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课程——基于Python数据分析与机器学习案例实战教程分享网盘 ...
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关于线程池(thread pool)的概念请参考http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_pool_pattern。在Python中使用线程是有硬伤的,因为Python(这里指C语言实现的Python)的基本调用都最后生成对应C语言的函数调用,因此Python中使用线程的开销太大,不过可以使用Stackless Python(Python的一个修改版)来增强Python中使用线程的表现。
int pthread_create(pthread_t *restrict thread,
const pthread_attr_t *restrict attr,
void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *restrict arg);
int pthread_create(pthread_t *restrict thread,
const pthread_attr_t *restrict attr,
void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *restrict arg);
## {{{ http://code.activestate.com/recipes/203871/ (r3) import threading from time import sleep # Ensure booleans exist (not needed for Python 2.2.1 or higher) try: True except NameError: False = 0 True = not False class ThreadPool: """Flexible thread pool class. Creates a pool of threads, then accepts tasks that will be dispatched to the next available thread.""" def __init__(self, numThreads): """Initialize the thread pool with numThreads workers.""" self.__threads = [] self.__resizeLock = threading.Condition(threading.Lock()) self.__taskLock = threading.Condition(threading.Lock()) self.__tasks = [] self.__isJoining = False self.setThreadCount(numThreads) def setThreadCount(self, newNumThreads): """ External method to set the current pool size. Acquires the resizing lock, then calls the internal version to do real work.""" # Can't change the thread count if we're shutting down the pool! if self.__isJoining: return False self.__resizeLock.acquire() try: self.__setThreadCountNolock(newNumThreads) finally: self.__resizeLock.release() return True def __setThreadCountNolock(self, newNumThreads): """Set the current pool size, spawning or terminating threads if necessary. Internal use only; assumes the resizing lock is held.""" # If we need to grow the pool, do so while newNumThreads > len(self.__threads): newThread = ThreadPoolThread(self) self.__threads.append(newThread) newThread.start() # If we need to shrink the pool, do so while newNumThreads < len(self.__threads): self.__threads[0].goAway() del self.__threads[0] def getThreadCount(self): """Return the number of threads in the pool.""" self.__resizeLock.acquire() try: return len(self.__threads) finally: self.__resizeLock.release() def queueTask(self, task, args=None, taskCallback=None): """Insert a task into the queue. task must be callable; args and taskCallback can be None.""" if self.__isJoining == True: return False if not callable(task): return False self.__taskLock.acquire() try: self.__tasks.append((task, args, taskCallback)) return True finally: self.__taskLock.release() def getNextTask(self): """ Retrieve the next task from the task queue. For use only by ThreadPoolThread objects contained in the pool.""" self.__taskLock.acquire() try: if self.__tasks == []: return (None, None, None) else: return self.__tasks.pop(0) finally: self.__taskLock.release() def joinAll(self, waitForTasks = True, waitForThreads = True): """ Clear the task queue and terminate all pooled threads, optionally allowing the tasks and threads to finish.""" # Mark the pool as joining to prevent any more task queueing self.__isJoining = True # Wait for tasks to finish if waitForTasks: while self.__tasks != []: sleep(.1) # Tell all the threads to quit self.__resizeLock.acquire() try: self.__setThreadCountNolock(0) self.__isJoining = True # Wait until all threads have exited if waitForThreads: for t in self.__threads: t.join() del t # Reset the pool for potential reuse self.__isJoining = False finally: self.__resizeLock.release() print 'ok' class ThreadPoolThread(threading.Thread): """ Pooled thread class. """ threadSleepTime = 0.1 def __init__(self, pool): """ Initialize the thread and remember the pool. """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.__pool = pool self.__isDying = False def run(self): """ Until told to quit, retrieve the next task and execute it, calling the callback if any. """ while self.__isDying == False: cmd, args, callback = self.__pool.getNextTask() # If there's nothing to do, just sleep a bit if cmd is None: sleep(ThreadPoolThread.threadSleepTime) elif callback is None: cmd(args) else: callback(cmd(args)) def goAway(self): """ Exit the run loop next time through.""" self.__isDying = True # Usage example if __name__ == "__main__": from random import randrange # Sample task 1: given a start and end value, shuffle integers, # then sort them def sortTask(data): print "SortTask starting for ", data numbers = range(data[0], data[1]) for a in numbers: rnd = randrange(0, len(numbers) - 1) a, numbers[rnd] = numbers[rnd], a print "SortTask sorting for ", data numbers.sort() print "SortTask done for ", data return "Sorter ", data # Sample task 2: just sleep for a number of seconds. def waitTask(data): print "WaitTask starting for ", data print "WaitTask sleeping for %d seconds" % data sleep(data) return "Waiter", data # Both tasks use the same callback def taskCallback(data): print "Callback called for", data # Create a pool with three worker threads pool = ThreadPool(3) # Insert tasks into the queue and let them run pool.queueTask(sortTask, (1000, 100000), taskCallback) pool.queueTask(waitTask, 5, taskCallback) pool.queueTask(sortTask, (200, 200000), taskCallback) pool.queueTask(waitTask, 2, taskCallback) pool.queueTask(sortTask, (3, 30000), taskCallback) pool.queueTask(waitTask, 7, taskCallback) # When all tasks are finished, allow the threads to terminate pool.joinAll() # print 'all complete' ## end of http://code.activestate.com/recipes/203871/ }}}
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本文实例讲述了python实现线程池的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下: 原理:建立一个任务队列,然多个线程都从这个任务队列中取出任务然后执行,当然任务队列要加锁,详细请看代码 文件名:thrd_pool.py 系统...
本篇将介绍如何使用Python实现一个线程池,该线程池还能根据设定的时间自动扩展和减少线程数量。 首先,我们导入所需的库:`queue`用于创建任务队列,`threading`用于处理线程相关操作,`time`和`datetime`用于时间...
原理:建立一个任务队列,然多个线程都从这个任务队列中取出任务然后执行,当然任务队列要加锁,详细请看代码 import threading import time import signal import os class task_info(object): ...
在Python2.7中,虽然`concurrent.futures`模块没有被引入,但开发者可以通过`threading`模块自己实现线程池。描述中提到的"由7个类组成的小线程池"可能包括以下组件: 1. **ThreadPool类**:这是线程池的核心,负责...
一、线程池 1、为什么需要使用线程池 1.1 创建/销毁线程伴随着系统开销,过于频繁的创建/销毁线程,会很大程度上影响处理效率。...比如:延时执行、定时循环执行的策略等,运用线程池都能进行很好的实现。 2、
其中一个线程安全的队列是实现线程池和任务队列的基础,本节我们通过threading包中的互斥量threading.Lock()和条件变量threading.Condition()来实现一个简单的、读取安全的线程队列。 原创文章 15获赞 0访问量 557
线程池的概念是什么? 在面向对象编程中,创建和销毁对象是很费时间的,因为创建一个对象要获取内存资源或者其它更多资源。在Java中更是 如此,虚拟机将试图跟踪每一个对象,以便能够在对象销毁后进行垃圾回收。所以...
基于Python的线程池。 -------- 该资源内项目源码是个人的毕设,代码都测试ok,都是运行成功后才上传资源,答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用! <项目介绍> 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的...
### 知识点详解:用Python实现线程池 #### 一、线程池概念与原理 线程池是一种管理并复用多个线程的方法,主要用于处理大量的短期任务。通过预创建一组工作线程,当有新任务到达时,线程池会分配一个空闲线程来处理...
本文实例讲述了Python自定义线程池实现方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 关于python的多线程,由与GIL的存在被广大群主所诟病,说python的多线程不是真正的多线程。但多线程处理IO密集的任务效率还是可以杠杠...
### 浅谈Python线程池ThreadPool之实现 ...`threadpool`库提供了一种简单易用的方式实现线程池功能,适用于各种多线程编程场景。理解线程池的基本概念和工作流程对于编写高效、可维护的并发程序至关重要。
在Python中,`concurrent.futures`模块提供了`ThreadPoolExecutor`类来实现线程池。线程池有两种执行模式:抢占式和非抢占式。 抢占式线程池使用`submit()`方法提交任务,它会随机选择一个线程来执行任务,即使执行...
本文将详细介绍Python线程池Threadpool的实现,涉及的概念、设计和编程方法,适合希望深入理解和使用Python线程池的开发者。 首先,让我们了解线程池中的核心组件。线程池Threadpool实现篇中会涉及到以下术语和概念...