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The original article is in http://isurues.wordpress.com/2009/01/01/useful-equinox-osgi-commands/
Equinox is an implementation of the OSGi R4 core framework specification. This is the OSGi implementation which is used in WSO2 Carbon framework as well. Following commands are extremely useful in troubleshooting OSGi related issues.
ss (Ex: osgi> ss)
This command can be used to list all the existing bundles in the OSGi environment. Bundle ID, State and Bundle symbolic name of all the bundles are shown.
start <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> start 16)
This command can be used to start a particular bundle. If it can’t be started, reasons are printed on the console.
stop <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> stop 16)
This command can be used to stop a particular bundle. If it can’t be stopped, reasons are printed on the console.
b <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> b 16)
This can be used to print all the meta data related to this bundle. That includes imported packages, exported packages, host bundle, required bundles etc.
diag <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> diag 16)
This can be used to diagnose a particular bundle. It will show you the list of missing imported packages.
headers <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> headers 16)
This can be used to list the headers for a particular bundle.
packages <package-name> (Ex: osgi> packages org.wso2.foo)
This can be used to list all the bundles which use the given package.
install file:<file-path> (Ex: osgi> install file:/home/temp/bundle1.jar)
This can be used to install a bundle into running OSGi environment. After installing, use ‘start’ command to activate the bundle.
uninstall <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> uninstall 16)
This can be used to remove a bundle from the OSGi environment.
active (Ex: osgi> active)
This can be used to list all active bundles in the current instance.
refresh (Ex: osgi> refresh)
This can be used to refresh the system. All the package resolutions are refreshed when this is executed. Always refresh the system after uninstalling a bundle as a best practice.
Note : <bundle-symbolic-name> also can be used instead of <bundle-id> in above commands which uses <bundle-id> as a parameter.
Equinox is an implementation of the OSGi R4 core framework specification. This is the OSGi implementation which is used in WSO2 Carbon framework as well. Following commands are extremely useful in troubleshooting OSGi related issues.
ss (Ex: osgi> ss)
This command can be used to list all the existing bundles in the OSGi environment. Bundle ID, State and Bundle symbolic name of all the bundles are shown.
start <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> start 16)
This command can be used to start a particular bundle. If it can’t be started, reasons are printed on the console.
stop <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> stop 16)
This command can be used to stop a particular bundle. If it can’t be stopped, reasons are printed on the console.
b <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> b 16)
This can be used to print all the meta data related to this bundle. That includes imported packages, exported packages, host bundle, required bundles etc.
diag <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> diag 16)
This can be used to diagnose a particular bundle. It will show you the list of missing imported packages.
headers <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> headers 16)
This can be used to list the headers for a particular bundle.
packages <package-name> (Ex: osgi> packages org.wso2.foo)
This can be used to list all the bundles which use the given package.
install file:<file-path> (Ex: osgi> install file:/home/temp/bundle1.jar)
This can be used to install a bundle into running OSGi environment. After installing, use ‘start’ command to activate the bundle.
uninstall <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> uninstall 16)
This can be used to remove a bundle from the OSGi environment.
active (Ex: osgi> active)
This can be used to list all active bundles in the current instance.
refresh (Ex: osgi> refresh)
This can be used to refresh the system. All the package resolutions are refreshed when this is executed. Always refresh the system after uninstalling a bundle as a best practice.
Note : <bundle-symbolic-name> also can be used instead of <bundle-id> in above commands which uses <bundle-id> as a parameter.
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Equinox OSGi是IBM公司开发的一个开源OSGi实现,它是Eclipse项目的一部分,用于创建模块化、可扩展且轻量级的应用程序。OSGi(Open Service Gateway Initiative)是一种Java平台的标准,它允许开发者将应用程序分解...
本文将介绍 Equinox 的 ServletBridge 项目,提供一个示例来说明如何使用 ... 前一种:和普通的 OSGI bundle 开发差不多,而后一种:Equinox 提供 servletBridge 来将 OSGI framework 和 Servelet Container 联系起来。
最近整OSGI,整的心情很是不爽,尤其最近搞equinox命令行下的bundle调试,搞两下就很厌倦输入java -jar equinox.jar -console,然后可怜的去加载一个个bundle,虽然通过config.ini可以一把加载相应需要的bundle,但是每次...
标题:“Equinox OSGi 开发” 描述:“介绍基于Equinox平台的OSGi Bundle开发” 在深入探讨基于Equinox平台的OSGi Bundle开发之前,我们首先需要了解什么是OSGi服务平台以及为什么它如此重要。OSGi(Open Service ...
**使用Equinox开发OSGI应用程序工程及源码详解** OSGi(Open Service Gateway Initiative)是一种模块化系统和Java服务框架,它允许在运行时动态发现、安装、卸载和更新软件模块。Equinox是Eclipse基金会提供的一个...
标题"基于EQUINOX的OSGI BUNDLE运行例子"指的是一个实际操作示例,展示了如何在EQUINOX OSGi环境中运行OSGi Bundle。EQUINOX提供了一个完整的运行时环境,使得开发者可以方便地管理和执行这些模块化的Bundle。 描述...
【OSGi框架与Equinox简介】 OSGi(Open Services Gateway Initiative)是一种动态模块化系统,最初为嵌入式设备和家庭网关设计,但现在已经广泛应用于各种需要模块化、服务导向和组件化架构的Java应用程序。OSGi的...
Equinox OSGi是IBM公司开发的一个开源实现,它是OSGi规范的主要实现之一,用于创建模块化Java应用程序。OSGi(Open Services Gateway Initiative)是一种Java技术,它将JVM(Java虚拟机)转换为模块化的运行时环境,...
标题“OSGi and Equinox”和描述“OSGi and Equinox, Creating Highly Modular Java Systems”表明本文旨在介绍OSGi框架以及它在Eclipse环境下的具体实现Equinox。OSGi是一个Java模块化平台,它允许多个独立的模块...
### Equinox开发OSGi应用程序 #### OSGi及框架简介 **OSGi**(Open Service Gateway Initiative)是一种用于创建模块化Java应用程序和服务的框架。它最初是为了满足嵌入式设备和家庭网关的需求而设计的,但随着...
标题:开始使用Equinox与OSGi 描述:在Dzone论坛上发现的一个快速入门卡片教程,为初学者提供了一瞥。 知识点: 1. **Equinox简介**:Equinox是一个高度模块化、动态的Java运行环境,基于OSGi框架规范构建。它...
在本篇博文中,我们将探讨如何使用Equinox作为框架来开发OSGi应用程序。Equinox是Eclipse项目的一个组件,它提供了OSGi规范的实现,使我们能够构建模块化、可扩展且灵活的Java应用程序。OSGi(Open Service Gateway ...
在本章中,我们将深入探讨如何使用OSGi(Open Service Gateway Initiative)框架,特别是Equinox实现高度模块化的Java系统。Equinox是Eclipse基金会提供的一个OSGi实现,它允许开发者构建可热插拔的组件,使得系统...
Equinox是OSGi规范的一个实现,由Eclipse基金会开发,是Eclipse IDE的基础。本资源包括两部分:《深入理解OSGi:Equinox原理、应用与最佳实践》的源代码和equinox-SDK-3.8的源代码。 深入理解OSGi这本书提供了对...
Equinox是Eclipse基金会实现OSGi核心规范的一个开源实现,它是OSGi联盟指定的参考实现之一。Spring DM(Dependency Manager)则是Spring框架对OSGi环境的支持,它使得Spring应用可以在OSGi容器中无缝运行。 在OSGi...
Equinox是IBM贡献给Eclipse基金会的一个OSGi实现,它是Eclipse IDE的基础,使得开发者可以构建、管理和运行基于OSGi的Java应用。 在"OSGi与Equinox 创建高度模块化的Java系统 第4章完整源码"中,我们可以学习到以下...
【标题】基于Eclipse的Equinox框架开发OSGi Bundle应用 在Java世界中,OSGi(Open Services Gateway Initiative)是一种模块化系统,它允许开发者创建可独立更新和依赖管理的模块,即Bundle。Eclipse的Equinox是...
在"OSGi与Equinox 创建高度模块化的Java系统 第5章 源码"中,我们可以深入学习如何利用OSGi和Equinox构建模块化系统。这一章节可能涵盖了以下几个核心知识点: 1. **模块系统**:OSGi的核心是模块系统,它定义了...