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Android NFC tag and NFC data format的关系

  • nfc
There are 4 standard NFC tag types: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4 They differ in how you access data on them, and on the communication frame work you use to talk to them. (This gets into the mechanics of how data is exchanged) Mifare is a proprietary standard made by NXP Mifare Ultralite is a type 2 tag

The tags differ in the maximum amount of data you can store on them, and the maximum amount of data that can be exchanged per command (Type 2 tags can read 16 bytes at a time, and can write 4 bytes at a time)

NDEF is a way of formatting data on the tags. Mifare and the 4 tag types can all be formatted to store data in a NDEF format.

Android recognizes these tag types when you use the NDEF class for accessing and filtering tags it scans.

Not all Nfc tags (even the standard ones and Mifare) will be set up for Ndef, or will hold Ndef formatted data. But Android automates this process, so you don't have to worry about what type of tag you have, only if it can store Ndef data on it.

Mifare, as a proprietary standard, is not guaranteed to have it's own class in Android, so you may have to write your own stack for accessing it on a phone.


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    2. `PendingIntent`: 在读写操作中,你需要创建一个`PendingIntent`来处理NDEF(NFC Data Exchange Format)发现事件。当设备检测到一个NDEF标签时,系统会启动这个意图。 3. `NdefMessage`: 这是NFC数据交换的载体...


    3. **NDEF(NFC Data Exchange Format)**:一种通用的数据格式,用于在NFC设备之间交换结构化的信息。NDEF消息由一个或多个NDEF记录组成,每个记录包含类型、数据和标识符。 4. **NdefMessage和NdefRecord**:分别...

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    - **NDEF(NFC Data Exchange Format)**:NFC数据交换格式是标准的数据封装格式,用于在不同类型的NFC设备间交换数据,支持文本、URI、MIME类型等多种数据。 ### 2. Android NFC API Android提供了`android.nfc`...

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    接下来,我们需要创建一个NFC意图过滤器,以便在用户接触NDEF(NFC Data Exchange Format)标签时启动我们的应用: ```xml <action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"/> <category android:...


    2. 标签操作:`Ndef`类用于处理NDEF(NFC Data Exchange Format)格式的数据,`NdefFormatable`和`TagTechnology`接口则提供了对非NDEF格式标签的访问。 3. 意图过滤:通过设置特定的意图过滤器,应用可以在设备读取...

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