I spent two days working on this, and finally got it working! For
others that are having trouble getting the jpeg library installed on IM,
here's what I did:
1. download and install jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz. put it into some directory, cd into that directory, do the tar thing:
Code: Select all
tar xvfz jp*
2. I got valuable info from this page: http://www.noah.org/wiki/Jpegsrc_64
have to tell jpeg-6b where you want to put the libraries and also copy
some files because I'm using an x86_64 machine. Here are the commands I
(I'm installing into a directory called /root/jpeg-6b)
Code: Select all
cp /usr/lib/rpm/config.guess /root/jp*/
cp /usr/lib/rpm/config.sub /root/jp*/
./configure --enable-shared
make libdir=/usr/lib64
make libdir=/usr/lib64 install
so that takes care of the jpeg libraries. Actually, I had them installed already, so none of this was necessary.
What is necessary is that I had to tell IM where the libraries are
located: /usr/lib64. So here's how I configured and compiled IM:
Code: Select all
./configure --enable-shared=yes --x-libraries=/usr/lib64 --without-perl
I don't know whether the --without-perl option is necessary, but I saw it on a site someplace so I thought I might use it.
Code: Select all
make install
Then cd into the utilities folder to get access to the convert command, and test it. It worked for me.
Good luck everyone,
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