There are many ways for you to learn and improve your English, such as to hire a teacher, to go to school, to take an online course, and so on. And among those ways, the cheapest and still efficient way is to learn English online for free.
You just need a computer with internet access, then visit some English learning websites and teach yourself without paying any money. It sounds cool, right? Among those websites, below 10 are certainly worthy of your attention:
1. Elllo
Elllo focuses on your English listening skill. You can listen to speakers from all over the world for different topics, such as sports, travels, games, and so on. There is related text script under the audio player. You can also listen to some nice English songs or watch some videos.
2. Fun Easy English
Fun Easy English mainly focuses on the basic English knowledge and teaching tips, its courses include pronunciation, grammar, idioms, slang, writing, tests and much more. Most of those courses are launched in Video format, in addition with text scripts and pictures.
3. is owned by British Council, which is the UK’s international cultural relations body. The website offers English learning information and tests for teachers, students and kids. You can learn English online while you are taking a test, listening to a song, or even playing a game.
4. Lang-8
Lang-8 focuses on writing in a foreign language. You write in the language that you are learning, then native speakers will correct your writing, and you can also help others learn your native language by correcting their writing.
5. Busuu
For every language you choose to learn, Busuu provides a few courses, including writing exercises, vocabulary training, reading comprehension, and so on. Besides courses, you can also learn English online by joining the community and chatting with other members.
6. Livemocha
The Livemocha website focuses on learning a foreign language by courses and communications. To learn English online, you can pick up an English course, submit your answers, or chat with the members whose native language is English. And you can help other members by checking their submissions.
7. VocabSushi
VocabSushi is for you to learn vocabulary with real-world, contextual examples found in the daily news. You pick up a vocab word, understand its means, read the sentence samples, listen to the speakers, then you can take a test and check if you have learned that word.
8. BBC Learning English
On the BBC Learning English website, you can learn grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and so on, you can take a test, you can also learn how to teach others English. The most interesting course is 6 Minute English, in which you can listen to a short audio record, which can be downloaded both in MP3 and PDF formats.
9. Learn English Free Online
With an over 10 years history, Learn English Free Online is an abundant website for EFL/ESL learners and teachers. You can learn vocabulary with the related pictures, you can get some English learning tips, you can take some funny test, and so on.
Go to Learn English Free Online
10. Exam English
As the name, the website Exam English is for you to take exams, including TOEFL, CPE, KET, and nearly all the other famous international ESL/EFL exams. You can test your English level by reading, listening, grammar, vocabulary, or writing separately.
Among the above 10 websites, some (such as elllo) focus on listening, some (such as Lang-8) focus on writing, some (such as VocabSushi) focus on vocabulary, and some focus on other English skills or knowledge, you can check them out and choose your favorite. If you have any other websites to learn English online, welcome to share with us by adding a comment.
10. **未来发展**:基于访谈结果,可以为英语学习App的未来发展提供策略建议,以更好地服务于研究生的英语学习需求。 【总结】 英语学习App在研究生英语学习中发挥着重要作用,不仅丰富了学习手段,还适应了现代...
10. **离线学习支持**:考虑到用户可能在无网络环境下学习,软件可能提供离线下载功能,确保用户随时随地都能进行英语学习。 通过这些功能和特点,开口英语软件为用户创造了一个全面、实用且有趣的英语学习环境,让...
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从部分内容来看,第一篇短文“Fallin LovewithEnglish 爱上英语”讲述了因为厌倦了父母关于英语学习的唠叨,一个少年计划在雷雨交加的黄昏离开家。由于他的英语成绩不佳,他对英语课感到厌恶,并认为老师在故意忽视...
这套学习卡集成了李阳疯狂英语的教学理念,通过聚焦十个关键的学习点,为英语学习者提供了高效、实用的学习路径。 1. **发音基础**:李阳疯狂英语强调语音的重要性,十大焦点之一就是正确的发音。学习卡会包含各种...
【英语学习的重要性】 ...总之,英语学习是一个持续的过程,需要结合各种有效策略,并勇于面对和解决学习中遇到的挑战。通过积极的实践、系统的复习以及利用丰富的在线资源,可以有效地提升英语水平,增强个人竞争力。
本文针对220个英语高频词进行了详细的总结和解释,涵盖了基础、日常生活、情感、学习和社会交往等英语使用的关键领域,为英语学习者提供了一把开启沟通和理解世界的钥匙。 一、基础词汇 基础词汇是学习英语的基石...
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