgdsply in CentOS SCGCQ00326673 Defect ...
echo "File not found." exit 1 fi ``` - **未指定文件**:如果没有指定文件作为命令行参数,脚本可能会出现错误。可以添加检查命令行参数数量的逻辑来避免此类问题: ```sh if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "No ...
echo "File not found." fi ``` 2. `case`语句:多分支条件处理。 3. 循环结构:`for`、`while`和`until`循环。例如,遍历数组: ```bash array=(one two three) for item in "${array[@]}"; do echo "$item...
echo "File not found" fi ``` - **&& 和 || 操作符**:用于条件连接,前者表示前一个命令成功才执行后一个,后者表示前一个命令失败才执行后一个。 - **case 语句**:多分支选择结构,适用于多个条件的检查。 ...
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- Fix MTRR configuration (prevented boot of modern Linux kernels) - Fix interrupt vectors for INT 60h-66h (reserved for user interrupt) by setting them to zero - Fix BIOS INT13 function 08 when ...
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- 如果遇到`command not found`错误,检查脚本首行是否正确指定了解释器路径。 ##### 2. 备份脚本 ```bash #!/bin/bash tar -czf /var/my-backup.tgz /home/me/ ``` 该脚本演示了如何使用`tar`命令进行文件或...
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// Let's create some random 3D rotation... CvMat randomR = CvMat.create(3, 3), randomAxis = CvMat.create(3, 1); // We can easily and efficiently access the elements of matrices and images // ...
Table of Contents Summary of gdb . . . . . . . . ....Free Software ....Free Software Needs Free Documentation ....Contributors to gdb....1 A Sample gdb Session ....2 Getting In and Out of gdb ....2.1 Invoking gdb ....