
ProJee6-jboss7.zip uploaded


this is the zipped project which is ready for build and deploy to JBoss7.1.1


1. it uses oracle database. you need to deploy the jdbc driver and configure a datasource for it. Take a look at  "MEAT-INF/persistence.xml" for more info.


2. it uses own log4j. To enable log4j working properly, you need to configure JBoss7.1 to unload its log4j module after server starts up. Take a look at file "WebContent/META-INF/jboss-deployment-structure.xml"


my blog has articles discussing JBoss7.1 jdbc driver deployment and datasource configuration, as well as log4j setup for .war deployment.


The uploaded zipped project so far: ProJee6-jboss7.zip



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