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虽然代码敲的头疼的要命,但是依然要感谢你,感谢您共享!!!!开 ...
jxl读取excel日期相差8小时 -
org.slf4j.Logger 下载 -
wait_timeout = 86400 interacti ...
druid连接池 -
连接池可不是给你检测连接状态用的。是为了连接复用,减少连接数。 ...
druid连接池 -
学习了 啦啦啦
在eclipse->Prefrence ->tomcat->jvm参数里输入如下语句:
-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Xms256m -Xmx512m -Duser.country=CN -Duser.language=zh -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8即可。
2017-02-18 21:44 1248假设一个类是SubThread,它的init( ... -
2017-02-08 16:01 8951、Mac starUML在导出png图片时,不要用s ... -
2016-09-14 16:00 5195环境:Ubuntu+Mysql5.5 近期一直报 ... -
2016-08-24 17:56 9201、如果提示对catalina.out无权限。 此时 ... -
Java Security
2016-08-24 17:50 958背景: 公司有某些场景需要向第三方提供服务, ... -
kafka java demo
2016-07-10 20:51 6764环境:ubuntu10 2台(32位)+JDK1.8(32 ... -
autowired resource component
2016-05-11 15:23 947背景:同样的bean类型有2个。 尝试用autowire ... -
eclipse 部署spring源码经验之谈
2016-05-08 23:41 17061、junit加载applicationCont ... -
2016-04-30 22:50 1204需要先new一个父类的对象,然后用父类对象.new 内 ... -
java synchronized 串行
2016-04-30 22:42 1195背景:大家都知道用synchronized来实现加锁 ... -
观察者 Listener是什么意思
2016-02-26 10:40 945从观察者设计模式来看,Listener翻译成中文就是 ... -
2016-02-25 16:34 981utf-8只实际了unicode的第一个plane ... -
2016-02-18 15:48 7731、配置dubbo.xml,主要是连接到dubbo服务 ... -
2016-02-18 11:25 841org.joda.DateTime格式化成特定的Str ... -
Java接口中的成员变量为什么必须是public static final?
2016-01-10 16:20 1380必须是final的,否则多个类全继承他后,每个人都改, ... -
2016-01-10 16:06 1041可以有,但是不能用,即不能new。 refur ... -
workspace workset设置
2016-01-10 15:51 1234背景:当eclipse里面的项目太多时,看上去非常凌 ... -
eclipse一直building workspace
2015-12-10 19:37 811我这里的原因很特殊,是因为在配置spring d ... -
2015-12-10 19:19 930说白了,序列化后 ... -
java.net.bindexception cannot assign requested address jvm_bind
2015-12-10 19:14 1400我的原因是hosts文件中关于127.0.0.1有2个 ...
2. "xml读取异常Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence-中文版的window下java的默认的编码为GBK.url":这个文件名暗示了解决XML文件读取异常的方法,尤其是在Windows环境下,Java默认的文件编码可能是GBK,这可能...
在利用php解析xml时提示Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence错误了,这个问题我百度查实说是编码问题,结果我把编码处理一下果然KO了,下面我来分享一下解决办法
本篇文章将深入探讨一个具体的错误:“invalid byte sequence for encoding \"UTF8\": 0x00”,并提供相应的解决方案。 这个错误发生在尝试将包含空字符(0x00)的数据从SQL Server迁移到PostgreSQL时。在SQL ...
1. **Ruby用户指南**:这是学习Ruby的基础,它将引导你了解Ruby的基本语法、数据类型、控制结构、函数、类和模块等概念。通过这本指南,你可以掌握如何在Ruby中编写简单的程序,并逐渐深入到更复杂的编程技巧。 2. ...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> ``` 如果这一行存在格式问题,如额外的字符、缺失的引号或错误的编码,都可能导致解析错误。有时,即使XML语法没有其他明显错误,这行也可能导致问题。如果删除这行可以...
they come from the closely corresponding ISO standard ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 and currently differ in that they allow codes outside of the Unicode range, which runs from 0x0 to 0x10FFFF.) Pattern ...
Disassembly of raw data buffers with byte initialization data now prefixes each output line with the current buffer offset. Disassembly of ASF! table now includes all variable-length data fields at ...
--enable-sep, --enable-aes, --enable-1g-pages are deprecated and should not be used anymore. - Local APIC configure option --enable-apic is deprecated and should not be used anymore. The LAPIC ...
byte-wise writes of CSRs such as the deviceID register and BAR. - Message response transaction received as a user defined packet type using 16-bit device IDs appears as a corrupted packet on the ...
聊天记录开膛手在 WDI 中,我们共享一切。... 如果您收到错误“in `scan': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)”,只需将您的文本日志解析为可以转换为 UTF-8 的内容(例如 )。 我将来会解决这个问题。
**DOM4J DocumentException: Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence** **异常描述:** 当Hibernate尝试解析一个XML配置文件时,如果文件中的某些字符不符合UTF-8编码规则,就会抛出此类异常。 **解决方法:** ...
You are visitor as of October 17, 1996. The Art of Assembly Language Programming <br>Forward Why Would Anyone Learn This Stuff? 1 What's Wrong With Assembly Language 2 What's Right With ...
ADC12, Repeated Sequence of Conversions ADC12, Repeated Single Channel Conversions ADC12, Using 10 External Channels for Conversion ADC12, Sequence of Conversions (non-repeated) ADC12, Sample A10 Temp...
Doctest:测试交互式Haskell示例doctest是一个小程序,用于检查。 它与相似,。安装可以从获得doctest 。 通过键入以下内容进行安装: cabal install doctest确保Cabal的bindir在您的PATH 。 在Linux上: export ...
* added support for MKV "SRT/UTF8", "SRT/ASCII", "ASS" and "SSA" subtitles * increased some internal buffers to avoid AC3 overflow in the "thd ac3 joiner" * fixed: frame counting didn't work for MKV ...
- Support for S7-200 with CP 243-1 was added. Solved problems: - Passing of invalid OPC Item IDs caused a memory leak of the driver's global memory. After the global memory was exhausted, the ...
Byte 1: Resource Type – 0x07 (Key) Byte 2-3: DBID – 0x0005 Byte 4-7: ObjectID – 0x 75D7831F (1977058079) Byte 8-9: IndexID – 0x0001 Byte 10-16: Hash Key value – 0x 02014F0BEC4E For more ...