手上 Galaxy Nexus是 IMM76K,一直等不到OTA升级。查了一下,这是三×来管理的OTA的机器,Google不管。是后娘养的。只好自己动手回到Google箮理之下。
前提升级需要在Linux 下,我的电脑装的Arch
You will find these files useful if you have used the Android Open-Source Project, flashed custom builds on your device, and wish to return that device to its factory state.
In order to use these files, you need to have the fastboot
tool in your PATH. That tool is compiled as part of every configuration of the Android Open-Source Project and is the tool used to flash custom builds on your device. On GNU/Linux systems, this also implies that you have configured USB access as mentioned in the machine setup instructions.
Your device needs to be in fastboot mode, with the bootloader unlocked. The relevant key combinations and commands are documented on the page about building for devices.
You need to uncompress each download before use, which creates a new directory for that exact download. That directory contains a ./flash-all.sh
script, which handles the various operations, installs the necessary bootloader, baseband firmware(s), and operating system. Note that this operation deletes all user data by default.
After restoring a factory image, it is recommended that you lock the bootloader, for security reasons.
1 让手机进入fastboot模式
2 解锁
3 刷固件,完成后自动重启
5 加锁
4.1.1 (JRO03C)
Factory Images "yakju" for Galaxy Nexus "maguro" (GSM/HSPA+)
MD5 Checksum
SHA-1 Checksum
4.0.4 (IMM76I) |
Link |
31447212fb4fb00aab4ef8bdc78e7ffb |
8001e72f6a62e000202be93084beac3bb1e13662 |
4.1.1 (JRO03C) |
Link |
61cad184127144888445987249f06fca |
3174c1e570434dbc49dbbc353a40c948fbff8e70 |
2 解锁 运行命令
$ fastboot oem unlock
...OKAY [ 13.171s]finished. total time: 13.172s
3 刷固件,完成后自动重启
下载后:yakju-jro03c-factory-3174c1e5.tgz, 需要解压缩。解压后有5个文件
-rw-r----- 1 hpc hpc 2363392 Jul 27 22:58 bootloader-maguro-primelc03.img
-rwxr-x--x 1 hpc hpc 831 Jul 27 22:58 flash-all.sh
-rwxr-x--x 1 hpc hpc 789 Jul 27 22:58 flash-base.sh
-rw-r----- 1 hpc hpc 241199343 Jul 27 22:58 image-yakju-jro03c.zip
-rw-r----- 1 hpc hpc 12583168 Jul 27 22:58 radio-maguro-i9250xxlf1.img
[hpc@archhost yakju-jro03c]$ ./flash-all.sh
sending 'bootloader' (2308 KB)...OKAY [ 0.577s]writing 'bootloader'...OKAY [ 0.287s]finished. total time: 0.864srebooting into bootloader...OKAY [ 0.006s]finished. total time: 0.006ssending 'radio' (12288 KB)...OKAY [ 3.086s]writing 'radio'...OKAY [ 1.375s]finished. total time: 4.462srebooting into bootloader...OKAY [ 0.006s]finished. total time: 0.006sarchive does not contain 'boot.sig'archive does not contain 'recovery.sig'archive does not contain 'system.sig'--------------------------------------------Bootloader Version...: PRIMELC03Baseband Version.....: I9250XXLF1Serial Number........: 016B806214005016--------------------------------------------checking product...OKAY [ 0.007s]checking version-bootloader...OKAY [ 0.008s]checking version-baseband...OKAY [ 0.008s]sending 'boot' (4366 KB)...OKAY [ 1.092s]writing 'boot'...OKAY [ 0.267s]sending 'recovery' (4708 KB)...OKAY [ 1.192s]writing 'recovery'...OKAY [ 0.313s]sending 'system' (396675 KB)...OKAY [ 99.441s]writing 'system'...OKAY [ 35.623s]erasing 'userdata'...OKAY [ 0.290s]erasing 'cache'...OKAY [ 0.013s]rebooting...finished. total time: 138.346s
[hpc@archhost yakju-jro03c]$ ./flash-all.sh
sending 'bootloader' (2308 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.573s]
writing 'bootloader'...
FAILED (remote: Bootloader Locked - Use "fastboot oem unlock" to Unlock)
finished. total time: 0.642s
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [ 0.006s]
finished. total time: 0.006s
sending 'radio' (12288 KB)...
OKAY [ 3.069s]
writing 'radio'...
FAILED (remote: Bootloader Locked - Use "fastboot oem unlock" to Unlock)
finished. total time: 3.075s
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [ 0.006s]
finished. total time: 0.006s
archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
archive does not contain 'recovery.sig'
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
Bootloader Version...: PRIMEKK15
Baseband Version.....: I9250XXLA2
Serial Number........: 016B806214005016
checking product...
OKAY [ 0.006s]
checking version-bootloader...
Device version-bootloader is 'PRIMEKK15'.
Update requires 'PRIMELC03'.
finished. total time: 0.067s
[hpc@ming-archhost yakju-jro03c]$ fastboot oem unlock
OKAY [ 13.171s]
finished. total time: 13.172s
5 加锁
$ fastboot oem lock
...OKAY [ 0.170s]finished. total time: 0.170s
《联想(IBM)X3650M5服务器IMM和UEFI微码升级详解》 联想(IBM)X3650M5是一款高性能的企业级服务器,它在数据中心和企业应用中扮演着重要的角色。为了确保服务器的稳定运行和安全性,定期进行硬件组件的微码升级...
### IBM 通过IMM模块升级uEFI和IMM微码 #### 一、概述 IBM服务器维护和管理中,通过集成管理模块(Integrated Management Module, IMM)进行固件升级是一项非常重要的工作。本文档旨在详细介绍如何通过IMM模块对uEFI...
本文将详细介绍IBM System x3850 M5的IMM固件升级过程及其重要性。 首先,理解IMM固件的作用至关重要。IMM固件是嵌入在服务器硬件中的软件,负责控制和管理服务器的硬件资源,包括远程电源控制、健康状态监控、故障...
本文将详细介绍IBM 3650M3微码升级实例,包括升级前的准备工作、IMM的连接和登录、Firmware Update的步骤等。 IBM 3650M3 微码升级实例概述 IBM 3650M3微码升级实例是指通过IMM(Integrated Management Module)...
### 通过IMM手动安装Windows 2003操作指南 #### 一、概述 本文档旨在提供通过IBM服务器集成管理模块(Integrated Management Module, IMM)手动安装Windows Server 2003操作系统的详细步骤。IMM是IBM服务器内置的...
本文将详细解析“X3850 X5全套固件升级包”的核心内容,包括IMM、UEFI和FPGA固件的升级,帮助用户更好地理解这一过程。 首先,我们关注的是IMM(Integrated Management Module),它是服务器远程管理的关键组件。...
**IMM滤波(Interactive Multiple Model)** IMM滤波是一种高级的数据融合和状态估计方法,主要用于处理非线性、非高斯噪声以及系统模型不确知的情况。它结合了多个卡尔曼滤波器(Kalman filters),通过交互式的...
需要注意的是,如果 IMM 无法登陆或者发生问题需要恢复,可以选择”Reset IMM to Defaults”恢复 IMM 默认设置(包括 IP 地址及用户),或者选择”Reset IMM”重启 IMM 功能。 二、IMM管理界面简介 在本节中,我们...
IBM X3650 M3 IMM 1.55最新版本固件;ibm_fw_imm_yuooh5a-1.55_windows_32-64:H77616050.iso (45.11 MB);通过IMM更新时需要运行程序后选择EXTRA TO DRIVE到本地目录,在IMM界面固件更新中上传目录下的imm_yuooh5a.upd...
Settings选项卡是配置IMM V2的核心区域,其中包含了网络协议配置、服务器超时设置、固件升级设置、日期和时间设置、串口设置、用户账户管理、全局登录设置、以太网配置、SNMP警报设置和DNS配置等功能。 在配置网络...
《交互多模型联合卡尔曼滤波( IMM-UKF)详解及其实现》 交互多模型( IMM,Interacting Multiple Model)与联合卡尔曼滤波( UKF,Unscented Kalman Filter)的结合,即IMM-UKF算法,是现代信号处理和状态估计领域...
1、imm(交互多模型卡尔曼滤波器)是采用的对个卡尔曼滤波器模型同时做跟踪, 然后利用模型概率综合出,对每个模型的可行度,对每个模型输出的预测值和协方差,进行加权求平均 2、imm重点的核心在于,多个滤波器...
标题中的“imm内部登录i”指的是IBM Integrated Management Module (IMM) 的内部访问,这是一个集成在IBM服务器硬件中的远程管理解决方案。IMM允许管理员通过网络对服务器进行监控、管理和维护,即使服务器的操作...
内含文件: ibm_fw_fpga_g0ud92a-5.02_linux_32-64.bin ibm_fw_imm_yuoog2c-1.42_linux_32-64.bin ibm_fw_imm_yuooh2b-1.51_linux_32-64.bin ibm_fw_uefi_g0e181b-1.81_linux_32-64.bin 操作方法及其他说明文件
IBM X3650M5 服务器最新版IMM 固件,官方提供的最新版固件
在本篇中,我们将深入探讨如何使用IBM服务器的集成管理模块(IMM)手动安装Windows Server 2003操作系统。IBM服务器的IMM是其硬件管理功能的核心,它提供了远程监控、诊断和管理系统的能力,使得管理员可以无需物理...
### X3650操作系统内部登录IMM知识点详解 #### 一、背景介绍 X3650是一款高性能的企业级服务器,广泛应用于数据中心和企业环境中。为了方便管理和监控服务器的状态,X3650配备了一个集成管理模块(Integrated ...