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Country code table

//The country name and URL comes from the links:
	//there are several countries no prefix code:
	//British Indian Ocean Territory	io 	 
	//Jersey				je 	 
	//Svalbard			sj 	 
	//Western Sahara			eh 	 
	//"ps" for {"Gaza Strip", "970"},{"West Bank", "970"},
	//The code XK is being used by the European Commission,[20] Switzerland,[21] 
	//the Deutsche Bundesbank,[22] and other organizations as a temporary country code 
	//for Kosovo
	// the 3rd colum indicates whether the country code is shared with others
	// 	. if it is null, then this is a unique country code mapping
	//	. otherwise, if the value is "1", this one is the chosen to "represent" other countries for now
	//	. if the value is 0, it means it is represented by another country
	//	. if the value is -1, this prefix needs a separate algorithm to decide on its country
	// international prefix refers to:
	// there is minor difference to http://multilingualbooks.com/countrycodes.html
	//the following IDD is the abbreviation of international direct dialing prefix

Country code related

{"ca", "1", "011", "-1", "-5", "Ottawa", "Canada"},
            {"do", "1", "011", "-1", "-4", "Santo Domingo", "Dominican Republic"},
            {"us", "1", "011", "-1", "-5", "Washington D. C.", "United States of America"},
            {"pr", "1", "011", "-1", "-4", "San Juan", "Puerto Rico"}, 	// has multiple area codes
            {"cx", "61", "0011", "0", "7", "Flying Fish Cove", "Christmas Island"},	// collide with au
            {"cc", "61", "0011", "0", "6.5", "West Island", "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"},	// collide with au
            {"va", "39",  "00", "0", "1", "Vatican City", "Vatican City"},	// collide with it
            {"it", "39",  "00", "1", "1", "Rome", "Italy"},	// collide with va
            {"im", "44", "00", "0", "0", "Douglas", "Isle of Man"},	// collide with uk/gb
            {"gb", "44", "00", "1", "0", "London", "United Kingdom"},
            {"kz", "7",   "810", "0", "6", "Astana", "Kazakhstan"},	// collide with ru
            {"ru", "7",   "810", "1", "3", "Moscow", "Russia"},	// collide with kz
            {"nf", "672", "00", "0", "11.5", "Kingston", "Norfolk Island"},
            {"rs", "381", "99", "1", "1", "Belgrade", "Serbia"},	// collide with xk
            {"xk", "381", "00", "0"},	// collide with rs
			{"af", "93", "00", null, "4.5", "Kabul", "Afghanistan"},
			{"al", "355", "00", null, "1", "Tirana", "Albania"},
			{"dz", "213", "00", null, "1", "Algiers", "Algeria"},
			{"as", "1684", "011", null, "-11", "Pago Pago", "American Samoa"},
			{"bs", "1242", "011", null, "-5", "Nassau", "Bahamas"},
			{"bh", "973", "00", null, "3", "Manama", "Bahrain"},
			{"bd", "880", "00", null, "6", "Dhaka", "Bangladesh"},
			{"bb", "1246", "011", null, "-4", "Bridgetown", "Barbados"},
			{"by", "375", "810", null, "3", "Minsk", "Belarus"},
			{"be", "32", "00", null, "1", "Brussels", "Belgium"},
			{"bz", "501", "00", null, "-6", "Belmopan", "Belize"},
			{"bj", "229", "00", null, "1", "Porto-Novo", "Benin"},
			{"bm", "1441", "011", null, "-4", "Hamilton", "Bermuda"},
			{"bt", "975", "00", null, "6", "Thimphu", "Bhutan"},
			{"bo", "591", "0010", null, "-4", "Sucre", "Bolivia"},
			{"ba", "387", "00", null, "1", "Sarajevo", "Bosnia and Herzegovina"},
			{"bw", "267", "00", null, "2", "Gaborone", "Botswana"},
			{"br", "55", "0014", null, "-3", "Brasilia", "Brazil"},			
			{"vg", "1284", "011", null, "-4", "Road Town", "British Virgin Islands"},
			{"bn", "673", "00", null, "8", "Bandar Seri Begawan", "Brunei"},
			{"bg", "359", "00", null, "2", "Sofia", "Bulgaria"},
			{"bf", "226", "00", null, "0", "Ouagadougou", "Burkina Faso"},
			{"mm", "95", "00", null, "6.5", "Naypyidaw", "Myanmar"},
			{"bi", "257", "00", null, "2", "Bujumbura", "Burundi"},
			{"kh", "855", "001", null, "7", "Phnom Penh", "Cambodia"},
            {"cm", "237", "00", null, "1", "Yaounde", "Cameroon"},
			{"cv", "238", "00", null, "-1", "Praia", "Cape Verde"},
			{"ky", "1345", "011", null, "-5", "George Town", "Cayman Islands"},
			{"cf", "236", "00", null, "1", "Bangui", "Central African Republic"},
			{"td", "235", "15", null, "1", "N'Djamena", "Chad"},
			{"cl", "56", "00", null, "-4", "Santiago", "Chile"},
			{"cn", "86", "00", null, "8", "Beijing", "China"},
            {"co", "57", "005", null, "-5", "Bogota", "Colombia"},
			{"km", "269", "00", null, "3", "Moroni", "Comoros"},
			{"ck", "682", "00", null, "-10", "Avarua", "Cook Islands"},
			{"cr", "506", "00", null, "-6", "San Jose", "Costa Rica"},
			{"hr", "385", "00", null, "1", "Zagreb", "Croatia"},
			{"cu", "53", "119", null, "-5", "Havana", "Cuba"},
			{"cy", "357", "00", null, "2", "Nicosia", "Cyprus"},
			{"cz", "420", "00", null, "1", "Prague", "Czech Republic"},
			{"cd", "243", "00", null, "1", "Kinshasa", "Democratic Republic of the Congo"},
			{"dk", "45", "00", null, "1", "Copenhagen", "Denmark"},
			{"dj", "253", "00", null, "3", "Djibouti", "Djibouti"},
			{"dm", "1767", "011", null, "-4", "Roseau", "Dominica"},
			{"ec", "593", "00", null, "-5", "Quito", "Ecuador"},
			{"eg", "20", "00", null, "2", "Cairo", "Egypt"},
			{"sv", "503", "00", null, "-6", "San Salvador", "El Salvador"},
			{"gq", "240", "00", null, "1", "Malabo", "Equatorial Guinea"},
			{"er", "291", "00", null, "3", "Asmara", "Eritrea"},
			{"ee", "372", "00", null, "2", "Tallinn", "Estonia"},
			{"et", "251", "00", null, "3", "Addis Ababa", "Ethiopia"},
            {"fk", "500", "00", null, "-4", "Stanley", "Falkland Islands"},
			{"fo", "298", "00", null, "0", "Torshavn", "Faroe Islands"},
			{"fj", "679", "00", null, "12", "Suva", "Fiji"},
			{"fi", "358", "00", null, "2", "Helsinki", "Finland"},
			{"fr", "33", "00", null, "1", "Paris", "France"},
			{"pf", "689", "00", null, "-10", "Papeete", "French Polynesia"},
			{"ga", "241", "00", null, "1", "Libreville", "Gabon"},
			{"gm", "220", "00", null, "0", "Banjul", "The Gambia"},
			{"ge", "995", "810", null, "4", "Tbilisi", "Georgia"},
			{"de", "49", "00", null, "1", "Berlin", "Germany"},
            {"gh", "233", "00", null, "0", "Accra", "Ghana"},
			{"gi", "350", "00", null, "1", "Gibraltar", "Gibraltar"},
			{"gr", "30", "00", null, "2", "Athens", "Greece"},
			{"gl", "299", "009", null, "-3", "Nuuk", "Greenland"},
			{"gd", "1473", "011", null, "-4", "St. George's", "Grenada"},
			{"gu", "1671", "011", null, "10", "Hagatna", "Guam"},
			{"gt", "502", "00", null, "-6", "Guatemala City", "Guatemala"},
			{"gn", "224", "00", null, "0", "Conakry", "Guinea"},
			{"gw", "245", "00", null, "0", "Bissau", "Guinea-Bissau"},
			{"gy", "592", "00", null, "-4", "Georgetown", "Guyana"},
			{"ht", "509", "00", null, "-5", "Port-au-Prince", "Haiti"},
			{"hn", "504", "00", null, "-6", "Tegucigalpa", "Honduras"},
			{"hk", "852", "001", null, "8", "Hong Kong", "Hong Kong"},
			{"hu", "36", "00", null, "1", "Budapest", "Hungary"},
			{"is", "354", "00", null, "0", "Reykjavik", "Iceland"},
			{"in", "91", "00", null, "5.5", "New Delhi", "India"},
			{"id", "62", "001", null, "7", "Jakarta", "Indonesia"},
			{"ir", "98", "00", null, "3.5", "Tehran", "Iran"},
			{"iq", "964", "00", null, "3", "Baghdad", "Iraq"},
			{"ie", "353", "00", null, "0", "Dublin", "Republic of Ireland"},
			{"il", "972", "00", null, "2", "Jerusalem", "Israel"},
			{"ci", "225", "00", null, "0", "Yamoussoukro", "Ivory Coast"},
			{"jm", "1876","011", null, "-5", "Kingston", "Jamaica"},
			{"jp", "81",  "010", null, "9", "Tokyo", "Japan"},
			{"jo", "962", "00", null, "2", "Amman", "Jordan"},
			{"ke", "254", "000", null, "3", "Nairobi", "Kenya"},
            {"ki", "686", "00", null, "12", "Tarawa", "Kiribati"},
			{"kw", "965", "00", null, "3", "Kuwait City", "Kuwait"},
			{"kg", "996", "00", null, "6", "Bishkek", "Kyrgyzstan"},
			{"la", "856", "00", null, "7", "Vientiane", "Laos"},
			{"lv", "371", "00", null, "2", "Riga", "Latvia"},
			{"lb", "961", "00", null, "2", "Beirut", "Lebanon"},
			{"ls", "266", "00", null, "2", "Maseru", "Lesotho"},
			{"lr", "231", "00", null, "0", "Monrovia", "Liberia"},
			{"ly", "218", "00", null, "2", "Tripoli", "Libya"},
			{"li", "423", "00", null, "1", "Vaduz", "Liechtenstein"},
			{"lt", "370", "00", null, "2", "Vilnius", "Lithuania"},
			{"lu", "352", "00", null, "1", "Luxembourg", "Luxembourg"},
			{"mo", "853", "00", null, "8", "Macau", "Macau"},
			{"mk", "389", "00", null, "1", "Skopje", "Republic of Macedonia"},
			{"mg", "261", "00", null, "3", "Antananarivo", "Madagascar"},
			{"mw", "265", "00", null, "2", "Lilongwe", "Malawi"},
			{"my", "60", "00", null, "8", "Kuala Lumpur", "Malaysia"},
			{"mv", "960", "00", null, "5", "Male", "Maldives"},
			{"ml", "223", "00", null, "0", "Bamako", "Mali"},
            {"mt", "356", "00", null, "1", "Valletta", "Malta"},
			{"mh", "692", "00", null, "12", "Majuro", "Marshall Islands"},
			{"mr", "222", "00", null, "0", "Nouakchott", "Mauritania"},
			{"mu", "230", "020", null, "4", "Port Louis", "Mauritius"},
			{"yt", "262", "00", null, "3", "Mamoudzou", "Mayotte"},
			{"mx", "52", "00", null, "6", "Mexico City", "Mexico"},
			{"fm", "691", "011", null, "11", "Palikir", "Federated States of Micronesia"},
			{"md", "373", "00", null, "2", "Chisinau", "Moldova"},
			{"mc", "377", "00", null, "1", "Monaco", "Monaco"},
			{"mn", "976", "001", null, "8", "Ulan Bator", "Mongolia"},
			{"me", "382", "99", null, "1", "Podgorica", "Montenegro"},
			{"ms", "1664", "011", null, "-4", "Plymouth", "Montserrat"},
			{"ma", "212", "00", null, "0", "Rabat", "Morocco"},
			{"mz", "258", "00", null, "2", "Maputo", "Mozambique"},
			{"na", "264", "00", null, "1", "Windhoek", "Namibia"},
			{"nr", "674", "00", null, "12", "Yaren", "Nauru"},
			{"np", "977", "00", null, "5.75", "Kathmandu", "Nepal"},
			{"nl", "31", "00", null, "1", "Amsterdam", "Netherlands"},
			{"an", "599", "00", null, "-4", "Willemstad", "Netherlands Antilles"},
			{"nc", "687", "00", null, "11", "Noumea", "New Caledonia"},
			{"nz", "64", "00", null, "12", "Wellington", "New Zealand"},
			{"ni", "505", "00", null, "-6", "Managua", "Nicaragua"},
			{"ne", "227", "00", null, "1", "Niamey", "Niger"},
			{"ng", "234", "009", null, "1", "Abuja", "Nigeria"},
			{"nu", "683", "00", null, "-11", "Alofi", "Niue"},
			{"kp", "850", "00", null, "9", "Pyongyang", "North Korea"},
			{"mp", "1670", "011", null, "10", "Capital Hill", "Northern Mariana Islands"},
			{"no", "47", "00", null, "1", "Oslo", "Norway"},
			{"om", "968", "00", null, "4", "Muscat", "Oman"},
			{"pk", "92", "00", null, "5", "Islamabad", "Pakistan"},
			{"pw", "680", "00", null, "9", "Melekeok", "Palau"},
			{"pa", "507", "00", null, "-5", "Panama", "Panama"},
			{"pg", "675", "05", null, "10", "Port Moresby", "Papua New Guinea"},
			{"py", "595", "002", null, "-4", "Asuncion", "Paraguay"},
			{"pe", "51", "00", null, "-5", "Lima", "Peru"},
			{"ph", "63", "00", null, "8", "Manila", "Philippines"},
			{"pn", "870", "00", null, "-8", "Adamstown", "Pitcairn Islands"},
			{"pl", "48", "00", null, "1","Warsaw", "Poland"},
			{"ps", "970", "00", null},
			{"pt", "351", "00", null, "0", "Lisbon", "Portugal"},
			{"qa", "974", "00", null, "3", "Doha", "Qatar"},
			{"cg", "242", "00", null, "1", "Brazzaville", "Republic of the Congo"},
			{"ro", "40", "00", null, "2", "Bucharest", "Romania"},
			{"rw", "250", "00", null, "2", "Kigali", "Rwanda"},
			{"bl", "590", "00", null, "-4", "Gustavia", "Saint Barthelemy"},
			{"sh", "290", "00", null, "0", "Jamestown", "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha"},
			{"kn", "1869", "011", null, "-4", "Basseterre", "Saint Kitts and Nevis"},
            {"lc", "1758", "011", null, "-4", "Castries", "Saint Lucia"},
			{"mf", "1599", "011", null, "-4", "Marigot", "Collectivity of Saint Martin"},
			{"pm", "508", "00", null, "-3", "Saint-Pierre", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"},
			{"vc", "1784", "011", null, "-4", "Kingstown", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"},
			{"ws", "685", "00", null, "-11", "Apia", "Samoa"},
			{"sm", "378", "00", null, "1", "City of San Marino", "San Marino"},
			{"st", "239", "00", null, "0", "Sao Tome", "Sao Tome and Principe"},
			{"sa", "966", "00", null, "3", "Riyadh", "Saudi Arabia"},
			{"sn", "221", "00", null, "0", "Dakar", "Senegal"},
			{"sc", "248", "00", null, "4", "Victoria", "Seychelles"},
			{"sl", "232", "00", null, "0", "Freetown", "Sierra Leone"},
			{"sg", "65", "001", null, "8", "Singapore", "Singapore"},
			{"sk", "421", "00", null, "1", "Bratislava", "Slovakia"},
			{"si", "386", "00", null, "1", "Ljubljana", "Slovenia"},
			{"sb", "677", "00", null, "11", "Honiara", "Solomon Islands"},
			{"so", "252", "00", null, "3", "Mogadishu", "Somalia"},
			{"za", "27", "09", null, "2", "Pretoria", "South Africa"},
			{"kr", "82", "001", null, "9", "Seoul", "South Korea"},
			{"es", "34", "00", null, "1", "Madrid", "Spain"},
			{"lk", "94", "00", null, "5.5", "Sri Jayawardenapura-Kotte", "Sri Lanka"},
			{"sd", "249", "00", null, "3", "Khartoum", "Sudan"},
			{"sr", "597", "00", null, "-3", "Paramaribo", "Suriname"},
			{"sz", "268", "00", null, "2", "Lobamba", "Swaziland"},
			{"se", "46", "00", null, "1", "Stockholm", "Sweden"},
			{"ch", "41", "00", null, "1", "Bern", "Switzerland"},
			{"sy", "963", "00", null, "2", "Damascus", "Syria"},
			{"tw", "886", "002", null, "8", "Taipei City", "Taiwan"},
			{"tj", "992", "810", null, "5", "Dushanbe", "Tajikistan"},
			{"tz", "255", "000", null, "3", "Dodoma", "Tanzania"},
			{"th", "66", "001", null, "7", "Bangkok", "Thailand"},
			{"tl", "670", null, null, "9", "Dili", "East Timor"},
			{"tg", "228", "00", null, "0", "Lome", "Togo"},
			{"tk", "690", "00", null, "-10", "Nukunonu", "Tokelau"},
			{"to", "676", "00", null, "13", "Nuku'alofa", "Tonga"},
			{"tt", "1868", "011", null, "-4", "Port of Spain", "Trinidad and Tobago"},
			{"tn", "216", "00", null, "1", "Tunis", "Tunisia"},
			{"tr", "90", "00", null, "2", "Ankara", "Turkey"},
			{"tm", "993", "810", null, "5", "Ashgabat", "Turkmenistan"},
			{"tc", "1649", "011", null, "-5", "Cockburn Town", "Turks and Caicos Islands"},
			{"tv", "688", "00", null, "12", "Funafuti", "Tuvalu"},
			{"ug", "256", "000", null, "3", "Kampala", "Uganda"},
			{"ua", "380", "810", null, "2", "Kiev", "Ukraine"},
			{"ae", "971", "00", null, "4", "Abu Dhabi", "United Arab Emirates"},
			{"uy", "598", "00", null, "-3", "Montevideo", "Uruguay"},
			{"vi", "1340", "00", null, "-4", "Charlotte Amalie", "United States Virgin Islands"},
			{"uz", "998", "810", null, "5", "Tashkent", "Uzbekistan"},
			{"vu", "678", "00", null, "11", "Port Vila", "Vanuatu"},
			{"ve", "58", "00", null, "-4.5", "Caracas", "Venezuela"},
			{"vn", "84", "00", null, "7", "Hanoi", "Vietnam"},
			{"wf", "681", "19", null, "12", "Mata-Utu", "Wallis and Futuna"},
			{"ye", "967", "00", null, "3", "Sana'a", "Yemen"},
			{"zm", "260", "00", null, "2", "Lusaka", "Zambia"},
			{"zw", "263", "00", null, "2", "Harare", "Zimbabwe"}

Area code
{"ca", "Canada", "600, 403, 587, 780, 825, 236, 250, 604, 778, 204, 431, 506, 709, 902, 226, 249, 289, 343, 365, 416, 519, 613, 647, 705, 807, 905, 902, 418, 438, 450, 514, 579, 581, 819, 873, 306, 867"},
			{"do", "Dominican Republic", "809, 829, 849"},
			{"pr", "Puerto Rico", "787, 939"},
			//add toll-free numbers in the NANP. we take it as a country. "tf" is unique
			{"tf", "Toll-free numbers", "800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844, 833, 822, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 889"}



    `country_code` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '国家代码', `country_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '英文国家名称', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=260 ...


    在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何在Laravel框架中利用`country-list`资源来构建一个功能丰富的国家列表系统。`country-list`是一个适用于Laravel 4和5的包,它提供了所有国家的名称以及对应的ISO 3166-1代码,这在处理...


    country code : ISO-3166 2-letter country code, 2 characters cc2 : alternate country codes, comma separated, ISO-3166 2-letter country code, 200 characters admin1 code : fipscode (subject to change ...

    powerbuilder CrazySQLSource 3.9.2源码

    1. Enter a new item in the My Autocomplete window called country (assuming you have a country lookup table). 2. Change the type to Command. 3. Enter the following SQl (as an example) SELECT country...

    Table MCC and MNC Codes

    MCC (Mobile Country Code) 和 MNC (Mobile Network Code) 是用于唯一标识全球移动通信网络中的国家和地区以及具体运营商的一组数字代码。这些代码在国际电信联盟(ITU)E.212建议书中进行了规定,该建议书详细介绍...


    在 `country` 项目中,可以创建一个迁移文件来创建 `countries` 表,包括字段如 `name`(国家名称)、`code`(国家代码)、`population`(人口数量)等。 6. **填充数据(Seeding)**:Laravel 提供了种子类来快速...


    SELECT CountryCode FROM IPAddresses WHERE IPAddress = ''; ``` 如果数据库还包含了查询方法,这可能涉及到更复杂的SQL语句,如JOIN操作来合并多个表,或者使用子查询来获取特定条件下的数据。例如,...

    MCC&mnc Table

    - **MCC(Mobile Country Code)**:移动国家代码,是全球移动通信系统(GSM)中用于标识不同国家的一种三位数字代码。它在全球范围内是唯一的,用于区分不同的国家。 - **MNC(Mobile Network Code)**:移动网络...


    `countrycode` varchar(255) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); 插入数据 INSERT country ( `countryname`, `countrycode` ) VALUES ( '中国', 'CN' ), ( '美国', 'US' ), ( '俄罗斯', 'RU' ), ( '英国', 'GB' ), ...

    CMDEV认证培训包-3期(PX020) PX 020 030202 170习题.docx

    `OR`后的`WHERE`是多余的,正确的写法应该是`SELECT Name FROM City WHERE CountryCode = 'USA' OR CountryCode = 'JPN'`。原始语句会导致语法错误。 问题5:为什么不应使用`SELECT *`代替指定所需列的名称? 答案A...

    第9章 表和约束.pdf

    COUNTRY_CODE CHAR(2) DEFAULT '01' ); ``` **修改表** - 使用`ALTER TABLE`命令来修改表的结构。 ```sql ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype; ALTER TABLE table_name DROP column_name; ...


    接下来是`PSKEY_COUNTRYCODE`,它控制着蓝牙设备使用的频率块。 - **KeyName**: PSKEY_COUNTRYCODE - **KeyNumber**: 0x0002 - **Type**: uint16 - **DefaultSetting**: 0 这个参数用于指定蓝牙设备所在国家允许...


    CREATE TABLE `msg_country_code` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name_en` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '国际名称', `name_cn` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '中文名称', `name_short`...


    CREATE TABLE `tbl_country` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `country` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, `state` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, `city` varchar(50) ...


    这里定义了一个名为`Country`的实体,它包含`countryCode`和`name`两个字段,分别代表国家代码和国家名称。 2. 初始化数据 在OFBiz中,你可以使用数据导入工具(Data Import Tool)来填充这些实体的数据。编写CSV...


    EXEC sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description', N'邮政编码', 'schema', 'dbo', 'table', 'PE_Address', 'column', 'ZipCode' GO EXEC sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description', N'是否默认', 'schema', 'dbo', '...


    CREATE TABLE `API_location_country` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name_en` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '英文名', `name_zh-Hans` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '简体中文名', `name_fr` varchar...

    LearnMybatis:《 Mybatis从入门到精通》源码-源码通

    学习Mybatis 目录 一。 二。数据库表的建立 三。使用XML方式配置 环境搭建 1.创建maven项目 在Intellij IDEA中创造maven项目 项目创建完成后,我们需要添加一些依赖才能使接下来的工作能够... ` countrycode ` varchar

    SQLite数据库 sqlitedll库文件 sqlite驱动JAR包 sqlite工具

    8 // This database has one table (pmp_countries) with 3 columns (country_id, country_code, country_name) 9 // It has like 237 records of all the countries I could think of. 10 String fileName = "c:/...



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