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while it will not be so much trouble if not for IE; most of the browers will use the attribute style,and you can set string to the via get/setAttribute("style"), but it does not work for ie, ie has a property of style object. but it provide another atribute elem.style.cssText;
below shows the code that you can use to set the style .
<html> <head> <title>Style Attribute Test</title> <script type="text/javascript"> /** *@Name: isXML *@Comment: tell if an element is an xml or an html */ function isXML(elem) { return (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML"; } (function () { // Create a dummy div to test access the style information var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = '<b style="color:red;"></b>'; // Get the style information from getAttribute // (IE uses .cssText insted) var hasStyle = /red/.test(div.firstChild.getAttribute("style")); this.styleAttr = function (elem, value) { var hasValue = typeof value !== "undefined"; // Use the isXML method from Listing 12-3 if (!hasStyle && !isXML(elem)) { alert("you are there"); if (hasValue) { elem.style.cssText = value + ""; } return elem.style.cssText; } else { if (hasValue) { elem.setAttribute("style", value); } return elem.getAttribute("style"); } }; })(); window.onload = function(){ var a = document.getElementById("a"); // Fails in Internet Explorer //alert(a.getAttribute("style")); // Alerts out "color:red;" alert(styleAttr(a)); }; </script> </head> <body> <a id="a" href="/" style="color:red;"></a> </body> </html>
javascript - trick to cross browser DOM ready event
2012-08-24 08:23 942the "ready" event ... -
javascript - trick to simulate mouseenter and mouseleave
2012-08-23 08:31 2261Previously we discussed javasc ... -
javascript - trick to simulate the change event
2012-08-22 08:51 1684In the previous discussion a ... -
javascript - trick to simulate bubbling submit event
2012-08-22 08:03 916In the previous discussion abou ... -
javascript - trick to implement bubbling submit event
2012-08-23 07:55 717Following up to the javascrip ... -
javascript - trick to detect bubbling supportability
2012-08-20 22:22 989Event delegation is oe of the b ... -
javascript - trigger event and custom events
2012-08-20 21:58 2092In the previous post - javascri ... -
javascript - trick to handlers management
2012-08-20 08:19 1045We have discussed "javascr ... -
javascript - trick to centralized store
2012-08-20 07:52 834For a number of reasons it's ... -
javascript - trick to fix the event object
2012-08-20 07:47 893Many browsers, especially In ... -
javascript - tricks to deal with colors
2012-08-15 08:34 783There are a couple of ways to r ... -
javascript - trick to manipulate the opacity
2012-08-15 08:26 776All other browsre may have supp ... -
javascript - trick to test visibility of an element
2012-08-15 08:15 532though there is a visible prope ... -
javascript - trick to get and set height and width
2012-08-15 08:05 560when looking at properties t ... -
javascript - trick to set/get attributes that expects px values
2012-08-16 11:00 527When setting a number into a ... -
javascript - trick to normalize href for IE
2012-08-16 10:59 555IE is again the only browser th ... -
javascript - trick IE form and its expando attribute
2012-08-16 10:59 1055there is a known issue that if ... -
javascript expando and attributes
2012-08-14 08:15 1053expando is something like this ... -
javascript - trick to getText and setText
2012-08-14 07:40 1160it is not as simple as you thin ... -
javascript - trick/guideline to remove DOM element
2012-08-14 07:00 1189remove an element is not as sim ...
在VB6(Visual Basic 6)中,"S-a-D-trick.rar_Join In" 这个主题涉及到的是文件分割与合并的技术。在处理大文件时,为了方便传输或者存储,我们可能会选择将其分割成多个小文件,而在需要使用整个文件时,则需要将...
- **案例 2**:CF713C Sonya and Problem Without a Legend,此题通过Slope Trick可以大大简化状态转移方程的计算过程。 - **案例 3**:CF13C Sequence 问题,同样可以通过维护转折点集合来优化动态规划的状态转移。...
语言:python 内容包括:源码、数据集、数据集描述、论文 目的:使用CNN算法在橄榄球比赛中目标检测。 带数据集很好运行,主页有搭建环境过程。主页有更多源码。 数据集描述如下: 在这场比赛中,你的任务是预测球员...
gtg-grind-trick-generator PWA Web应用程序(Node.js,JS,HTML,CSS) Chrome,Safari,Firefox,Edge(Android,iOS,MacOS,Windows) 离线工作Android应用程式使用Google Workbox,Webpack制作
specialist, you’ll be able to take a cluttered room of JavaScript data and impose your will on it with a flurry of virtual labels and storage bins. storing data Your scripts can store data 34 Scripts...
Python 提示和技巧 ... git clone https://github.com/plasmashadow/py-trick-book.git 我假设您安装了 ipython 导航到目录并执行 ipython notebook 笔记: 退出间谍活动并自己阅读 或者 保持冷静,加入草帽海贼团
包含元数据,如标题()、字符集(<meta charset="UTF-8">)和链接外部资源(如CSS文件)。则包含网页的可见内容,如文本、图像、链接等。 在HTML中,掌握各种标签的用法能提高代码的可读性和网页的语义性。例如,...
1. 下载最新版本的源代码,例如压缩包内的hattrick-0.1.6。 2. 在VDR环境中编译和安装插件。这可能需要熟悉Linux环境和基本的编译命令。 3. 配置VDR以启用Hattrick插件,并设置与Hattrick账户的连接信息。 4. 更新...
React 21 卡技巧一个演示卡片技巧的React应用程序。动机该项目旨在学习如何使用 React 钩子和进行嵌套的 api 调用。 该项目不再进行。怎么玩记住 21 张卡片中的 1 张后,单击完成。 选择您的卡片所在的 3 堆中的哪一...
Trick-CMCC 利用CMCC公共热点的小漏洞免费上网~~ :) sudo ./conn.sh Notice: 目前只知道我工CMCC有这特色, 其他地区尚不明确 Notice: 脚本适用于使用NetWorkManager网络sds管理工具的系统 Notice: 不必惊讶原理, ...
该扩展程序重新启用网页上的复制/粘贴功能,上下文菜单和本机突出显示功能。 支持语言:English (United States)
【CSS Trick-crx插件】是一款专为Chrome浏览器设计的扩展程序,旨在帮助用户快速、便捷地更改网页的颜色方案,从而实现对网站界面的个性化定制。这款插件尤其适合前端开发者、网页设计师以及对网页样式有独特喜好的...
"Trick"这一主题似乎与一套特别的字体资源相关,其中包括多种不同风格的图像文件(.gif)和TrueType字体文件(.TTF)。让我们深入探讨一下这个话题。 首先,.gif 文件是一种常见的图像格式,支持透明度和动画,常...
28. Trudy can pretend to be Bob to Alice (and vice-versa) and partially or completely modify the message(s) being sent from Bob to Alice. For example, she can easily change the phrase “Alice, I owe ...
style Problem/Solution/Discussion format, this practical handbook builds on the foundational concepts of the Go language and introduces specific strategies you can use in your day-to-day applications....