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jee6 学习笔记 4 - CRUD 2: View Details, Primefaces row selection -
jee6 学习笔记 4 - CRUD 2: View Details, Primefaces row selection
Exposing an EJB as web service is just a matter of a few annotations.
This example exposes an ejb as standard SOAP web services. It uses default JAX-WS 2.1.6, which is part of the JDK1.6 distribution now.
It has two approaches:
1. Define a service interface and apply the @WebService on the interface. All the public methods would be exposed as web services.
2. Apply the @WebService to the implementation class directly, without an service interface. If you don't want to expose a public method in the class, apply @WebMethod(exclude=true) to the method.
here's the ejb3.1 implementation class StudentDAOImp after the "find" method exposed as a web service:
Since web services are normally deployed as web applications, The wsdl url of the deployed web service has this pattern: http://server:port/context/service?wsdl
JBoss and Glassfish provide admin screens to display the wsdl url. In JBoss 6.1, the deployed web services can be found in this screen:
you can click the endpoint address links of the services to view its wsdl. The StudentDAOImp service has this url for its wsdl:
Here's the screen shot of JBoss web services screen:
This example exposes an ejb as standard SOAP web services. It uses default JAX-WS 2.1.6, which is part of the JDK1.6 distribution now.
It has two approaches:
1. Define a service interface and apply the @WebService on the interface. All the public methods would be exposed as web services.
2. Apply the @WebService to the implementation class directly, without an service interface. If you don't want to expose a public method in the class, apply @WebMethod(exclude=true) to the method.
here's the ejb3.1 implementation class StudentDAOImp after the "find" method exposed as a web service:
package com.jxee.ejb.student; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebParam; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.jxee.ejb.usr.UserDAOImp; import com.jxee.model.student.Student; /** * Rules of usage of @javax.jws.WebService * * If the @WebService annotation of an service implementation class references * a SEI(Service Endpoint Interface), the implementation class must not have * any @WebMethod annotations. * * All public methods for an SEI are considered exposed methods regardless of * whether the @WebMethod annotation is specified or not. * * It is incorrect to have an @WebMethod annotation on an SEI that contains the * exclude attribute. * * For an implementation class that does not reference an SEI, if the @WebMethod * annotation is specified with a value of exclude=true, that method is not exposed. * * If the @WebMethod annotation is not specified, all public methods are exposed * including the inherited methods, except for that inherited from java.lang.Object. */ @Stateless @WebService public class StudentDAOImp implements StudentDAO { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(UserDAOImp.class); @PersistenceContext(unitName="punit.projee6") private EntityManager em; @WebMethod public List<Student> find(@WebParam(name="name") String nameFilter, @WebParam(name="max") int max) { String pattern = nameFilter != null ? "%" + nameFilter + "%" : "%"; String sql = "select s from Student s where s.name like :pattern"; Query q = em.createQuery(sql); q.setParameter("pattern", pattern); q.setFirstResult(0); q.setMaxResults(max); return q.getResultList(); } @WebMethod(exclude=true) public void add(Student stu) { log.debug("adding new student: " + stu); if(stu.getId() != null) { // set null to avoid exception "org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist" stu.setId(null); } em.persist(stu); } @WebMethod(exclude=true) public void update(Student stu) { log.debug("updating student: " + stu); em.merge(stu); } @WebMethod(exclude=true) public void delete(Student stu) { Student todel = em.find(Student.class, stu.getId()); log.debug("student loaded to delete: " + todel); em.remove(todel); } }
Since web services are normally deployed as web applications, The wsdl url of the deployed web service has this pattern: http://server:port/context/service?wsdl
JBoss and Glassfish provide admin screens to display the wsdl url. In JBoss 6.1, the deployed web services can be found in this screen:
you can click the endpoint address links of the services to view its wsdl. The StudentDAOImp service has this url for its wsdl:
Here's the screen shot of JBoss web services screen:

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