
javaScript中URL编码转换,escape() encodeURI() encodeURIComponent

javaScript中URL编码转换,escape() encodeURI() encodeURIComponent

javaScript中URL编码转换,escape() encodeURI() encodeURIComponent

escape() 方法:
采用ISO Latin字符集对指定的字符串进行编码。所有的空格符、标点符号、特殊字符以及其他非ASCII字符都将被转化成%xx格式的字符编码(xx等于该字符在字符集表里面的编码的16进制数字)。比如,空格符对应的编码是%20。unescape方法与此相反。不会被此方法编码的字符: @ * / +

英文解释:MSDN JScript Reference: The escape method returns a string value (in Unicode format) that contains the contents of [the argument]. All spaces, punctuation, accented characters, and any other non-ASCII characters are replaced with %xx encoding, where xx is equivalent to the hexadecimal number representing the character. For example, a space is returned as "%20."
Edge Core Javascript Guide: The escape and unescape functions let you encode and decode strings. The escape function returns the hexadecimal encoding of an argument in the ISO Latin character set. The unescape function returns the ASCII string for the specified hexadecimal encoding value.

encodeURI() 方法:把URI字符串采用UTF-8编码格式转化成escape格式的字符串。不会被此方法编码的字符:! @ # $& * ( ) = : / ; ? + '

英文解释:MSDN JScript Reference: The encodeURI method returns an encoded URI. If you pass the result to decodeURI, the original string is returned. The encodeURI method does not encode the following characters: ":", "/", ";", and "?". Use encodeURIComponent to encode these characters. Edge Core Javascript Guide: Encodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, or three escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the character

encodeURIComponent() 方法:把URI字符串采用UTF-8编码格式转化成escape格式的字符串。与encodeURI()相比,这个方法将对更多的字符进行编码,比如 / 等字符。所以如果字符串里面包含了URI的几个部分的话,不能用这个方法来进行编码,否则 / 字符被编码之后URL将显示错误。不会被此方法编码的字符:! * ( )

英文解释:MSDN JScript Reference: The encodeURIComponent method returns an encoded URI. If you pass the result to decodeURIComponent, the original string is returned. Because the encodeURIComponent method encodes all characters, be careful if the string represents a path such as /folder1/folder2/default.html. The slash characters will be encoded and will not be valid if sent as a request to a web server. Use the encodeURI method if the string contains more than a single URI component. Mozilla Developer Core Javascript Guide: Encodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) component by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, or three escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the character.



英文注释:The escape() method does not encode the + character which is interpreted as a space on the server side as well as generated by forms with spaces in their fields. Due to this shortcoming, you should avoid use of escape() whenever possible. The best alternative is usually encodeURIComponent().Use of the encodeURI() method is a bit more specialized than escape() in that it encodes for URIs [REF] as opposed to the querystring, which is part of a URL. Use this method when you need to encode a string to be used for any resource that uses URIs and needs certain characters to remain un-encoded. Note that this method does not encode the ' character, as it is a valid character within URIs.Lastly, the encodeURIComponent() method should be used in most cases when encoding a single component of a URI. This method will encode certain chars that would normally be recognized as special chars for URIs so that many components may be included. Note that this method does not encode the ' character, as it is a valid character within URIs.



    - 使用`encodeURIComponent`,`query`参数会被编码为`javascript%20%E7%BC%96%E7%A0%81`,这里的空格被正确地转换为%20,适合在URL中使用。 在实际编程中,`encodeURIComponent`通常是最常用的,因为它能确保所有非...

    escape、encodeURI、encodeURIComponent 区别详解

    综上所述,尽管 `escape()`、`encodeURI()` 和 `encodeURIComponent()` 都是用来编码字符串的函数,但它们的应用场景和编码规则是不同的。选择合适的函数能够帮助我们在网络传输中确保数据的安全性和准确性。


    为了解决这一问题,JavaScript提供了几种不同的编码方法来处理URL中的特殊字符。本文将详细介绍`escape()`, `encodeURI()`, `encodeURIComponent()`这三个函数的功能、使用场景以及它们之间的区别。 #### 一、`...


    在JavaScript中,`escape()`, `encodeURI()`, 和 `encodeURIComponent()` 是三个常见的字符串编码函数,它们各自有独特的用途和特点。理解它们的区别对于编写健壮的JavaScript代码至关重要。 首先,`escape()` 函数...

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    escape、encodeURI 和 encodeURIComponent 的区别

    在JavaScript中,`escape()`, `encodeURI()`, 和 `encodeURIComponent()` 是三个常见的字符串编码函数,它们用于处理和转换字符串中的特殊字符。虽然它们都与字符串编码有关,但各自的作用和适用场景有所不同。 ...



    javascript 字符 Escape,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent



    在某些场景下,如编码URL中的参数,`encodeURIComponent`是最佳选择,因为它可以确保每个参数都安全地包含在URL中。 具体应用场景如下: 1. 如果你需要对一个与URL无关的普通字符串进行编码,`escape`是合适的选择...




    - **二次转码**:先使用`encodeURI()` 编码一次,再用`encodeURIComponent()` 编码一次,这样URL中的特殊字符都会被编码。在服务器端,使用`URLDecoder.decode(name, "UTF-8")` 进行解码。 2. **Java服务器端处理*...



    JavaScript encodeURI 和encodeURIComponent


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    2. encodeURI()是javascript中真正用来对URL编码的函数。编码整个URL地址,但对特殊含义的符号”;/?:@&=+$,#”,也不进行编码。对应的解码函数是decodeURI()。 3. encodeURIComponent()能编码”;/?:@&=+$,#”这些...

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