If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.
Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
#! /usr/bin/env python
#method 1
find = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,[x for x in xrange(3,1000) if not x%3 or not x%5])
print find
#method 2
result = 0
for i in range(1,1000):
if not i%3 or not i%5:
result += i
print "result=%s" %result
num = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,[x for x in filter(lambda a: not a%3 or not a%5,range(1,1000))])
print "num=%s" %num
欧拉公式求长期率的matlab代码EasyEuler EasyEuler是用于与Euler项目一起使用的可配置命令行工具。 它提供了对多种语言的开箱即用的支持,并且添加更多的语言很容易。 该项目的灵感来自于并打算为...1000. " " " 提出解
matlab不运行一段代码文献资料 该目录提供了MATLAB编码的解决方案,可解决来自的...解决方案:构造一个所有数字都小于1000的向量,该数字是3的倍数,并用A=3:3:999; ,然后构造另一个小于1000的所有数字(是5的倍数)的
The snippet provided outlines the SI (International System of Units) prefixes, which are used to denote multiples or submultiples of units. These prefixes are crucial for expressing very large or very...
return multiples.reduce((sum, num) => sum + num, 0); } console.log(sumMultiplesOfThreeAndFive(1000)); // 输出 233168 ``` 这段代码首先生成一个包含0到limit-1的数组,然后过滤出3和5的倍数,最后用reduce...
We reduce the security of our scheme to finding an approximate integer gcd – i.e., given a list of integers that are near-multiples of a hidden integer, output that hidden integer. We investigate the...
如果我们列出所有低于20的自然数,它们是3或5的倍数,则得到3、5、6、9、10、12、15和18。 这些倍数的总和是78。 在PolyML中加载您的锻炼实施 $ poly --use {exercise}.sml 或者: $ poly > use "{exercise}.sml...
cordic methods describe essentially the same algorithm that with suitably chosen inputs can be used to calculate a whole range of scientific functions including sin, cos, tan, arctan, arcsin, arccos, ...
打开js\sum-of-multiples.js并编写函数或代码行以通过测试 您可以在浏览器中间歇性地刷新index.html以查看测试规范的状态。 ###笔记 完成此练习需要事先了解 Javascript 类、返回和条件语句。 请记住,传递代码...
Vertical blanking times are normally multiples of the horizontal line times and do not place a constraint on performance. (HDMI requires at least two line times in each vertical blanking interval.)...
Section E.1. Interference from Explicit Stops Section E.2. Repeat Blocks Section E.3. Conditional Assembly Section E.4. Macro Processing Section E.5. Using Labels with Macros Section E.6. ...
multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. operator == = eq_Int operator % = mod_Int def operator ||(x, y): True if x else y def keep(i): (i % 3 == 0) || (i % 5 == 0) def sum(as): as.foldLeft(0, add) # here is ...
Joliet systems or conventional ISO-9660 systems, but some of the filenames in the ISO-9660 name space might be changed to comply with DOS 8.3 and/or ISO-9660 naming restrictions) -j2 encode Joliet...
Joliet systems or conventional ISO-9660 systems, but some of the filenames in the ISO-9660 name space might be changed to comply with DOS 8.3 and/or ISO-9660 naming restrictions) -j2 encode Joliet...
1. understands the concept of multiples and factors 2. understands the concept of common multiples and least common multiples 3. can calculate common multiples and least common multiples 4. can apply ...
运行这段代码后,`sum_of_multiples`变量将包含1000以下所有3或5的倍数之和。 这个任务展示了MATLAB如何处理基本的数学运算,以及如何使用循环和条件语句解决实际问题。在编程中,我们经常使用类似的逻辑来处理更...
"Multiples_of_3_and_5:Project Euler Q1" 是一个编程挑战,来源于著名的在线数学与计算机科学问题集 Project Euler。Project Euler 提出了一系列具有挑战性的数学和计算机科学问题,旨在提高解决复杂问题的能力,...
找出1000以下3或5的所有倍数的总和。 指示 将您的过程解决方案编码到lib/multiples.rb文件中。 然后,在完成过程解决方案后,将面向对象的解决方案编码到lib/oo_multiples.rb文件中。 运行learn直到所有RSpec测试...
欧拉公式求长期率的matlab代码3和5的倍数 您的任务 如果我们列出所有低于10的自然数,它们是3或5的倍数,则得到3、5、6和9。这些倍数的总和为23。 编写代码在sumOfAMultiple函数体在multiples.js文件,以便测试通过...